Super Street Fighter IV/Blanka

From SuperCombo Wiki
Super Street Fighter IVSSFIVLogo.png


SSFIV-Blanka Face.jpg

Stranded in the Brazilian rain forests when his plane went down, Jimmy was forced to survive alone in the jungles and that's how he became the beast known as Blanka. After finally deciding to see the world, he entered in the Street Fighting tournament and was thus reunited with his mother. He also managed to meet and befriend Dan Hibiki and, despite Blanka being the one who saved Dan's life, now Dan treats Blanka as his #1 pupil. Blanka doesn't mind as he feels happy to finally have a close friend in Dan.

In a nutshell

Blanka's gameplay definitely matches his exterior: it is oftentimes wild and unpredictable. Many Blanka players go for mix-ups and shenanigans using his myriad of ways to continually switch sides on the opponent, while other Blankas will play extremely defensive and try to time you out as often as possible. Definitely a character where your personality can come through, using Blanka means keeping your opponent on their toes all the time.


Unique Attacks

Rock Crusher
(near opponent) F.png or B.png + Mp.png
Rock Crusher Overhead
(near opponent) F.png or B.png + Mp.png (hold down button)
Amazon River Run
Df.png + Hp.png
Coward Crouch
D.png + 3p.png
Continue holding D.png to crouch longer


Wild Fang
F.png or N.png + Lp.png + Lk.png
Jungle Wheel
B.png + Lp.png + Lk.png

Special Moves

Rolling Attack
B.png (charge) F.png + P.png
Ex.png Armorbreak.png
Backstep Ball
B.png (charge) F.png + K.png
Ex.png version can be controlled with B.png or F.png ; Ex.png
Vertical Roll
D.png (charge) U.png + K.png
Electric Thunder
press P.png repeatedly
Requires 5 punch button presses; Ex.png
Surprise Forward
F.png + 3k.png
Can pass through opponent; Cannot be used as a Reversal
Surprise Back
B.png + 3k.png
Cannot be used as a Reversal

Super Combo

Ground Shave Roll
B.png (charge) F.png B.png F.png + P.png
Hold P.png to change timing of dash

Ultra Combos

Lightning Cannonball
B.png (charge) F.png B.png F.png + 3p.png
Hold 3p.png to change timing of dash
Shout of Earth (anti-air)
Db.png (charge) Df.png Db.png U.png + 3p.png
If first hit misses, hold 3p.png to delay final hit
Should of Earth (anti-ground)
Db.png (charge) Df.png Db.png U.png + 3k.png

