Pokken Tournament DX/Machamp/Introduction

From SuperCombo Wiki


Machamp is the quintessence of a powerhouse character. He is capable of bringing down even the toughest opponents in a matter of seconds while sporting the highest amount of health in the game. Making him great at both dealing and taking damage. Seconded by stellar framedata and long reaching arms, Machamp can use his faster but less damaging light attacks up-close to lock down the enemy and force them against the wall while keeping the frame advantage. Once at the wall, even just one well placed attack can lead to upwards of 50% or 60% of the opponent's HP with any combo ending with his dreaded and feared Close Combat.

If that wasn't enough, Machamp can punish an opponent who relies too much on blocking with his air throw and Submission. Both can keep rack up damage pretty quickly without the momentum loss caused from a Phase Shift. You are not forced to rely on throws to punish a blocking opponent, as Machamp is one of the few characters who can break shields on a regular basis. Thanks to his Phoenix Smasher, Dropkick and Cross Chop.

But, as with many other close range brawlers, Machamp suffers greatly against opponents who can put distance between the two, forcing a stalemate where you might have to block and wait patiently for a chance to go in. Also many of his attacks are so simple that a well prepared enemy might know how to counter them.

But you, as a Machamp player, should embrace the risk and reward system that comes with such a straightforward character.

Get ready to get your hands dirty!