Tekken 3/Gun Jack/Introduction

From SuperCombo Wiki


After Jack-2 was destroyed, Jane, whom Jack-2 rescued as a child, worked diligently over a decade to rebuild him. At 90% completion, Jane was unable to find the original's gentle nature in the restored model. Tracing Jack-2's programming to Mishima Industries, she discovered their secret program: "Project Gun Jack"...

Gun Jack is a defensive powerhouse character defined by his rangey, high-damage pokes. He excels most when he has distance to work with for whiff punishes and threatening strong, safe mids and Debugger. Conscientious play and a sound awareness of frame data are required to keep this machine chugging along.

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Range: Large size and long arms grant Gun Jack fantastic range on many of his moves, including his jabs and his launching df+2.
  • Lows: Gun Jack boasts several useful low moves, such as db+1 and Debugger.
  • Throws: Gun Jack has a wide variety of command throws, several with high damage and high-damage followups to boot.
  • Big: Unfortunately, being a large character in Tekken 3 makes Gunjack vulnerable to combos and OTGs that don't apply to smaller characters.
  • Turtle: Gun Jack is most comfortable at a mid-range and will be on his back foot against close-ranged pressure.
  • Execution: Using Gun Jack to his full potential requires mastering his difficult just-frame Megaton Uppercut.