The King of Fighters XIII/Kyo

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Kyo Kusanagi

KOFXIII-Kyo Face.png

In a nutshell

Kyo is of course the original protagonist of this "crossover series", and in this iteration of the game is featured as the well rounded character that has all the fundamental tools to win. His exceptional ability to go on offense with a fast hop with a great downward hitting jump-in coupled with fast, low-hitting attacks that hitconfirm into knockdown combos makes his offensive game quite scary. As a contrast, he is also fitted with the tools to be able to keep out opponents with long reaching horizontal jumping attacks, projectiles, and great grounded normal attacks. He isn't the best in either fields but ranks high in either style of play and putting both playstyles together makes him to be force to be reckoned with.

Video Walkthrough

Move List

Normal Moves

Special Properties (glossary)
Standing Light Punch
chaincancel cancel
Standing Light Kick
low specialcancel
Standing Heavy Punch
Close Heavy Punch
Close kof.sp
1st hitbox: cancel
Standing Heavy Kick
Crouching Light Punch
d + kof.lp
chaincancel cancel
Crouching Light Kick
d +
low chaincancel
Crouching Heavy Punch
d + kof.sp
1st hitbox: cancel
Crouching Heavy Kick
d +
low softknockdown cancel
Blowback Attack
kof.sp +
softknockdown cancel
Jumping Light Punch
Air kof.lp
Jump: 45
Hop: 40
high supercancel
Jumping Light Kick
Jump: 45
Hop: 40
Jumping Heavy Punch
Air kof.sp
Jump: 72
Hop: 70
Jumping Heavy Kick
Jump: 70
Hop: 68
Jumping Blowback Attack
Air kof.sp +
Jump: 80
Hop: 70

Unique Attacks

Special Properties (glossary)
Goufu You
f +
Standalone: 75
Canceled into: 60
Standalone: high
Canceled into: specialcancel
88 Shiki
df +
1st Hit: low specialcancel
2nd Hit: low
Naraku Otoshi
d + kof.sp
Against Airborne Opponents: hardknockdown


Special Properties (glossary)
Issetsu Seoi Nage
f or b + kof.sp or (while close)
throw hardknockdown

Special Moves

Special Properties (glossary)
108 Shiki: Yamibarai
qcf + p
p : 60
ex : 100
ex : softknockdown
100 Shiki: Oniyaki
dp + p
kof.lp : 55+25
kof.sp : 80+25×2
ex : 70+20×9
startupinv softknockdown drivecancel
75 Shiki: Kai
qcf + k : 35×2 : 30×2
ex : 40×2 2nd hit: reset and ex : softknockdown
ex : upperbodyinv
212 Shiki: Kototsuki You
hcb + k
k : 30+135
ex : 180
k : lowerbodyinv drivecancel
ex : throw
101 Shiki: Oboroguruma
rdp + k : 40 : 40×2+70
ex : 60×2+100
supercancel : softknockdown and ex : hardknockdown
ex : startupinv

Desperation Moves

Special Properties (glossary)
Ura 108 Shiki : Orochinagi
qcb hcf + p
p : 210
ex : 120×3
Air ex : 100×3
startupinv softknockdown maxcancel
Ura 111 Shiki : Ama no Murakumo
qcf qcf + kof.lp + kof.sp

Console Changes

  • Far standing D has faster recovery.
  • 88 Shiki (df+D) moves forward more. As a result, close C > df+D > qcf+K now does the full four hits.
  • Light version of 75 Shiki: Kai (qcf+B) can now be followed up with other attacks. On the ground you can only follow up with an uppercut, but on a mid-air hit you can do more interesting things.
  • 212 Shiki: Kototsuki You (hcb+K) has slower recovery on block.
  • Added EX Air Orochinagi (Air qcb hcf+AC). It does 3 hits and 300 damage. Unlike the ground version, it has no invincibility, but it is very fast, so you can use it in combos or in air-to-air battles.


