The King of Fighters 2002/Mai

From SuperCombo Wiki

1. C, df+B(1), hcf+B/qcb+P- 30%/25%
2. C, df+B(1), qcb hcf+K - 42%
3. C, df+B(1), qcb+C(1), (S)qcb hcf+K(Buffer:hcf+K) - 50%
4. f+B, qcfx2+P - 33%

Max Mode Activation:
1. C, df+B(1), BC, Crouch C, df+B(1), qcb+B, (C)hcf+B(1), (C)qcb+C(1), (S)qcb hcf+K/BD(Buffer:hcf+K/BD)

Attack Strings:
1. C, df+B(1), qcb+C
2. Jump A/C/D, d+B
3. C, f+B, qcb+P/d+B (Corner)
4. C, f+B, d+B, (C)qcb+A (Corner, maxmode)

Move Properties:
-cancellable normals are close A, close B, close C, crouch C, close D, crouch D, jump A(not vertical high), jump C(not vertical high), jump D -CD is cancellable into specials and DMs
-f+B, d+B, d+D and from _d u+P, d+A and d+B, are overheads
-df+B hits low, cancellable on first hit if cancelled from normal attack
-qcb+C is supercancellable on the first hit


-backdashing with d+A makes her backdash a bit further than usual, just like Iori. In addition, it can sometimes hit opponents out of their long range pokes, such as Billy's crouch A

-her fireballs have very good recovery, good enough that she can punish anyone that rolls or jumps them with a qcb+C (or even qcfx2+P if you are feeling a bit risky). Thus, one of her main mindgames involve her fireballs and forcing the opponent to outmaneuver them so that he will be countered due to Mai's fast recovery. Abuse her far A pokes, especially after qcb+C, which is totally safe. This should also be done after a fireball, to keep your distance from the opponent

-when the opponent is waking up, usually after d+B knockdown in the corner, throw a qcf+A fireball so that it hits them in the back just as they get up. This gives Mai a frame advantage since her fireballs recover so quickly, allowing you to followup with pretty much anything, including C, df+B(1), qcb+C attack string, jump D to d+B or ground attack string, sweep, or f+B overhead

-Mai has a huge amount of mixups in the air. When the opponent is waking up from some knockdown attack, hyper jump behind opponent and do d+D or d+B which will crossup sometimes. Opponent is forced to block the backwards (from the jump behind), then block the other way again if the move crosses up. d+D can only be done from a high jump, while it is recommended to use d+B from a hop

-when jumping in with D or CD, sometimes cancel to d+B or qcb+A. If you do the d+B, this requires the opponent to block high after the initial jumpin, which usually tricks them. It is best to do that in the corner, or after a deep jumpin, otherwise d+B will whiff

-qcb+P in the air is high priority that is safe if it doesn't hit too deep (although she can sometimes still be command thrown). After doing a safe ground attack strings, jumping backwards and doing qcb+P will usually hit anyone who tried to retaliate in any way. Repeating multiple qcb+P is also good for mixups. However, anyone with a very fast jump anti-air normal that anticipates you will use the qcb+P (such as Clark/Iori jump D), can hit her out of her qcb+P while it is starting up

-for ground attack strings, C, df+B(1), qcb+C is the safest, but the opponent can guard roll right after the C, making df+B whiff and finish the entire animation, leaving her totally vulnerable. If they do this, leave off the df+B in the attack string

-if for some reason, you are in maxmode, you can try to toss out unexpected hcf+D (which is usually suicidal), and cancel it to qcb+P if blocked, which is safe