The King of Fighters: Dream Match 1999

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The King of Fighters '98: The SlugfestKOF98Logo.png

King of Fighters: Dream Match 1999

Due to the Sega Saturn's decline in Japan along his null existence in America and Europe, Sega agreed with SNK to make a arranged soundtrack and 2.5D stage rendered version of the game, it have the same thins of AES consoles along with connections with Neo Geo Pocket Color to unlock King of Fighters R2 bonus content


  • Play as the Orochi Unleashed Team - Highlight any members of the Orochi team (Yashiro, Chris, Shermie) and hold Start.
  • Play as the EX Characters - Highlight any of the characters listed as having EX versions and hold Start.
  • Play as Omega Rugal - Highlight Rugal and hold Start.