Move Analysis

Normal Moves

  • Standing Light Punch (Snka.gif) - A standard but essential anti-air, Standing Light Punch attack. In older games, Kyo had a far and close A. In KOFXIII he only has the close variant for both ranges. As a result, his Standing A is not as good as in older editions to stop hop attacks because his range is much more limited. This attack can connect upon certain crouching opponents from point blank, links into close C and may be used for frame traps and other utilities.
  • Standing Light Kick (Snkb.gif) - A low kick that has a bit of range. Although it isn't as fast and doesn't recover as quickly as Crouching Light Kick, it's able to cancel into another attack. Typically, this attack is used to end an attack string that consists of Crouching Light Kicks and combo into 212 Shiki: Kototsuki You (Hcb.gif + Kick.gif).
  • Standing Heavy Punch (Snkc.gif) - Essentially, this attack functions like a slower, but stronger Standing Light Punch. Of course with that, Standing Heavy Punch carries a heavier risk and may be more susceptible to losing to other attacks upon its own start up animation. So while it may net more damage than a Standing Light Punch as an anti-air attack against hops, it should be reserved for more specific setups and situations. Although it may depend on the time and place, this attack could cancel into another attack upon either hit or whiff.
  • Close Heavy Punch (Close Snkc.gif) - A terrific uppercut attack. This move can be used in frametraps, punishes, and also functions fantastically as an anti-air against an opponent trying to jump away from your pressure.
  • Standing Heavy Kick (Snkd.gif) - A sobat kick that can be used in pressure strings to hope over and counterhit whatever low attack your opponent is mashing. At the same time it covers the horizontal space quite well making it impossible for your opponent to disrespectfully hop in on you while you are on offense.
  • Crouching Light Punch (Down.gif + Snka.gif) - Mostly a move used to hitconfirm the first cr.LK since this cancels, but doesn't hit low. Links into cl.C. The good frame advantage of this move makes it very good move for frametraps, but since cr.B has the same advantage, cr.B is usually preferred.
  • Crouching Light Kick (Down.gif + Snkb.gif) - The go to move to hitconfirm of a low into cr.LP > etc. It also links into cl.C. This move is also a fantastic tool to set up tight frametraps.
  • Crouching Heavy Punch (Down.gif + Snkc.gif) - A great fast mexican uppercut. Perfect to stop jump-ins, can can even be used as an anti-air against hops. Make sure to do this on reaction though, because whiffing this move is very bad, due to it's bad recovery.
  • Crouching Heavy Kick (Down.gif + Snkd.gif) - A good sweep, that has quite a high hitbox for a sweep. Good to use as a poke (cancelled into fireball), or for frametraps.
  • Blowback Attack (Snkc.gif + Snkd.gif) - This blowback attack is okay. It is quite quick, and has a good hitbox, the forward moving property makes it a 'wall of hitbox' that covers a large part of the screen. The move can be used in pressure strings once you have made your opponent scared enough to mash buttons as quickly as possible. If you don't condition them that it's not okay to press buttons after, say, a cr.BA, they will hit your blowback attack before you are even hit.
  • Jumping Light Punch (Air Snka.gif) - This is the go-to air-to-air move. When anticipated correctly, it will beat out just about any jump move aimed to hit someone on the ground. There are definitely better air-to-air attacks that will beat you this attack.
  • Jumping Light Kick (Air Snkb.gif) - One of the greatest hop-in attacks in the game. The downward angle is incredibly good, making it impossible to dodge with moves that lower your hitbox (like K' cr.B).
  • Jumping Heavy Punch (Air Snkc.gif) - This attack is overshadowed by Kyo's j.B and j.d+C, It's a good jump-in, with better range than both, but in general the other two are preferred.
  • Jumping Heavy Kick (Air Snkd.gif) - The go to move for horizontal zoning. The horizontal hitbox on this move is fantastic, it will stop advancing opponents, creating a large vertical wall that is hard to get around. This move can even be quite useful as an air-to-air, though it is somewhat slower than j.A.
  • Jumping Blowback Attack (Air Snkc.gif + Snkd.gif) - This move has a terrific hitbox, and is aimed to make opponents block. Once they have block this move, you are at massive frame advantage and are free to mixup up with hop mixups, while most of your jump will be covered because the opponent is still in hitstun. Some low moves, like K' and Iori cr.B might be able to dodge this attack if done well.

Unique Attacks

  • Goufu You (Right.gif + Snkb.gif) -
  • 88 Shiki (Downright.gif + Snkd.gif) -
  • Naraku Otoshi (Air Down.gif + Snkc.gif) -


  • Issetsu Seoi Nage (Right.gif or Left.gif + Snkc.gif or Snkd.gif [while close]) -

Special Moves

  • 108 Shiki: Yamibarai (Qcf.gif + Punch.gif) -
    • Ex.png 108 Shiki: Yamibarai (Qcf.gif + Snka.gif + Snkc.gif) -
  • 100 Shiki: Oniyaki (Dp.gif + Punch.gif) -
    • Ex.png 100 Shiki: Oniyaki (Dp.gif + Snka.gif + Snkc.gif) -
  • 75 Shiki: Kai (Qcf.gif + Kick.gif) -
    • Ex.png 75 Shiki: Kai (Qcf.gif + Snkb.gif + Snkd.gif) -
  • 212 Shiki: Kototsuki You (Hcb.gif + Kick.gif) -
    • Ex.png 212 Shiki: Kototsuki You (Hcb.gif + Snkb.gif + Snkd.gif) -
  • 101 Shiki: Oboroguruma (Rdp.gif + Kick.gif) -
    • Ex.png 101 Shiki: Oborogurama (Rdp.gif + Snkb.gif + Snkd.gif) -

