Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike/Oro/Introduction

From SuperCombo Wiki


Oro is an ancient old man who has spent so much time mastering martial arts that it has made him immortal, or something. He fights with one arm bound to make his fights more fair for his opponents.

Oro is a highly mobile character with unique movement options and strong grounded pokes. He wants to use his pokes and mobility to maintain distance and frustrate the opponent while building meter. With meter, Oro looks for opportunities to land close MP and activate super to end the round.

While Oro is generally not a very high execution character, his most important combo (the chicken loop) requires different timings against many characters.

Pros and Cons

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Powerful supers: Once Oro has meter, he can threaten to immediately end the round with a single close MP leading to Yagyou unblockable loops or very high damage Tengu juggles.
  • Strong grounded pokes: Oro's ground normals range from sufficient to dominating against much of the cast. Standing HK in particular is quite fast and deals massive stun.
  • Mobility and unique movement: Oro's dashes are very fast and cover a lot of distance. His forward dash shrinks his vertical hurt box, so it can dodge under many moves with high hit boxes. Oro is the only character with a double jump. These movement options are key to playing his strong keepaway game and frustrating the opponent.
  • Short and weird: Oro has some very special hurt boxes that can cause standard combos to drop, forcing opponents to do lower damage variations, or go for difficult extensions.
  • Slow normal recovery: Many of Oro's important pokes have long recovery, making them whiff punish bait against attentive opponents. Notably, far MK and standing HK are negative enough that some characters can super punish him on hit.
  • Whiff punishes and hit confirms: While Oro's grounded normal moves are generally quite good, he does not convert random hits into damage very well unless he lands close MP.
  • No forward throw: Both of Oro's throws are back throws. This means Oro cannot use the throw part of strike/throw mixup without giving up the corner.

Super Arts

Each of Oro's supers has an EX version, activated by pushing two punch buttons when you activate the super.

SA1: Kishin Riki

Kishin Riki is Oro's weakest super. It has limited combo potential, and doesn't deal enough damage given the amount of bar and limited EX usage.

  • Basic: An install super that replaces Oro's punches (including jumping attacks) with a command grab. While that is very funny, it doesn't do enough damage, Oro can't combo into it without a launch, and because it replaces all punches, combo potential is severely limited once it has been activated. The meter counts down during the attack animation, limiting Oro to at most 3 successful attacks.
  • EX: A grounded command grab that the opponent can jump out of after the super flash. Oro can combo into this super after hitting the opponent with crouch fierce. Deals better damage than the basic version, but the long startup limits its effectiveness, and it doesn't have the round-ending potential of his other supers.

SA2: Yagyou Dama

Unblockable loops. This is Oro's only super with multiple stocks, so it gives him the most versatility with his rather good EX moves.

  • Basic: You'll use this the most. Against most of the cast, Oro can confirm a close MP or chicken loop into this super, then dash/jump to the other side of the opponent for an unblockable, and repeat. Setups vary across the entire cast.
  • EX: Oro flies into the air and uses all three stocks to throw a huge DBZ energy ball at the opponent. Actually deals a lot of damage if you somehow hit it raw. Generally the damage is not worth it compared to continuing a loop or going for a corner reset, but you do get a cool win pose if the opponent dies to this.

SA3: Tengu Stones

A very good install super that makes up for the lack of EX meter with the ability do extremely damaging combos, situational unblockables, or pressure the opponent with chip damage, depending on the situation. The rocks have strange hit/hurt box interactions, which can cause awkward situations that will usually be in Oro's favor.

  • Basic: Oro summons 3 rocks. The timer counts down slowly and the basic version has limited juggle potential, so this is typically preferred for pressure situations.
  • EX: Oro summons 5 rocks, and the timer counts down quickly. When the rocks hit, they reset the juggle counter. This is the one you want to activate for big, round-ending combos and 100% stun resets.