Frame Data

Move Values Frame Count Frame Advantage
Move Name Block (HL) Damage Stun Super Meter Gain Cancel Ability Startup Active Recovery On Guard On Hit Block Stun Hit Stun Notes
Standing Close Attacks
Jab.gif HL 30 50 20 sp/su 4 2 10 -1 +2 10 13
Strong.gif HL 80 100 40 su 6 2 10 +2 +5 13 16
Fierce.gif HL 110[90] 200[150] 60 su 7 4 22 -7 -1 - - Forces stand
Short.gif HL 40 50 20 sp/su 4 3 10 -2 +1 10 13
Forward.gif HL 40*40 50*50 40*20 su 5 2(3)2 12 0 +3 13 16 1st hit cancellable
Roundhouse.gif HL 100[80] 200[150] 60 su 7 6 19 -6 -1 - -
Standing Far Attacks
Jab.gif HL 30 50 20 sp/su 3 2 9 0 +3 10 13
Strong.gif HL 80 100 40 - 7 4 9 +1 +4 13 16
Fierce.gif HL 120 200 60 su 7 6 20 -5 -2 - -
Short.gif HL 30 50 20 su 5 2 12 -3 0 10 13
Forward.gif HL 90 100 40 - 5 2 19 -7 -2 13 16
Roundhouse.gif HL 100[80] 200[150] 60 sp/su 3 6 23 -8 -5 - -
Crouching Attacks
Jab.gif HL 30 50 20 su 4 2 9 0 +3 10 13
Strong.gif HL 90 100 40 su 7 4 15 -5 -2 13 16
Fierce.gif HL 100 200 60 sp/su 8 4 25 -10 -4 - -
Short.gif L 30 50 20 sp/su 4 3 7 +1 +4 10 13
Forward.gif L 70 100 40 su 5 2 11 +1 +4 13 16 Low attack
Roundhouse.gif L 90 150 60 - 6 5 21 -7 - - - cannot fast recover, opponent gets up 48F after recovery if hit on first active frame
Straight Up Jump Attacks
Jab.gif H 40 50 20 - 5 7 - - - - -
Strong.gif H 70 100 40 - 6 3 - - - - -
Fierce.gif H 120 200 60 - 4 3 - - - - -
Short.gif H 40 50 20 - 4 3 - - - - -
Forward.gif H 60 100 40 - 5 5 - - - - -
Roundhouse.gif H 120 200 60 - 7 7 - - - - -
Angled Jump Attacks
Jab.gif H 40 50 20 - 5 7 - - - - -
Strong.gif H 70 100 40 - 6 5 - - - - -
Fierce.gif H 90 200 60 - 5 4 - - - - -
Short.gif H 40 50 20 - 5 5 - - - - -
Forward.gif H 60 100 40 - 5 5 - - - - -
Roundhouse.gif H 110 200 60 - 7 6 - - - - -
Unique Attacks
Left.gif or Right.gif + Strong.gif(close) HL 50*40 50*50 40*20 sp/su 7 2(1)5 12 -3 +2 13 18 1st hit cancellable
Overhead H 50*40 50*50 40*20 - 25 2(1)4 12 -2 +3 13 18 Mid attack
Downright.gif + Fierce.gif L 100 200 60 - 10 19 16 -14 - - - cannot fast recover
Right.gif + KKK - - - - - - - 22 - - - -
Left.gif + KKK - - - - - - - 29 - - - -
Down.gif + PPP - - - - sp/su - - 53 - - - -
Down.gif + PPP (???) - - sp/su - - 90 - -
Focus Attacks
Focus Attack LVL 1 HL 60 100 20 - 20 2 38 -24 -24 - -
Focus attack LVL 2 HL 90 150 40 - 17+11 2 38 -18 - - -
Focus attack LVL 3 - 150 200 60 - 63 2 39 - - - -
Forward Throw 0.9 130 140 40 - 3 2 20 - - - - Hard Knockdown / Opponent gets up 81F after Throw.png recovers
Back Throw.png 0.9 120 120 40 - 3 2 20 - - - -
Special Moves
Rolling Attack Jab.gif HL 100 100 30/30 su 6 18 4+2 -24 -15 - - Armor break, charge 55f
Rolling Attack Strong.gif HL 110 150 30/30 su 6 33 4+2 -24 -15 - - Armor break, charge 55f
Rolling Attack Fierce.gif HL 120 200 30/30 su 6 33 4+3 -24 -15 - - Armor break, charge 55f
Rolling Attack EX.gif HL 110 150 -250/0 su 6 33 4+3 -24 -15 - - Armor break, charge 55f
Backstep Rolling Short.gif HL 110 200 30/40 - 28 25 6 - - - - charge 55f
Backstep Rolling Forward.gif HL 120 200 30/40 - 28 29 6 - - - - charge 55f
Backstep Rolling Roundhouse.gif HL 130 200 30/40 - 28 33 6 - - - - charge 55f
Backstep Rolling EX.gif HL 120 200 -250/0 - 28 33 6 - - - - 1~22f invincible, 23~27f cannot be thrown, charge 55f
Anti Air Rolling Short.gif HL 100 200 30/30 - 4 18 40+5 -21 -17 - - charge 55f
Anti Air Rolling Forward.gif HL 110 200 30/30 - 4 15 42+10 -21 -17 - - charge 55f
Anti Air Rolling Roundhouse.gif HL 120 200 30/30 - 4 12 46+4 -21 -17 - - charge 55f
Anti Air Rolling EX.gif HL 120 200 -250/0 - 4 18 47+10 -21 -17 - - 1~5f invincible, charge 55f
Electricity Jab.gif HL 120 200 20/20 su 5 4x4 9 +5 - - -
Electricity Strong.gif HL 130 200 20/20 su 7 2x8 9 +8 - - -
Electricity Fierce.gif HL 140 200 20/20 su 10 1x16*2 9 +10 - - -
Electricity EX.gif HL 150 200 -250/0 su 10 1x16*2 11 +8 - - -
Super Combo
Super Combo Jab.gif HL 100x5 0 -1000/0 - 1+4 16*1x14 12 -34 - - - 1~5f invincible, Pursuit property, charge 55f
Super Combo Strong.gif HL 100x5 0 -1000/0 - 1+4 22*1x14 12 -34 - - - 1~5f invincible, Pursuit property, charge 55f
Super Combo Fierce.gif HL 100x5 0 -1000/0 - 1+4 22*1x14 19 -34 - - - 1~5f invincible, Pursuit property, charge 55f
Ultra Combos
Ultra Combo 1 L*H*H*HLx4 0*100x5 0 0/0 - 1+3 2(20)26*1x20 17 -41 - - - 1~27f invincible, Pursuit property, charge 55f
Ultra Combo 2 KKK 120x2*90x3 0 0/0 - 1+11 2(7)2(33)90 31 -57 - - - 1~10f invincible
Ultra Combo 2 PPP 30*195[470] 0 0/0 - 1+6 55(10)6 80 - - - - 1-6f invincible
Move Name Block (HL) Damage Stun Super Meter Gain Cancel Ability Startup Active Recovery On Guard On Hit Block Stun Hit Stun Notes
Move Values Frame Count Frame Advantage
  • Hard knockdown times can be variable character to character due to non universal wake up times.
    • With F.throw Juri/Ibuki/Makoto/Rufus/Bison/Fuerte/Ken/Ryu get up one frame faster than the cast standard(80 frames), Cammy and Sagat get up 1 frame slower(82 frames), Blanka gets up 2 frames slower(83 frames), and Adon gets up 6 or 7 frames faster(74 or 73 frames).
    • With crouching HK Sagat and Cammy get up 1 frame slower(49 frames), Blanka gets up 2 frames slow(50 frames), and Adon gets up 6 or 7 frames faster(41 or 42 frames).