Desperation Moves

  • Ura 108 Shiki : Orochinagi (Down.gifDownleft.gifHcf.gif + Punch.gif) -
    • Ex.png Ura 108 Shiki : Orochinagi (Down.gifDownleft.gifHcf.gif + Snka.gif + Snkc.gif) -
  • Air Ura 108 Shiki : Orochinagi (Air Down.gifDownleft.gifHcf.gif + Punch.gif) -
  • Ura 111 Shiki : Ama no Murakumo (Qcf.gifQcf.gif + Snkb.gif + Snkd.gif) -

Tips and Tricks

  • Kyo's qcf + D cannot be punished by most characters. But those with one frame grabs can. Against these characters, make sure to hitconfirm into qcf+D, otherwise use qcf+B or df+D (1hit) hcb+K for combos.
  • cr.B cr.A df+D (1 hit) xx hcb+K/rdp+D/BD is somewhat easier to input than cr.B cr.B st.B xx hcb+K/rdp+D/BD, but the latter combo works at a slightly bigger range and does a little bit more damage. It can apply to pretty much all combos here.


0% Drive

0 Bar

  • cr.B cr.A df+D (1 hit) xx qcf+D, hcb+K (245, 30)

Basic hitconfirm off a low. Alternatively hcb+K can be replaced with rdp+D for a hard knockdown and more corner carry.

  • (jump attack) cl.C df+D (1 hit) xx qcf+D, hcb+K (275m 36)

Maximum damage combo for 0 Bar and 0% Drive Midscreen. Alternatively hcb+K can be replaced with rdp+D for a hard knockdown and more corner carry.

  • (corner only) (jump attack) cl.C df.D xx qcf+D, rdp+B, qcf+B, dp+C - (350, 19)

1 Bar

  • cr.B cr.A df+D (1 hit) xx qcf+D, qcb hcf+P
  • (jump attack) cl.C df+D (1 hit) xx qcf+D, qcb hcf+P

The basic DM combos, these can combo into SDM as well.

  • cr.B cr.A df+D (1 hit) xx rdp+BD - (254, 10)
  • cl.C df+D (1 hit) xx rdp+BD - (283, 11)
  • (jump attack) cl.C qcf+D xx rdp+BD - (303, 15)

Hard knockdown midscreen combos that don't require a standing opponent.

  • (corner only)(jump attack) cl.C df+D (1 hit) xx qcf+D, rdp+B rdp+BD - (334, 15)
  • (corner only) cb.B cr.A df.D xx qcf+D, rdp+B rdp+BD - (300, 14)

Best corner 1 bar combos.

2 Bar

  • cr.B cr.A df+D (1 hit) xx qcb hcf+AC - (386, 10)
  • cl.C df+D (1 hit) xx qcb hcf+AC - (422, 11)
  • (jump attack) cl.C qcf+D xx qcb hcf+AC - (431, 15)

Basic SDM combos. Avoid using the SDM from qcf+D in the corner, as not all of the flames will hit, resulting in a big damage loss.

  • cl.B, qcb hcf+AC - (372, 3)
  • cl.C, qcb hcf+AC - (412, 7)

A selection of links into SDM. Hitconfirmable and good damage.

50% Drive

0 Bar

  • cl.B cr.A df+D (1hit) xx hcb+K (DC) qcf+D, hcb+K - (258, 18)
  • cl.C df+D (1hit) xx hcb+K (DC) qcf+D, hcb+K - (290, 19)

Basic 0 meter drive combos.

  • cr.B cr.A df+D (1hit) xx hcb+K (DC) qcf+D, rdp+D - (247, 38)
  • cl.C df+D (1hit) xx hcb+K (DC) qcf+D, rdp+D - (277, 39)
  • (jump attack) cl.C xx qcf+D, hcb+K (DC) rdp+D - (261 35)

Less damage, but more corner carry and hard knockdown.

  • (corner only) cr.B cr.A df+D xx qcf+D, rdp+B, dp+C (DC) rdp+B dp+C - (314, 50)
  • (corner only) (jump attack) cl.C df+D xx qcf+D, rdp+B, dp+C (DC) rdp+B dp+C - (350, 51)

Extremely high stun combos for the corner. They do pretty good damage too.

