Cyberbots: Fullmetal Madness

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Cyberbots: Full Metal Madness is an arcade game produced by Capcom in 1994 where the pilots fight each other using mechs. The mecha in this game are a mix of the mecha parts used in the scrolling fighter Armored Warriors. It was ported to the Sega Saturn and the Sony PlayStation. In the game the player first chooses the pilot and then a Variant Armor (VA for short) they'll use to fight. The mecha determine the mechanics of the game, but the pilot is what determines the storyline the player will see. Near the end of the 21st century Earth begins to become over populated leading to many people living in man made space colonies. The primary army of Earth, "Earth Force", has been conducting experiments and their work, along with the actions of the playable characters will determine the future of Earth.

General Button Configuartion:
(A1) (A2) ( B )
( W )


A1 = LA = Light Attack A2 = HA= Heavy Attack B = Boost W = WE = Weapon b = Back f = Forward bb = Backstp ff = Dash/Hop Forward (consumes some boost) u = Up d = Down db = Diagonal Down-Back (Defensive Crouch) df = Diagonal Down-Forward (Offensive Crouch) ub = Diagonal Up-Back (Backward Jump) uf = Diagonal Up-Forward (Forward Jump) dp = Dragon Punch Motion (f, qcf) rdp = Reverse Dragon Punch Motion (b, qcb) qcf = Quarter Circle (d to) Forward qcb = Quarter Circle (d to) Back qcfd = Quarter Circle (forward to) Down hcf = Half Circle (f to) Forward hcb = Half Circle (f to) Back


  • Jin Saotome

Gender: Male Age: 21 Jin's father (Ken Saotome) belonged to a unit that was killed in an accident one year before the start of Cyberbots. To honor his memory he seeks to become the best VA pilot alive and wants to prove his worth through the VA battle circuit. He begins to question his father's death after meeting Shade for the first time. Jin's mood goes from calm to rage within seconds but he remains a good guy. He is also friends with Gawaine Murdock. Jin has guest appearances in the Marvel vs Capcom series and Tech Romancer as a playable character.

  • Santana Laurence

Gender: Male Age: 26 Santana is a self centered loner who makes a living scrounging up parts for VA's and sometimes working as a mercenary. In the past he was the leader of the proud Mars Revolution. Santana knows Shade and Gawaine. He's likely just an old friend of Gawaine, but he fought Shade on Mars during the revolution. He's also a bit of a narcissist and a womanizer.

  • Mary Miyabi

Gender: Female Age: 26 She is the only female Captain of the Earth Forces . When a prisoner escapes she is sent to retrieve him/her and bring them back immediately. While pursuing the prisoner she finds out more about the dealings of Earth Force and turns against them after meeting Arieta, Bao and Mao. She was trained by retired solider, Gawaine Murdock. Aside for a softside for children she is the prototypical soldier.

  • Gawaine Murdock

Gender: Male Age: 64 Gawaine was a captain of Earth Force who retired at age 63 after the deaths of his men in a training accident. He lives in seclusion from everyone while trying to live out his final days in peace and quiet. He returns after Earth Force begins making trouble. He was Mary's captain when she was still lieutenant, a close friend of the Saotome family and good friend to Shade in the past.

  • Arieta

Gender: Female Age: 14 Earth Force is kidnapping children and using them for experiments. Arieta escapes after seeing her friends die in the labs. She doesn't know exactly what Earth Force is trying to do, her only concern is escaping the torture that she had to endure. She doesn't have any friends to turn to for help so she runs without knowing where to go. She's a naturally kind hearted person who seems to win over anyone she meets, except for Shade and Devilotte.

  • Bao and Mao

Gender: Male/Female Age: 14/12 They are siblings that have been caught by Earth Force. They manage to escape and find a VA that's programmed for self defense. So even though they have no piloting experience, the VA still operates fine. Bao is very protective over his little sister. He doesn't know about he Earth Force's dealings and he doesn't care. He just wants to get away from everything safely with his sister.

  • Devilotte

Gender: Female Age: Approximately 15 Devilotte is the daughter of some dangerous Pirate King/Queen, making her the princess. She and her two lackeys basically fly around space looking for people with VA's so she can beat them up and steal parts from them. It doesn't look like she's involved with either side of the dispute in the Earth Force events. She's just a spoiled brat that's looking for something to do. She pilots the Super-8. A mech that was designed for underwater use. It looks like an octopus. Devilotte has a crush on Gawaine and is constantly blushing when he's around.

