Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo/Chun-Li

From SuperCombo Wiki


Chun is ranked high mid-tier. There are certain characters that she dominates, certain characters she has even matches with, and certain characters who dominate her. Breaking it down...

Chun does quite well against:
Zangief, Dictator, Cammy

Chun has the advantage against:
Honda, Blanka, Guile, Boxer, Hawk

Chun has has pretty even matches with:
DeeJay, Dhalsim, Claw, Ken, Fei

Chun has a hard time against:
Ryu, O.Sagat

Some of her "even" matches are not even in the traditional sense. For example, against Fei she does really well as long as she's not in the corner. However, if Chun gets put in the corner and Fei starts doing st.Fierce xx Chicken Wing (his 3-hit spin kick), it is a nightmare for Chun, and she has no easy way out.

The same is true against Claw. Chun does well if she can keep the game on the ground, but if Claw can get his wall dive shenanigans going, Chun has no escape, and she must guess correctly which way to block, and that can be very difficult.

-st.Strong is an extremely good poke
-j.Forward is a great jumping move
-can store her super
-Lightning Legs will cleanly beat nearly every ground move in the game
-good throw range
-throw does a lot more damage than it probably should
-good dizzy combos
-fast walking speed
-very agile (can jump off walls, do attacks after head stomp)
-is good at both turtling and rushing down

-has no solid anti-air
-upkicks will sometimes completely whiff, even at point blank range
-has no solid reversal to escape things like Claw's wall dives or Fei's Chicken Wing trap
-has a big jump arc which is easy to see and punish
-has a hard time with fireball traps

--NKI 20:04, 8 May 2006 (CDT)

Moves List


Chun does not have any one move (like a Shoryuken) that can be used as a general anti-air. She must use specific moves depending on what the opponent uses. Her useful anti-air moves are:
-jump straight up Short
-jump straight up Fierce
-jump straight up RH
-far or close st.Forward
-far st.Fierce
-far st.RH
-cr.Forward (make the opponent land on it)

But her absolute best anti-air is her super, which can be done so that the opponent is grounded and takes all 6 hits, followed by upkicks for massive damage. The timing differs depending on the speed of the opponent's jump. It is very difficult to do against Blanka and Claw, but it is easier on everyone else, especially against Ryu and Ken if they do air hurricane kick (because air hurricane kick has a lot of landing recovery).

--NKI 20:04, 8 May 2006 (CDT)

Ground Pokes/Footsies

Super Move

The Basics

Advanced Strategy


Vs. Balrog (boxer)

Vs. Blanka

Vs. Cammy

Vs. Chun-Li

Vs. Dee Jay

Vs. Dhalsim

Vs. E. Honda

Vs. Fei Long

Vs. Guile

Vs. Ken

Vs. M. Bison (dictator)

Vs. Ryu

Vs. O. Sagat

Vs. T. Hawk

Vs. Vega (claw)

Vs. Zangief