1 Bar

  • cr.B cr.A df+D (1hit) xx hcb+K (DC) qcf+D, qcb hcf+P - (298, 18)
  • cl.C df+D (1 hit) xx hcb+K (DC) qcf+D, qcb hcf+P - (331, 19)
  • (jump attack) cl.C xx qcf+D, rdp+D (2 hits) (SC) qcb hcf+P - (348, 23)

Basic extension of the standard hitconfirm combos into DM.

  • (standing opponent) cr.B cr.A df.D xx rdp+D (2 hits) (SC) qcb hcf+P - (303, 18)
  • (standing opponent) cl.C df.D xx rdp+D (2 hits) (SC) qcb hcf+P - (336, 19)

If you're crazy and need that 5 extra damage from hitconfirms.

  • (corner only) (jump attack) cl.C df+D xx qcf+D, rdp+B (SC) qcb hcf+P, qcf+A, hcb+K - (481, 29)
  • (corner only) cr.B cr.A df+D xx qcf+D, rdp+B (SC) qcb hcf+P, qcf+A, hcb+K - (437, 28)

Extremely powerful corner combos. Very important to learn.

2 Bar

  • cr.B cr.A df+D (1hit) xx hcb+K (DC) qcf+D, qcb hcf+AC - (403, 18)
  • cl.C df+D (1 hit) xx hcb+K (DC) qcf+D, qcb hcf+AC - (444, 19)
  • (corner only) (jump attack) cl.C df.D xx qcf+D, rdp+B (SC) qcb hcf+P, qcf+A, qcb hcf+P - (517, 19)

Can omit df.D for 2 extra damage.

  • (corner only) cr.B cr.A df+D xx qcf+D, rdp+B (SC) qcb hcf+P, qcf+A, hcb+K - (471, 18)
  • (corner only) (jump attack) cl.C df.D xx qcf+D, rdp+B rdp+B (SC) qcb hcf+AC, rdp+B, qcf+B, dp+C - (555, 19)

3 Bar

  • (corner only) (jump attack) cl.C df.D xx qcf+D, rdp+B (SC) qcb hcf+P, qcf+A, qcb hcf+AC - (615, 19)

Can omit df.D for 9 extra damage.

Basic Strategy


  • In regards to rushing down an opponent, Kyo has the ability to really get in an opponent and make the opponent question whether or not to block low or high as Kyo is able to get simple hit-confirms and damaging, knockdown combos from both jump-ins and low light attacks.
    • Up close, Kyo can pressure an opponent with hopping j.B (Jumping B, Jumping Light Kick) as it has a great, fast, vertical hitbox that is quite difficult for most characters to try to anti-air on reaction due to the fact that Kyo can stick out an early j.B and induce large hit-stun on hit and still be able to combo afterwards. Couple this with a fast cr.B (Crouching B, Crouching Light Kick) that links into cr.A (Crouching A, Crouching Light Punch) and confirms into an easy knockdown combo such as cr.B, cr.A xx df.D xx hcb+D (D, Heavy Kick), Kyo could really earn quite amount of damage and set up for another high/low mix up on okizeme.
    • Against characters that could easily anti-air j.B with a grounded normal attack, Kyo could use this opportunity to mix-up and opponent with an early jumping attack with a greater hitbox than j.B such as j.2C (Jumping Downward C, Naraku Otoshi). Doing a well spaced, early j.2C will be able to stuff anti-air attempts that beat out j.B, but the move will whiff upon a crouching opponent that doesn't attack and leave Kyo vulnerable. In comparison to previous incarnations of Kyo, j.2C usually added a great deal of push-back so Kyo wouldn't be able to hit confirm two light attacks let alone give him a combo from one; but in KOFXIII, the push-back isn't as great so Kyo is able to jump in more liberally with j.2C and get a cr.B, cr.A into knockdown combo.
    • Generally, Kyo could perform 3 crouching light attacks as a blockstring on an opponent and could land a hyper hop j.2C a cross up on most characters regardless of the opponent crouching or standing. Similarly, Kyo could cross up as well from 2 crouching light attacks on block but with a full jump j.2C instead.
    • Kyo has the ground normals to be able to maintain the pace while close to the opponent. If an opponent wants to anti-air a hop, other than using j.2C in a trap Kyo could utilize his sweep or fireball to punish the opponent. If the opponent figures to try to hop over Kyo's sweep or fireball, Kyo could just use st.A (Standing A, Standing Light Punch), cl.C (Close C, Close Heavy Punch), or cr.C (Crouching C, Crouching Heavy Punch). Coming full circle, if the opponent tries to sweep against Kyo's anticipated anti-air attemps, Kyo could simple hop on the opponent's sweep with a j.B.
    • When the opponent is knocked down or just simpled scared into plainly blocking, Kyo could do an empty hop to fake a jump-in attack and go straight into a low attack as he lands. Alternatively if Kyo has meter, he could use his EX hcb+K attack (212 Shiki: Kototsuki You) as it has command throw properties. If an opponent is not knocked down, Kyo can't perform a safe jump or safe hop as he does an empty jump/hop and the opponent could option select by pressing cl.C/D as Kyo is landing. Otherwise if Kyo performs a safe jump/hop, the opponent doesn't have the luxury of doing the option select and will have to jump or hop if the opponent anticipates the command throw mix-up. Kyo in this case could just empty jump/hop into his forward throw as it double as an option select as well. If the opponent tried to hop in response to a command throw, Kyo's normal throw would not come out but instead a cl.C would hit and anti-air the opponent. The weakness of doing a normal throw is that normal throws could be teched upon reaction and if the opponent anticipates a simple normal throw.