  • Chiyomaru and Tessan

Gender: Female/Male Age: 19/24 The leaders of the Earth Force Resistance, they are currently preparing for a counter attack against when Mary informs them about their super-weapon. Jin himself encounters the two resistance leaders, but leaves to face the super weapon on his own.

  • Ken Saotome

Gender: Male Age: mid-forties at death Ken, Shade and Gawaine belonged to the same unit in Earth Force and the three were close. Ken is killed by Shade one year before the start of Cyberbots. Gawaine wasn't there when it happened and it was believed to be an accident. He looks like a taller, bulkier version of Jin, except he wears green instead of white.

  • Shade

Gender: Male Age: ??? Earth Force began something similar to a 'super soldier' experiment. They needed someone who was strong and young. Shade ended up being their candidate. They promised that he would be the perfect soldier but they needed to see if they had complete control over him, so they made him kill everyone in his unit. Earth Force writes the incident off as an accident. Shade's now a cyborg and an attack dog for Earth Force. His memories are a little scrambled and he's trying to remember who he was. Jin's last name is the first thing that starts to jar his memory. In the end he dies saving Earth.

  • Super Weapon’s Brain G.O.D.

Gender: N/A Age: ??? As the mind control of the Earth Force’s Super Weapon, the Ganglious of Omniscient Dirsuper (.G.O.D. for short) is powered off the energy from children that have been captured by the Earth’s forces. Arieta manages to escape from the clutches of the Earth Forces and inform the others of the weapon and its power source. The Brain uses the Warlock VA and does battle with Jin before finally being destroyed when it burns up in the atmosphere.

Game Mechanics:

Cyberbots uses a different control scheme than most Capcom fighters. Instead of 6 buttons, Cyberbots has 4, two of them used for attacks, one for boosting and the final for the VA’s special weapon.

[Boost Gauge] This gauge is what allows for mobility. By pressing the Boost button while on the ground, the player’s VA will perform a standard dash. However, in the air, a direction must be pressed to determine what direction to dash in. The amount of times a VA can boost varies from VA to VA, with the heavier ones only being able to boost once, while the lighter ones being able to hover for over 10 seconds.

[Arm Meter] In Cyberbots, each VA has a special meter that determines how much power is left in their arm. Should this meter become empty, the VA loses their arm along with most of their normals, all of their specials, and the ability to perform their super. A VA can pick up their arm after losing it by simply walking over it.

[Weapon Meter] Each VA has a different type of special weapon. This gauge shows when their weapon is ready to fire. Some weapons can be fired multiple times before depleting the gauge, others can only be fired once before needing to recharge.

[Super Meter] Located at the bottom of the screen, the Super Meter when fully charged the player is allowed to perform their Cyber-EX or a Super Counter. The meter is filled up by landing attacks on the opponent or performing the Super Charge.

[Super Charge] All Vas have the ability to manually charge their Super Meter by pressing both the A1 and the A2 buttons simultaneously and holding them down. However, should the player be hit while they are charging their meter, they will automatically lose their arm.

[Cyber-EX Attack] Every VA has a single, devastating super attack that can be unleashed when their Super Meter is full. Each Cyber-EX Attack is different but all performed with the same qcfqcf+A motion.

[Super Counter] Perhaps the origin of the Burst system from Guilty Gear, every VA has a special counter attack that can be used once their Super Meter is fully charged. By pressing A1+A2, the VA will become invincible for a few frames then proceed to unleash an explosion. The explosion type varies from VA Body Type.

[Standard and Multi-Hit Throws] Each VA can perform two different types of grabs. By pressing f+A2 while close, the player can throw an opponent. But, if the player presses f+A1, the VA will execute a multi-hit throw. This throw does much less damage, but each hit takes away from the enemy’s Arm Meter. The number of hits can also be increased by mashing the buttons and rotating the joystick.

[Dash Attacks] Every VA has the option to attack while dashing along the ground. By boosting and pressing A1, the VA will perform a small multi-hit attack. This attack can be canceled on the second hit into a Special or in some cases a Super Attack. Should the player press A2 while dashing, the VA will perform a powerful attack that knocks down. This attack however, can not be canceled out of.

