SuperCombo Wiki:Roadmap/Garou

From SuperCombo Wiki


70% complete

In Progress / Completed To-Do / Wish List


  • Landing page cleaned up
  • Navbox created
  • General wiki organization
    • All JPN wiki game system info added.
  • Basic System page organization and info decided.
  • All character pages organization reformatted following Tizoc page's example.
    • Added all remaining frame data from JPN wiki.
  • Tizoc's page, Gato's page (mostly complete)


  • Adding more info or clarifying existing info.
  • Correcting mistakes and errors.
  • Other TBD


  • Redo hitbox images, perhaps all of them (currently they may not be as good as we want).
    • Moves might need more frame-by-frame images.
    • They might also be turned into gif animations for the moves that need the extra frames.
  • Update all character pages with more info in general.
    • Fill missing move descriptions and modify existing ones.
    • Fill combo, strategy, and matchup pages.

Wish List:

  • Create a Glossary page maybe.
  • Add more to the FAQ.
  • Add more to Garou Meta Strategy page.
  • HUD page might include Practice Mode HUD explanation.