  • As a zoning character, Kyo is able to utilize his fireball, aerial normals, and grounded normals quite similar as how Iori used to zone in previous games.
    • As a grounded projectile, Kyo's fireball is susceptible to being hopped over or jumped over; but that encourages the opponent to go into the space Kyo readily controls with j.D, st.A, cr.C, and Kyo's dp+P (100 Shiki: Oniyaki).
    • Unlike in previous games though, j.D didn't whiff against crouching opponents when done close to the ground. Now in KOFXIII, it only seems to hit on large, crouching characters such as Raiden, Goro, and Maxima. Since there isn't trip guard in KOFXIII, any character hopping or jumping into a cr.B attack or sweep will land on the ground into the attack and will be immediately be in a combo while grounded. So Kyo will have to pay mind controlling the hop and jump space with j.D or an opponent could just easily crouch underneath and score a combo on Kyo. A Kyo player will need to understand and set up and opponent to anticipate such a mistake, and the Kyo player will need to understand when to use j.B to control the downward space coming down from a hop or jump. Otherwise, Kyo could use j.D as a means of control air space from angles that his ground normals and "shoryuken" can't reach or win and really use the tip of his jumping heavy kick to stop advances from the opponent.
    • Another note to keep in mind is that Kyo can cancel his backdash into his j.2C. This not only increases the distance that Kyo's backdash travels but also decreases the recovery time as he lands from his backdash. Use this as a means of moving about the screen and in trying to optimize the Kyo's ability to control areas on screen.
    • In previous games, Iori's sweep was too risky to use since it was greatly punishable on block so in situations Iori had to sweep to counter poke, he'd use his fireball instead. In Kyo's case, he can similarly do the same thing just in case Kyo's sweep might not reach in time or is up against a move that might have a hitbox advantage against Kyo's sweep. Just like Iori in previous games, Kyo's fireball is vulnerable to hops so doing a fireball midscreen as a poke is just as risky or even riskier than an actual sweep so keep in mind of the risk and the set up.

Advanced Strategy

Frame Data

Block Frames
Move Name HL Damage Cancel Ability Startup Active Recovery Hitstun Blockstun On Hit On Guard Notes
Standing Kof.lp.png HL 25 ch/sp/su 3 3 6 14 13 +4 +3
Standing L 30 sp/su 5 3 11 14 12 +1 -1
Standing Kof.sp.png HL 80 sp/su 9 5 23 20 18 -7 -9
Close Kof.sp.png HL 70 sp/su 2 2+6 11 20 19 +2 +1
Standing HL 80 - 7 5 21 20 18 -5 -7 Lower body invincibility
Crouching Kof.lp.png HL 25 ch/sp/su 4 4 8 14 13 +3 +2
Crouching L 30 ch 3 4 8 14 13 +3 +2
Crouching Kof.sp.png HL 70 sp/su 4 2+5 20 20 18 -6 -8 Second hitbox only hits airborne opponents.
Crouching L 80 sp/su 8 5 22 - 18 KD -8
Standing Kof.sp.png + HL 75 sp/su 14 6 24 - 21 KD -7
Jumping Kof.lp.png H 45 (40) su 5 7 - 14 14 - -
Jumping H 45 (40) - 4 12 - 14 14 - -
Jumping Kof.sp.png H 72 (70) - 5 4 - 14 20 - -
Jumping H 70 (68) - 7 5 - 14 20 - -
Jumping Kof.sp.png + HL 80 (70) su 12 10 - - 24 KD -
Move Name HL Damage Cancel Ability Startup Active Recovery Hitstun Blockstun On Hit On Guard Notes