[Chain Combos] Cyberbots contains a primitive combo system that is the same for each VA. By rapidly pressing A1, A1, A2, a player can perform a small chain combo. Interestingly enough, by itself, the chain combo will not be displayed on the combo meter but if canceled into a Special or Super Attack, the combo will be added to the total hit count.

[Slide] When tripped, a VA has the option of sliding as it gets up. By holding either forward or back, the VA will slide in that direction as it stands up. It is possible to cross up the enemy VA while sliding.

[Recovery Slide] By rapidly pressing the B button while falling, a player can recover quickly by executing a Recover Slide. This slide saves the player from any possible OTGs, but it automatically slides backwards and cannot be performed if the player was knocked down by a counter hit.

Advanced Tactics:

[OTGs] In Cyberbots, some moves can hit enemies as they are lying on the ground. It is even possible to use a Standard Throw on a downed opponent. However, OTGs are limited to only one hit and are only possible should the opponent fail to execute a Recovery Slide.

[Instant Air Dash] Like the Guilty Gear series and other games with air dashes, it is possible to perform an extremely low air dash. By pressing u, and immediately f+B, one can boost low to the ground and still use air attacks. However, due to the difference in VA types, some VAs are incapable of performing an IAD. For example, VAs with 4 legs dash in an arc, and are unable to airdash in a straight line forward.

[Chain Combo Variation and Cancel] -A player can mix up attacks by using variations with Chain Combos. Normally, the Chain Combo is performed by pressing A1, A1, A2. However, a player may substitute the third hit with a crouching A2 attack, creating a small high-low mix-up game. It is also possible to trick the combo system into allowing the VA to chain into a Special move that normally could not be comboed into. By pressing A1, A2, then performing the Super, a player can create small chain combos.

VA Parts:


  • Walker Type

The standard, two-legged humanoid type. The Walker has medium balance and is able to boost twice in the air.

  • Arachnoid Type

A heavier 4-legged model. Has better balance and is able to perform 3 to 5 boosts in the air depending on the VA.

  • Tread Type

Heaviest of the leg types, it is also the most stable. However, it is only able to perform a single boost in the air.

  • Hover Type

Lightest of the leg types, it is also the easiest to knock down. But, it can fly in the air for more than 10 seconds.


  • Power Fist

Standard arm for all VAs. Not very damaging, but high in speed.

  • Sword

Fast and long range weapon with an energy sword, also deals exceptional damage.

  • Drill

Similar to the sword arm, it does well in both long and short range situations

  • Whiplash

Another arm made for long range, this one utilizes a whip instead of a sword. It is slower, but it also sets the opponent on fire.

  • Giant Claw

Large and powerful, it is slower than most of the other arms. It excels at close combat fighting.

  • Electric Claw

Smaller than the Giant claw, this one is outfitted for longer range attacks. It does slightly less damage than the Giant Claw.

  • Ultra Fist

Biggest arm of them all, it is bit slower than the Giant Claw. As a trade off, it also does more damage.


  • Bit

A small satellite turret that follows the VA around. It is not particularly powerful, or quick, but it can be aimed in almost any direction. Can be fired twice before depleting Weapon Gauge.

  • Pulse Laser Cannon

A fixed cannon, it has a low recharge rate but a reasonable damage value. It can be aimed slightly as well.

  • Laser Cannon

A laser shot that can not be aimed and requires a short moment to charge up. Incredibly powerful and recarges at an acceptable rate. Best used for long distances.

  • Missile Launcher

A missle launcher that fires two small missiles in an arched trajectory. These missiles can not be guided but their arc can be changed. Does moderate damage, but has a slow recharge.

  • Medium Missile Launcher

Unique to the Super-8 VA, this weapon fires four small missiles with slight homing capabilities. Although not terribly powerful, it has a decent recharge rate.

  • Large Missile Launcher

Like the Missile Launcher, only this one fires two large, semi-homing missiles instead.

  • Very Large Missile Launcher

Unique to the Gaits, this weapon fires 8 missiles in a upward trajectory towards the opposite side of the screen. Perfect for anti-air attacks, it is very slow to recover.

  • Flamer

A flame thrower with short range and high damage. It is fixed to the VA but it can be aimed. It also has a decent recovery rate.

