Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike/Oro/Matchups

From SuperCombo Wiki

Akuma / Gouki

Tengu Stone is highly recommended in this matchup. Yagyou doesn't see much use, because Akuma can teleport, demon, or KKZ out of setups.
This matchup is very annoying if Akuma safely plays around tip shoto sweep range. Oro can't get a significant punish on tip range blocked sweeps without a parry.
Properly placed shoto 2HP and 2MP / 5MP are also very capable of hitting Oro for whiffing his primary pokes like 5MK and 5HK.
Oro can deal quite well with shoto 2MK though, easily whiff punishing it with far MK or far MP.
If you can get a shoto to whiff sweep, 2HP, or other big pokes, you can usually dash in to punish them or at least start a strike / throw mixup. If you're really on point, it's possible to kara human pillar driver (hcb + P) to punish whiffed sweeps in particular.
Oro can also crouch under all shoto tatsus. A single bad tatsu can lead into a blue parry and full tengu combo. If you don't have meter or you're not confident about the parry, you can just crouch until the tatsu is done, and uppercut him as he recovers on the other side of Oro.
Oro's oniyama (flash kick/charge dp) is a very effective tool to deal with Akuma's demon flip (assuming that it is not meaty).


Strong advantage matchup for Oro. Tengu and Yagyou are both perfectly respectable picks, but Yagyou is particularly strong. The loop is extremely easy on Alex, and you can cross him up in the corner.
Some Alex players may pick Stungun to escape the unblockable, but you can bait this by doing jump over nothing. Reversal Boomerang Raid can also trade or occasionally escape from Yagyou setups, so smarter Alex players will stick with that to maintain Alex's meter utility while still having a reasonable escape option.
Oro's 5HK is excellent against Alex, stuffing or punishing many of his buttons due to their lingering hit boxes. It also does so much stun that even Alex can't afford to recklessly get hit by too many of them. It also does a reasonably good of shutting down Alex's air approach, although obviously you'll have to be careful about getting parried, since it's a single hit, non-cancellable button.


This matchup sucks.
Chun is literally 1 pixel too short to get hit with far MK, and she also obviously crouches under HK. She can push 2MK with impunity against these pokes.
It's possible to whiff punish her far fierce with Oro's far MK, but it's very difficult.
Unfortunately, if Chun has meter for SA2, she can punish far MK even on hit.
2MK is actually pretty good and it's 0 on block / +1 on hit, so you don't get punished for using it.
Try using far MP in place of far MK and HK. It hits a couple pixels lower than far MK, so it doesn't whiff when she crouches.
Chun is quite easy to unblockable with SA2. The basic setup requires 3 dashes, which does limit screen positioning, but on the other hand, that setup is really hard to parry. There are some advanced setups to somewhat mitigate the screen positioning issue.


Fairly even matchup. Oro's buttons do a good job of covering Dudley's air approach, and he's another character that's very easy to unblockable, plus you can cross him up in the corner. Watch out for EX jet upper, as it will blow through some setups that aren't exactly air tight.
SA3 (Corkscrew) trades with unblockable setups or else oro is too far to loop again, except lp ball -> double dash -> double jump over ->
SA1 (Rocket) trades with every actual unblockable setup.
Can be crossed over in corner.


Unsurprisingly, Elena is pretty annoying:
Like Chun, she's good at crouching many of your usual pokes, and as you can see from the video, she has some good options for whiff punishing Oro's pokes. Try to use more 5MP / 2MP in this matchup. Even though they're less rewarding than the kicks you'd like to use, they tend to have better hitbox interactions with Elena's buttons.
Either Tengu or Yagyou are fine picks. The chicken kick looks absolutely bonkers, but it's just because of her weird falling animation. Make sure to practice it so you aren't surprised by how fast her fall animation looks. It's actually pretty easy.


Be very careful with fireballs, as he can easily whiff punish them (especially LP fireball) with 5LP or 2MP. If you must throw them, stick with MP and HP. They still hit because of his tall hurt box, but they're much harder to whiff punish. If Hugo is fishing for this too hard, you can generally beat his attempts with Oro's 2HP. Whiff punish claps with 6MP.
Air throw has a weirdly good interaction with Hugo's jumping throwable box.
Up ball, 2HP (uppercut) can be effective if Hugo insists on jumping with buttons.
Technically, if you can do a bonkers difficult late special cancel with close MP, you can do normal chicken loops on Hugo, but this is such an execution-lord combo I've never seen anyone do it.
There are alternative loops that work on Hugo if you are a normal human:
You can also cross Hugo up in the corner. If you don't have the weird Hugo loops committed to memory, and he's in the corner, you can get a knockdown, throw the medium or heavy ball, crossup MK him for the unblockable, then 5MP xx HK chicken to re-corner him and do it again. This is not very meter efficient, but sometimes useful for the kill.
Watch out for Gigas, he can actually 720 you out of EX uppercut.
Generally, the ground game is pretty annoying against Hugo, but he can't really catch Oro if he's committed to playing lame and running away.


I have no idea, but you can unblockable her, so I pick that.
Ibuki can slide through fireballs, but a badly spaced slide is very punishable.


Similar to Akuma, Ken is very, very annoying if he commits to playing at about tip shoto sweep range. Oro can't effectively punish from this range, and if you go for the parry, you have to guess high / low because of Ken's stand HK and sweep.
Again, properly spaced shoto 2MP, 5MP, and 2HP are very effective at countering Oro's buttons, and any of them confirm or buffer into shippu.
Oro is able to play against shoto 2MK by whiff punishing it with a well-spaced 5MK. You can still whiff punish Ken's sweep with a kara human pillar driver if your spacing and reactions are on point.
Just like Akuma's tatsus, Oro can crouch all of Ken's tatsus and either stand up to blue parry them into unblockables, or let the tatsu whiff and uppercut Ken after he crosses over.
Since Ken doesn't have teleports or, typically, highly invincible supers, Yagyou is an effective choice against him.
Ken can shippu punish any close MK or HK on hit, but this will whiff from tip range.


Makoto's 2MK is the most annoying button in the world.
Yagyou is effective on Makoto, and the loop is easy, but like Chun, the basic setup requires 3 dashes, which can limit your opportunities.
Since you have a 2f close short and 3f far short, it can occasionally be effective to mash through Makoto's pressure if you don't believe they're keeping it tight.
If your reactions are good, 5MK xx human pillar driver buffer can be effective to discourage dash ins. Otherwise try stick to your relatively fast lights to discourage dash ins. If you whiff a big button Makoto will probably be able to dash in and put you in the blender.
SA1 will not blow through most unblockable setups due to bad hitbox. SA3 can make use of the startup invul frames to escape unblockables.


Down-back the matchup. Neither of these characters is very good at opening people up if the opponent is committed to playing their range and blocking.
Necro is extremely easy to loop and unblockable, and you can cross him up in the corner.
If Necro insists on doing spins, he is very vulnerable to red parry into chicken loops.
Oro's buttons have pretty good interactions with Necro in general, and Necro can't really open you up, so just try to walk him into the corner where you can setup a free unblockable to end the round.
Can be crossed over in corner.


Mirror match. Beat them up with Yagyou so they can go online and say they're "better at Oro" and that you're "just better at unblockables."


Oro's crouching animation and dash will go under dash punches a lot.
Q has a very difficult time chasing Oro down, so runaway is effective.
SA3 (Tengu) is preferred as Q is susceptible to the easy 100% stun corner reset, and that unblockable loops do not do much damage if he gets 3 taunts.


Try to walk him to the corner. He has low stun so HK does work.
Oro can dash through high LOVs, impractical to really do in reaction, but something to keep in mind.


Standard shoto matchup notes apply. Punishing Ryu from tip shoto sweep range is very hard. If you space it perfectly, you can whiff punish sweep with kara human pillar driver.
Try to make Ryu whiff 2MK and whiff punish with Oro's 5MK.
Shoto 2MP, 5MP, and 2HP will beat many of Oro's buttons, and often allow a super punish.
If shotos whiff big buttons like 2HP or sweep, you can dash in and get your game started.
Oro can crouch tatsu and either stand to blue parry it into chicken loop, or uppercut once Ryu crosses over.
Shinsho will blow through unblockable setups.


Again, standard shoto matchup notes, except typically Sean gets less reward for guessing right.


Actually very annoying. Oro's buttons can do work, but Oro also has a hard time chasing down Twelve.
Twelve can walk through fireballs.


Unblockable is possible, but trickier than normal due to Urien's skinny standing hit box.
2MK is effective at dealing with Urien's 2MK and mid-screen tackles.
Well-spaced tackles can be annoying to punish. Try 5HK if you're going to use a button, as it is 1f faster than far MK. Some tackles (TODO: check which ones specifically) can be punished on block with light kara human pillar driver. This is a very tight punish. If you have charge, EX uppercut always punishes.
Urien's Aegis Reflector cannot reflect Oro's ex fireball, as such, it can be less risky to put a ex fireball instead of a SA2 ball in setups where he is able to put a Aegis out.
Can be crossed over in corner.


Yagyou isn't very effective, you should probably pick Tengu.
You can chicken loop Yang if you parry him at the right height, usually from a dive kick, jump ins, or from a late air stomp. Otherwise you have to settle for lesser damage from a close MP.
2MK is a effective tool to discourage yang from pressing his 2MK too much.
5MK xx hitgrab is fast enough to punish if you parry the first hit of ex slash before the second slash comes.


Yagyou isn't very effective, you should probably pick Tengu.
You can chicken loop Yun if you parry him at the right height, usually from a dive kick, jump ins, or a late air stomp. Otherwise you have to settle for lesser damage from a close MP. This also applies if you parry a dash punch.