User:Alex Cardona

I played fighting games since I was 5 my best friend Sam got me into it he was 7 or 8. he showed me the ropes, Sam was a excellent player. So I have 15 years of experience on my belt so I know what I'm talking about most of the time, But I'm open to suggestion. Now I'm a 20 year old man who enjoy's writing player manuals for Fightings games, it's a hobby. I started writing them recently, I guess it was around the beginning of the summer vacation; just too keep my mind busy during work and to pervent thinking about my recent troubles.

I've been contemplating on if I should share these notes to the rest of the beat'em up community and I decided why not. If it helps some young rookie out with something difficult then thays great after all I guess thats I created these note anyway. A word of warning though my notes are a bit different then your average notes I created mine to have simplistic detail that easy to read and understand so give a chance.