Move Analysis

Normal Moves


Unique Attacks


Normal Throws


Focus Attack


Special Moves


Super Combos


Ultra Combos


The Basics

Blanka is often categorized as a gimmick character or a turtle character, however that really isn't the case. He does have solid defensive options and a wide variety of unsafe gimmicks, but they are only part of the equation. In actuality Blanka is a footsie character who has a balanced array of offensive and defensive options.


  • Very fast jump with a great attacking arc
  • Great anti-fireball game with slide, coward's crouch, ex horizontal ball, and U2
  • Great anti-air options
  • Good footsie normals
  • Lots of + frames on blocked electricity
  • 4 frame U1 which allows for meter free combos to ultra and the ability to punish heavily
  • Builds meter well
  • Extremely mobile
  • Lots of ambiguous mixups and gimmicks
  • Fast focus attack
  • Unblockables


  • Slightly below average stun
  • Low damage output without a jump in, ultra, or super which hurts his comeback potential
  • Horiztonal and vertical balls are very punishable on both hit and block
  • Reversals can easily be option selected against
  • Very vulnerable to divekick pressure
  • Hard to break opponents defenses safely
  • Must use EX meter for invincible reversal


Stamina(Health) – 1000 Stun – 950

Advanced Strategy

Option Selects

  • Safe Jumps:

It is very easy to time a safejump with Blanka off of his f.throw because of the number of available timing mechanisms available.

After f.throw: f.dash, f.hop, vs. 4 frame reversals) and mp ball, against 5 frame reversals) should be your primary options if you are attempting to safejump. Against Juri/Ibuki/Makoto/Rufus/Bison/Fuerte who wake up a frame early, you can substitute the hop for another dash, or simply do f.throw, jump(land), for a frame perfect safejump. is not as good for safejumps because you do not have frame perfect setups, you generally have to time it manually. b.throw is less damaging than f.throw, and better used for ambiguous setups and unblockables.

Combining safejumps with additional option selects is important.

1) After a hard knockdown jump in with a safe-jump hk, and press df+hp after. Immediately continue to a jump in combo. This option select is good vs. characters with poor wakeup, if they backdash the df.hp slide will come out catching them. If the jump in hits your combo should start as normal. If blocked you should be at frame advantage because of or a normal canceled into elec, and can continue your offense from here. Due to the distance df.hp covers, and the amount of frames it stays active, it will hit more than just backdashes. This includes some teleports and Vega's backflips


  • Back Throw:

Blanka's most only practical unblockable works off of his backthrow. The setup is fairly simple. Backthrow, f.dash,

It works against the following characters -


El Fuerte




Bread and Butters

  • N/A

Hit Confirm Combos

  • N/A

Dizzy / Focus Crumple Combos

  • N/A

FADC Combos

  • N/A

Advanced Combos

  • N/A

Combos Into Supers

  • N/A

Combos Into Ultras

  • N/A


  • Vs. Abel

To Be Written (TBW)

  • Vs. Adon


  • Vs. Akuma


  • Vs. Balrog


  • Vs. Blanka


  • Vs. C. Viper


  • Vs. Cammy


  • Vs. Chun Li


  • Vs. Cody


  • Vs. Dan


  • Vs. Dee Jay


  • Vs. Dhalsim


  • Vs. Dudley


  • Vs. E. Honda


  • Vs. El Fuerte


  • Vs. Fei Long


  • Vs. Gen


  • Vs. Gouken


  • Vs. Guile


  • Vs. Guy


  • Vs. Hakan


  • Vs. Ibuki


  • Vs. Juri


  • Vs. Ken


  • Vs. M. Bison


  • Vs. Makoto


  • Vs. Rose


  • Vs. Rufus


  • Vs. Ryu


  • Vs. Sagat


  • Vs. Sakura


  • Vs. Seth


  • Vs. T. Hawk


  • Vs. Vega


  • Vs. Zangief