The King of Fighters 2002/Kula

From SuperCombo Wiki



1. Ice Coffin - b/f+C

  • Kula grabs the opponent and freezes them in a block of ice before knocking them back
  • this is a mash grab - that means, mashing the buttons rapidly will increase the damage, and the opponent mashing on their side will decrease the damage

2. Behind Slash - b/f+D

  • Kula grabs the opponent and slashes them, throwing them behind her

Command Normals

1. One Inch - f+A (17,21,22 by itself), (12,21,22 cancelled into)

  • Kula performs a slow strike that stays out on screen for a long time
  • cancellable if cancelled into, and comes out faster when cancelled into
  • hard knockdown and has a counterwire property if not cancelled into, otherwise opponent stays grounded
  • cancellable to DMs, cancellable to special moves if cancelled into

2. Slider Shoot - df+B

  • Kula slides forward low to the ground, going a little less than half screen distance
  • hits low
  • has fairly good recovery as long as she doesn't hit deep with it
  • useful for going under some fireballs that hover above ground, such as Athena and Robert's

3. Critical Ice - df+C

  • hits low an icicle extends from Kula's hand, reaching about 3/4 screen in length
  • hits low
  • hard knockdown on the last hit
  • counterwire if only the last hit connects on counterhit

Special Moves

1. Diamond Breath - qcf+P

  • Kula blows ice in front of her, which acts as a projectile
  • qcf+A comes out fast and knocks down, putting the opponent into a jugglable state
  • qcf+C comes out much slower than qcf+A and doesn't knock down, but stuns the opponent long enough
  • free cancellable into

2. Crow Bites - dp+P

  • Kula performs a rising uppercut that comes out quick
  • dp+A comes out slower than dp+C and does not travel far vertically, but has some startup invinciblity. It's not possible to juggle if cancelling out of the dp+A. dp+A knocks down on hit
  • dp+C comes out extremely fast but will make her fly all the way across the screen, having major recovery time
  • the first hit of dp+C doesn't knockdown but the second hit does. Second hit can whiff even if the first hit connected
  • dp+A and dp+C on the first hit are supercancellable on the first hit to ground DMs, dp+C is supercancellable on the second hit to air SDM
  • dp+C is punishable on hit if it connects against a standing opponent, if they recovery roll the knockdown
  • free cancellable into
  • free cancellable out of on the first hit

3. Counter Shell - qcb+P

  • Kula does a quick icy swipe with her hand, which reflects normal and DM projectiles, creating a projectile of her own
  • the projectile she fires back can be juggled after and also absorbs other projectiles without dissipating
  • works as a decent anti-air as long as the opponent isn't directly above her
  • has very good recovery time if blocked and pushes her back on block
  • hard knockdown and counterwire
  • free cancellable into
  • it is possible to free cancel out of this move sometimes but it isn't clear when it can work. Either way, it's useless

4. Ray Spin - qcb+K

  • Kula does a twirling kick in the air that has very good recovery on block
  • qcb+B does one hit, doesn't knockdown and travels vertically and horizontally shorter than qcb+D
  • qcb+D will do two hits on block, where the first knocks the opponent into the air but the second doesn't
  • free cancellable into
  • can be followed up with her f+B or f+D, listed below

4a. Stand - f+B (after qcb+K)

  • kicks forward, sending out an ice projectile that absorbs other projectiles
  • not punishable on block but can be rolled right before it comes out and punished badly
  • supercancellable on the first hit
  • free cancellable out of on the first hit into any special move but qcb+K

4b. Sit - f+D (after qcb+K)

  • looks the same as her df+B, except is more punishable if blocked
  • knocks the opponent into the air, where they can be further juggled
  • hits low
  • supercancellable
  • free cancellable out of into any special move but qcb+K


1. Diamond Edge - qcfx2+P

  • sends three icicles forward, coming up from the ground
  • fairly good anti-air only against opponents jumping from very far away, it will whiff against jumps that are close to Kula. It can also be rolled easily on block and punished
  • not useful outside of combos as she has more reliable anti-airs


1. Freeze Execution - hcbx2+AC

  • Kula sends out Diana, who flies horizontally across the screen. If she hits, the opponent is launched into the air
  • regardless of whether she hits or whiffs, Kula does full screen attack that cannot be evaded, doing multiple hits
  • Kula is invincible during the move and can only be hit at the very end of it, though the recovery is very small
  • does great damage if it hits, can be comboed fairly easily as well
  • this move does more damage if Kula is in the corner and she is facing away from the corner when the move connects

2. La * Cachora - qcfx2+BD(air)

  • slowly drops on top of the opponent, doing pitiful damage if it connects
  • removes one stock from the opponent if it connects
  • a useless DM, hard to connect with, cannot be comboed into and doesn't do much even if it does happen to hit


1. Freeze Completion - AC BD ABC

  • does an attack similar to her f+A, although comes out a bit slower
  • if it connects, she will hurt the opponent for about 55% damage
  • overhead
  • can be easily rolled behind on reaction, and punished


  • cancellable normals are close A, far A, crouch A, close B, far B, crouch B, close C, far C, close D, crouch D
  • CD is cancellable into specials and DMs
