Tekken 3/True Ogre/Introduction

From SuperCombo Wiki


When Ogre is defeated, it reveals its true, monstrous form. If it is not stopped, the world will enter into an age of darkness.

True Ogre has almost the same moveset as Ogre, but he comes with some key differences. Generally speaking, the most important difference is that True Ogre has much greater range on his attacks, but suffers from having a massive hitbox that that makes him vulnerable to being juggled and OTG'd for days. You could therefore argue that True Ogre is like the glass cannon version of the two. He loses the green form's Ancient Power high strike reversal move, but gains several new moves it which utilize his new characteristics: horns, tail, wings and fire-breathing ability. Some of these unique moves are questionably useful or gimmicky, while others are genuinely strong.

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Best Range: Ogre already had great range; True Ogre's is that much better.
  • Power: He retains all the other form's strengths: damage, range, okizeme and fast unblockables.
  • Gimmicks: Firebreathing moves are cool but risky. While lying on his back, he can instantly warp up into the air and potentially land a nasty unblockable. He also has a strange counter that only works against crouching jabs. Lastly, he is the only character with a "juggle escape" which can be executed by timing an Up input while being hit in mid-air - this can potentially screw up combos for your opponent if used wisely.
  • TBA: