Soulcalibur VI/Resources

From SuperCombo Wiki
Various Resources
Title Link Description
Frame Data app - by Horseface Frame data website created by Horseface. Very useful for looking up frame data and move properties for specific moves quickly.
The Book of Neutch - by ayoBoom and FatherRamon YouTube A two part video series intended to help new players learn the basics of how to play SoulCalibur from a competitive perspective.
How to Mash - by ayoBoom YouTube Very short and easy to understand video on how to use mashing to your advantage with thoughtful application.
The Basic of SoulCalibur - by Bluegod Google Doc A detailed set of articles explaining several concepts of 3D fighting games as they pertain to SoulCalibur.
SoulCalibur VI Guide - by Salt Shakers YouTube First video in a four part series going over several aspects of SoulCalibur VI from mechanics to strategy.