The King of Fighters 2002/Chris

From SuperCombo Wiki

1. C/Far C(1), f+B, hcb+A - 25%
2. C, f+A, qcbx2+K - 30%
3. (Crouch B, Crouch A)/C, f+A, hcb+P/K(1), (S)qcbx2+K/(S)qcfx2+P - 33%

1. C, f+B, qcbx2+K - 35% (opponent standing)

Max Mode Activation:
1. (Crouch B, Crouch A)/C, f+A, BC, run C, f+A, hcb+P/K(1), (S)qcbx2+AC - 50%

Move Properties:
-cancellable normals are close A, far A, crouch A, close B, close C, far C(1), crouch C, close D(special and DMs only), jump C
-CD is cancellable into specials and DMs
-f+B and the second hit of hcb+K, are overheads
-df+B is a low sliding attack
-hcb+P/K is supercancellable on the first hit
-dp+B knocks opponent down, dp+D does not

-it is possible to tick his dp+A throw from a blocked weak attack (such as crouch A, close B, close A is not recommended since it whiffs against many crouching opponents). Cancelling f+A, or any strong attack into dp+A, makes the throw whiff

-Chris has many options when the opponent is waking up. You can try to time a dp+A throw such that Chris is above them just as they get up. Cancelling a blocked crouch A or any jumpin to dp+A will also work. In the case that the opponent always tries to jump out thinking you will go for the dp+A, mix it up with doing a close/crouch C after a crouch A, or just waiting on wakeup to see if they will immediately jump. His f+B and df+B can hit from a decent range, and can also be added to his mixup game

-always use jump D for starting combos from jump ins, as jump A/C do not hit crouching opponents, and don't crossup. Jump B is a decent long range poke, especially when jumping backwards. Jump CD is one of the highest priority jumpins in the game and is generally safe to spam, mainly during a hop. High priority anti-airs like Ryo's dp+A can still beat it