  • Mine Launcher

This weapon unloads a mine that will proceed to roll along the ground, eventually stopping. Can have two mines onscreen at one time. The distance the mines travel depends on the VA, with heavier units traveling less of a distance.

  • Trap Launcher

A variant of the mine launcher, this weapon deploys a missile that embeds itself in the ground and emits an electrical charge. Should the opponent touch this, they will be stunned for several seconds. Can only fire one trap at a given time, and the the trap itself does no damage.

  • Vulcan

The third unique weapon is only found on the X-0 Warlock. Incredibly fast and able to keep a constant spray of shells on the ground it is ideal for a quick surprise attack. Also has a decent amount of power with almost no recover time.


[Blodia Type]

  • BX-02 Blodia

Leg Type: Walker Arm Type: Power Fist Weapon Type: Bit

Needle Dive - {In Air} d+A2 Gatling Rod - qcb+A Full Metal Charge - dp+A Break Shaft - hcf+A Direct Press - qcfd+A Planet Smasher - qcfqcf+A (Cyber-EX)

  • BX-045 Swordsman

Leg Type: Tread Arm Type: Sword Weapn Type: Trap Launcher

Drill Dive - {In Air} d+A2 Slay Sword - hcb+A (can be held) Photon Splash - rdp+A (can be performed in air) G Splasher - qcf+A Crescent Tornado - qcfqcf+A (Cyber-EX)

  • BX-075 Riot

Leg Type: Hover Arm Type: Ultra Fist Weapon Type: Pulse Laser Cannon

Exhaust Flash - {In Air} d+A2 Dyna Blow - qcf+A (can be performed in air) Death Bolt - hcb+A Riot Strike - dp+A (can be performed in air) Shining Arm - rdp+A (when close) Graviton Field - qcfqcf+A (Cyber-EX)

[Reptos Type]

  • RF-004 Reptos

Leg Type: Walker Arm Type: Power Fist Weapon Type: Laser Cannon

Drill Knee - {In Air} d+A2 Violence Wind - hcf+A

 -Violence Jet - b+A2 after successful A2 Violence Wind

Satellite Force - qcb+A Satellite Force Long - qcb+A1+A2 Risky Nail - dp+A Fatality Dunk - d, d+A (when close) Rushing Strike - qcfqcf+A (Cyber-EX)

  • RF-027 Jackal

Leg Type: Arachnoid Arm Type: Whiplash Weapon Type: Bit

Downward Spike - {In Air} d+A2 Laser Screen Ground - qcfd+W (consumes Weapon Meter) Laser Screen Air - qcf+W (consumes Weapon Meter) Dizzy Boomerang - qcb+A (can be performed in air) Heat Grapple - qcf+A Jackal Stamp - d {charge}, u+A Assault Bits - qcfqcf+A (Cyber-EX)

  • RF-009 Lightning

Leg Type: Tread Arm Type: Electric Claw Weapon Type: Missile Launcher

Drill Dive - {In Air} d+A2 Sparkle Laser - qcf+A Thunder Rain - d, d+A Rolling Gear - d {charge}, u+A (can be performed in air) Spike Swarm - d, u+A2 Thunder Shaking - qcfqcf+A (Cyber-EX)

[Fordy Type]

  • F Z100 Fordy

Leg Type: Walker Arm Type: Power Fist Weapon Type: Large Missile Launcher

Buzz Knee - {In Air} d+A2 Quadruple Missile - qcf+W (consumes Weapon Meter) Iron Nail - qcf+A Surprise Blade - dp+A Spiral Anchor - b {charge}, f+A Nebulous Dream - qcfqcf+A (Cyber-EX)

  • F Z202 Tarantula

Leg Type: Arachnoid Arm Type: Giant Claw Weapon Type: Missile Launcher

Downward Spike - {In Air} d+A2 Rising Grenade Advancing - f, qcf+A Rising Grenade Retreating - b, qcb+A Tarantula Stamp - d {charge}, u+A Powered Wrecker Standard - qcf+A (can be performed in air) Powered Wrecker Arial - {In Air} qcfd+A - Thousand Missiles - After Powered Wrecker, qcb+A Falling Destroy - qcfqcf+A (Cyber-EX)

