Rabbit/Tian Ren/Introduction

From SuperCombo Wiki

Tian-Ren has a strong competitive spirit, but loathes crooked things. A mixed-blooded child born from an English father and Chinese mother. Has inherited the "Shirataka Ken" (Fist of the Shirataka) from his mother, and the "Fu-jutsu" (talisman/charms arts) from his mother`s grandfather.

Rabbit Tian-Ren Idle.gif
Rabbit Tian-Ren Name.png
Pros Cons
  • Strong mobility and access overwhelming pressure and mixups when in beast mode due to airdashes and flight
  • Fast ground movement when not in beast mode
  • Access to a variety of stalling and time-out options in beast mode with a grounded and air fireball and flight
  • Versatile play-style with a tool for most situations.
  • Somewhat stubby normals