Ash Crimson (KOF:XI)

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Body Tosses

Brumaire - Near opponent, press back or forward + C or D

Unique Moves

Messidor - Press forward + A

Floreal - Press back + B

Prairial - Press back + D

Special Moves

Ventose - Briefly hold back, press forward + A or C

Nivose - Briefly hold down, press up + B or D (SC)

Vendemiaire - Near opponent, hcf + C (SC)

Super Desperation Moves

Thermidor - qcfx2 + A or C

Pluviose - qcfx2 + B or D (DC)

Leader Desperation Moves

Sans-Culottes - Press A, B, C, D

Germinal - During Sans-Culottes, qcfx2 + E


  • Jumping deep D, crouching Ax2, Nivose (B)
  • Crouching B, link crouching Ax2, Nivose (B)
  • Anti-air crouching C (counter hit), Nivose (D)
  • Jumping deep D, crouching Ax2, Pluvoise
  • Crouching B, link crouching Ax2, Pluvoise
  • Vendemiaire, juggle with Nivose (D) or jump up E
  • Jumping deep D, crouching Ax2, Germinal
  • Crouching B, link crouching Ax2, Germinal
  • Jumping deep D, crouching Ax2, Nivose (B), SC, Pluvoise
  • Crouching B, link crouching Ax2, Nivose (B), SC, Pluvoise
  • Vendemiaire, SC, Thermidor, run in after it until you reach the corner, juggle with Nivose (D) or jump up E
  • Jumping deep D, crouching Ax2, Nivose (B), SC, Germinal
  • Crouching B, link crouching Ax2, Nivose (B), SC, Germinal
  • Jumping deep D, crouching Ax2, Nivose (B), SC, Pluvoise, DC, Germinal
  • Crouching B, link crouching Ax2, Nivose (B), SC, Pluvoise, DC, Germinal
  • Mid-screen, Vendemiaire, SC, Sans-Culotte, juggle Nivose (B) (1 hit), Ventose (A) and juggle with Germinal
  • When the opponent is in the corner, Vendemiaire, SC, Sans-culotte, juggle with a Nivose (B), juggle with another Nivose (B), juggle with Prairial, Nivose (B), juggle with another Nivose (B), juggle with another Nivose (B), juggle with another Nivose (B), juggle with another Nivose (B), Prairial, Ventose (A), juggle with another Ventose (A), finally juggle with a late Germinal
  • When the opponent is in the corner, activate Sans-culotte, walk-up, Nivose (B) (1 hit), Messidor, repeat this combo up to 20 times, Floreal, Ventose (A), Pluviose
  • Watch it here

Differences from King of Fighters 2003

  • New animation on his standing close B, which hits low now.
  • His normals are easier to verify into combos. Doesn't have such a tight window to cancel.
  • Standing close A, crouching A, crouching B are all faster and chain into each other easier. Can no longer cancel crouching B.
  • Messidor can no longer cancel into super desperation moves.
  • Floreal comes out slower and has a longer recovery window. Also, you can no longer link Pluviose after it hits. Can not combo off of light attacks anymore.
  • Prairial has more range.
  • Ventose travels slower (either strength). In addition, it whiffs and goes through an cornered opponent at point-blank range (either strength). The Ventose (C) will not out prioritize other projectiles. Instead, both projectiles will negate each other.
  • Nivose's (either strength) range has been reduced slighlty. It travels about half a step less.
  • Vendemiaire has less range and a new whiff animation similiar to that of the Messidor. Do to the new whiff animation, the move will hit or not hit. Unlike before when a hit or 2 might whiff. Plus, you can no longer combo into the Vendemiaire. The recovery on the Vendemiaire has also been reduced. It is now easier to juggle afterwards.
  • Thermidor no longer has invincibility frames on start-up. Has a smaller hit-box and won't hit opponents behind you. On a good note, the Thermidor travels faster and if it hits an airborne opponent it will keep juggling them until the Thermidor finishes. On the plus side, you can throw a Ventose out when the Thermidor is on screen. Before you can only do this during Sans-Culottes. Now during Sans-Culottes, if you excecute a Thermidor than you will automatically leave his leader state.
  • If Ash is hit before he starts to glow from Sans-Culottes, then he will not go into the Sans-Culottes state. With that said, the Sans-Culottes does not have invincibility on start-up. The state doesn't last as long anymore. If Ash executes the Germinal, he will automatically leave the Sans-Culottes state. Also when Sans-Culottes hits an opponent, then they will enter a juggle state. However, Sans-Culottes has slightly more range and can be 2-in-1'ed now.
  • New Leader Desperation Move, the Germinal. Ash can only execute this move when he is still in his Sans-Culottes state. Ash will charge up his green flames and dash across the other side of the screen in a trail of green flames. He will leave his opponent burned in his green flames. This move will seal the opponent. Meaning they cannot execute command attacks, special moves, super desperation moves and leader desperation moves. On another note, if this move hits a cornered opponent at close range, both you and the opponent will be reset and repositioned to the center of the screen.