  • F Z900J Killerbee

Leg Type: Hover Arm Type: Sword Weapon Type: Mine Launcher

Exhaust Flash - {In Air} d+A2 Killer Screw Alpha - qcf+A (can be performed in air) Killer Screw Alpha Variation - qcf+A1+A2 (can be performed in air) Killer Screw Beta - dp+A Killer Sword - hcb+A (can be held) Killer Eye - b {charge}, f+A Delta Blast - qcfqcf+A (Cyber-EX)

[Guldin Type]

  • GP-N1 Guldin

Leg Type: Walker Arm Type: Power Fist Weapon Type: Flamer

Power Drop - {In Air} d+A2 Arching Fire - Hold W Gul Lariat - qcf+A Gul Lariat Sky - qcb+A Gul Wheel - dp+A Gul Burning- qcfqcf+A (Cyber-EX)

  • GP-V4 Vise

Leg Type: Tread Arm Type: Giant Claw Weapon Type: Large Missile Launcher

Drill Dive - {In Air} d+A2 E Pressure - qcb+A Capture Device Alpha - qcf+A Capture Device Alpha Varitation - qcf+A1+A2 - E Typhoon - After Capture Device, qcb+A Body Scrap - dp+A (when close) G Typhoon - qcfqcf+A (Cyber-EX)

  • GP-D2 Cyclone

Leg Type: Arachnoid Arm Type: Drill Weapon Type: Mine Launcher

Downward Spike - {In Air} d+A2 D3 Bomb Short - qcb+W (consumes Weapon Meter) D3 Bomb Long - qcf+W (consumes Weapon Meter) Drill Cannon - qcf+A Hyper DD - f, b, f+A (press rapidly) Cyclone Stamp - d {charge}, u+A Final DD - qcfqcf+A (Cyber-EX)

[Special Type]

  • P-10033 Giats

Leg Type: Walker Arm Type: Power Fist Weapon Type: Extra-Large Missile Launcher

Foot Press - {In Air} d+A2 Ikkitousen - qcf+A (can be performed in air) Mondoumuyou - dp+A Shoguoumujyou - b {charge}, f+A (can be performed in air) Ichimoudajin - qcb+A (when close) Kuuzenzetsugo - qcfqcf+A (Cyber-EX)

  • S-008 Super 8

Leg Type: None Arm Type: None Weapon Type: Medium Missile Launcher

Super Spiral - {In Air} d+A2 Red Omega - hcf+A Hell Delta 1 - hcf+W Hell Delta 2 - qcf+W Hell Delta 3 - dp+W Devil X - d, u+A1 Devil O - d, u+A2 Super Gamma - d, u+W Octopus Jr. - dp+A Octopus Jr. Special - dp+A1+A2 Deathsaturn Sigma - qcfqcf+A (Cyber-EX)

  • UVA-02 Helion

Leg Type: Walker Arm Type: Power Fist Weapon Type: None

Propellerscheibe - {In Air} d+A2 Sprengstoff Nutzlast - {In Air} W Flugel Bogen - hcb+A Gott Kugel - qcf+A Himmel Fangel - {In Air} qcb+A Schlatchtfeld Kaval - qcfqcf+A (Cyber-EX)

  • X-0 Warlock

Leg Type: Walker Arm Type: Power Fist Weapon Type: Vulcan Cannon

Ascension Black - qcf+W Sacred Stare - qcf+A Scared Stare Grab - dp+A Energy Drain - 360°+A Forbidden Force - b {charge}, f+A (can be performed in air) Imitation Forward - f, A1, A2, A1, b Imitation Reverse - b, b, A2, f, f, A2 Final Sacrifice - qcfqcf+A (Cyber-EX)

[Console Only]

  • Zero Gouki

Leg Type: Walker Arm Type: Power Fist Weapon Type: None

Tenma Kuujin Kyaku - {In Air} d+A2 Gou Hadoken - qcf+A Zankuu Hadoken - {In Air} d, d, f, f+A Shakunetsu Hadoken - hcb+A Tatsumaki Zankuu Kyaku - qcb+A (can be performed in air) Gou Shoryuken - dp+A Messatsu Gou Hado - qcbqcb+A (Cyber-EX) Tenma Gou Zankuu - {In Air} qcfqcf+W (Cyber-EX) Messatsu Gou Shoryuu - qcfqcf+A (Cyber-EX) Messatsu Gou Rasen - qcbqcb+W (Cyber-EX) Shun Goku Statsu - A1, A1, f, W, B (Cuber-EX)