Street Fighter X Tekken/Ken/Introduction

From SuperCombo Wiki


Ideal Team Position: Point

While lacking the consistent damage of Ryu and the lockdown ability of Akuma, Ken’s superior buttons and generous frame advantages make him a force to be reckoned long as you have a partner that can cover up his weaknesses. Although he has a Hadoken of his own, he recovers slower from its execution than Ryu and Akuma, which makes it difficult to use at mid-range where the opponent could react to it with enough time to punish Ken before he can recover. Instead, his mid-range is focused on using his excellent movement options to close in on the opponent where he can pressure them with his buttons or close in for a throw. To make up for his negligible solo damage, Ken has numerous ways he can safely tag in his partner who could deal the damage in his stead, which along with his footsie options, movement, and reset capabilities with his partner tagging in from a tag canceled HK or EX Tatsu make him an ideal point character.

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Several of his normal attacks either reach far, are safe on block, or both, allowing him to excel at playing footsies
  • MP, HP, and EX Shoryukens can be easily tag canceled on block to allow the partner to come in and apply pressure with minimal risk
  • Able to hitconfirm into HP Shoryuken allowing for “juggle reset” combos
  • Tatsumaki Senpukyaku has long hitstun for easy standing tag combos and reset opportunities
  • far HK, one of his farthest-reaching normals, causes crumple stun on counter hit, giving him the opportunity for a full juggle
  • f+mk, his step kick, is only -2 on block which allows him to easily get in range to play footsies at his optimal range
  • Kara Throw (cl.MK) allows him to throw opponents at ranges that would otherwise be inaccessible to him
  • His most dangerous throw requires him to be in neutral, preventing him from utilizing it while walking forward
  • Both overheads are unsafe on block, necessitating him to space them.
  • Has difficulty opening the opponent up without a counter hit stored and lacks setups for charging counter hit
  • Has trouble fighting out of life deficits due to low damage output and lack of tools to pressure opponents into making mistakes
  • Fireball recovers slower than other fireball characters