Mix-Up's, Poke Strings and Throw Set-Up's

Jumping deep A (blocked)

  • Vendemiaire
  • Brumaire
  • Crouching B, link crouching A, Nivose (B) or Pluviose
  • Crouching B (blocked), crouching A (blocked) and then continue with any of the Jumping D (blocked) mix-up's

Jumping C (whiffed)

  • Vendemiaire
  • Brumaire
  • Pause, Pluviose
  • Crouching B, link crouching A, Nivose (B) or Pluviose
  • Crouching B (blocked), crouching A (blocked) and then continue with any of the Jumping D (blocked) mix-up's

Jumping deep D (blocked)

  • crouching A (blocked), Ventose (A) (blocked), run-in crouching D
  • crouching A (blocked), Ventose (A) (blocked), run-in standing C (corner only)
  • crouching A (blocked), Ventose (A) (blocked), run-in Floreal, pause and counter with Pluviose
  • crouching A (blocked), Ventose (A) (blocked), run-in crouching B (hit), link crouching A, Nivose (B) or Pluviose
  • crouching A (blocked), Ventose (A) (blocked), run-in crouching B (blocked), link crouching A (blocked), run-in crouching D
  • crouching A (blocked), pause and counter with Nivose (B) or Pluviose
  • Short-jump forward D (blocked) crouching A (blocked) and then continue with any of Jumping D (blocked) mix-up's of your choice
  • Empty Short jump forward, Vendemiaire
  • Empty Short jump forward, Brumaire
  • Empty shorty jump forward, pause and counter with Nivose (B) or Pluviose

Max Range Ventose (A) Pressure

  • The above mix-up's patterns can be used here except you must substitue the jumping attacks with super jump attacks.
  • Super jump forward B to catch an opponent trying to jump over the Ventose
  • Run-in early Nivose (D) to catch an opponent trying to jump over the Ventose
  • Super jump forward E (counter hit), Nivose (B) to catch an opponent trying to jump over the Ventose
  • Run-in crouching C (counter hit), Nivose (B) to catch an opponent trying to jump over the Ventose

NOTE: If you fear that your opponent will ever counter your poke strings, then cancel the crouching A (blocked) into Prairial

Team Placement and Leader Recommendations

Ash should most likely be placed as your first character. Ash works as a great battery. And with his solid combos, pokes & mix-up's he doesn't intentionally need bar. Use alot of his Ventose pressure strings to build some bar. Another good option is Standing E (kara-cancel), Ventose (A) from max range to build bar. Try to leave the second slot open for a leader with not only a good leader but who can also get good usage of their supers, like Kula, Adelheid or Oswald. Kula & Oswald works well of a Vendemiaire, quick shit to LDM juggle. Ash can also be placed in perhaps the 3rd slot if you have max gauge. Between pressure with Thermidors and Pluviose combos, Ash can very well end the match in the end. It's just that people with more reliable super cancels, supers, LDM's and Dream Cancels should be the reason not to make Ash the leader and to make him more of a battery character. In addition, do not use Ash's LDM. Sure 0 charge times are fun. He also has his juggle combos but the thought of really pulling it off in a match is quite far fetched. Yes, he does have a 100% Damage combo with it, but it has no good set-up's. And placing him as leader will whore out your gauge real quick like, since the Germinal requires 1 stock. The Sans-Culottes is only good off a super-canceled Vendemiaire in the corner or in quick shift corner juggles. Of course the Germinal is nice to have since it seals all commands moves. Which can be espcially good for everyone's favorite team - Kula/Gato/Oswald. But the damage is poor, the timing is strict to combo it off of light attacks. And it has a tendency to whiff on some attacks. Though it does lead to a free cross-up game and good in footsies which is a plus. But also having to do Sans-Culottes to execute the Germinal also dimishes this move's usefulness slightly. In the end, Ash's LDM is all show and nothing more but a gimmick. You are better off sticking to someone that can verifed a LDM without consuimg bar for a super-cancel or dream-cancel that does big damage.