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Motion Input Chart
7 Ub.png 8 U.png 9 Uf.png
4 B.png 5 N.png 6 F.png
1 Db.png 2 D.png 3 Df.png
Notation Meaning
(Leave a space) cancel from the previous normal to the following.
, Link from the previous move to the following.
> Cancel the previous move into the following special / super move.
~ Cancel special into set followup or plink previous attack into the following.
dl. / delay Delay the following move.
whiff Must whiff the following move.
land Must land on the ground before the next move.
rejump Must land then jump again before the next move.
j. / sj. Move is done in a jump / superjump.
jc / sjc Cancel previous move into a jump / superjump.
ia./tk. Instant Air or Tiger Knee Special or Super Move.
XX Any two attack buttons excluding S.
NXX Dash / Airdash in N direction.
X+S Any other attack button and S pressed at the same time.
AA Anti-Air
[X] Hold input
-X- Release input
(N) Connect with only the Nth hit of this attack.
(Move) Move is optional.
[sequence] x N Repeat sequence N times.


Solo Combos

Ground Confirms

Tron BnB Combo Guide by Alrikir

5L > 2M > 5H > 5S sjc. j.5M > j.5M > j.5H > j.5S, land, dash up, 2H > 6H xx 421H (mash H) xx 236XX (699,000 for 1 bar, builds 0.95 bars of meter)

Video Timestamp. Simple BnB off grounded starter.

5L > 2M > 6H xx 421H, 5L > 5M > 6M jc. j.5M > j.5H > j.5S, land, 5M > 6M jc. j.5H > j.5S, land, 236H, jump, j.5H, land, 5H xx 623XX, 5H xx 421H (mash H) xx 236XX (930,000 for 2 bar, builds 1.55 bars of meter)

Video Timestamp. Gustaff Jump loop as a more advanced BnB route. Also shows the standard way to combo into King Servbot for a post-hyper extenstion. The initial H Bonne Strike will drop against smaller body characters. Use L Drill against them, which deals slightly less damage but won't drop.

5L > 2M > 5H > 5S sjc. j.5M (delay)> j.5M > j.5H, land, 5H xx 623XX, 5H > 5S sjc. j.5H xx j.421H (Mash H) (777,000 for 1 bar, builds 1 bar of meter)

Video Timestamp. Corner only relaunch using the very high hitstun of j.5H.

Jump-In / Box-Dash Combos

j.5S, land, 236H, jump, j.5M > j.5M > j.5H, rejump, j.5M > j.5M > j.5H xx j.421H, land, 5H xx 421H (mash H), xx 236XX (706,800 for 1 bar, builds ~0.95 bars of meter)

Video Timestamp. Confirm route off the Ground Bounce of a raw j.5S into a jump loop.

j.5S, land, 5H > 5S sjc. j.5M > j.5M > j.5H > j.5S, land, dash up, 2H > 6H xx 421H (mash H) xx 236XX (740,000 for 1 bar, builds ~0.95 bars of meter)

Video Timestamp. Alternate combo off raw j.5S. Confirming into 5H is easier than confirming into 236H, and this route does more damage.

j.5H, land, 5S sjc. j.5M > j.5M > j.5H > j.5S, land, dash up, 2H > 6H xx 421H (mash H) xx 236XX (707,000 for 1 bar, builds ~0.9 bars of meter)

Video Timestamp. Basic combo off a box-dash j.5H.

j.5H xx j.421H, land, 5M > 6M jc. j.5M > j.5H > j.5S, land, 5M > 6M jc. j.5H > j.5S, land 236H xx 623XX, 5H xx 623XX, 5H xx 421H (Mash H) (842,700 for 2 bars, builds ~1.25 bars of meter)

Video Timestamp. Confirm box-dash j.5H into air Bonne Strike for better damage options. Also shows off double King Servbot setup in the corner.

j.4217H (instant air Drill), land, 5M > 6M jc. j.5M > j.5H > j.5S, land, 5M > 6M jc. j.5H > j.5S, land, 236H xx 623XX, 5H xx 623XX, 5H xx 421H (mash H) (747,000 for 2 bars, builds 1.25 bars of meter)

Video Timestamp. Tiger Knee Bonne Strike is a strong pressure tool, so learn at least a basic combo route off the hit.

Anti-Air / Air-to-Air Routes

236H (Anti-Air), jump, j.5M > j.5M > j.5H, rejump, j.5M > j.5M > j.5H, rejump, j.5M > j.5M > j.5H, land, 5M > 6M jc. j.5H > j.5S, land, 236H xx 623XX, 5H xx 623XX, 5H xx 421H (mash H) (957,000 for 2 bars, builds ~1.4 bars of meter)

Video Timestamp. If you catch an opponent out of the air with H Beacon Bomb, you get an extended jump loop for very high damage.

j.5M (Air-to-Air) > j.5H > j.5S, land, 5M > 6M jc. j.5M > j.5M > j.5H > j.5S, land, 5M > 6M jc. j.5H > j.5S, land, 236H xx 623XX, 5H xx 623XX, 5H xx 421H (mash H) (891,000 for 2 bars, builds ~1.3 bars of meter)

Video Timestamp. Air-to-Air Confirm into jump loops

6M (Anti-Air) jc. j.5M > j.5H > j.5S, land, 5M > 6M jc. j.5M > j.5H > j.5S, land, 5M > 6M jc. j.5H > j.5S, land, 236H xx 623XX, 5H xx 623XX, 5H xx 421H (mash H) (816,000 for 2 bars, builds ~1.4 bars of meter)

Video Timestamp. Convert Anti-Air Gustaff Fire into jump loops.

Throw / Command Grab Routes

(Ground throw into corner), 5L > 2M > 5S sjc. j.5M (delay) > j.5M > j.5H, land, 5H xx 623XX, 5H > 5S sjc. j.5H xx j.421H (mash H) (613,000 for 1 bar, builds 1 bar of meter)

Video Timestamp. Tron can catch an opponent with a 5L before they reach the ground if she throws into the corner.

(Ground throw midscreen), dash twice, 2H > 6H xx 421M, 5L > 5M > 6M jc. j.5H > j.5S, land, 236H, jump, j.5H, land, 5H xx 623XX, 5H xx 421H (mash H) xx 236XX (745,000 for 2 bar, builds 1.15 bars of meter)

Video Timestamp. Midscreen throw combo.

(Airthrow), airdash j.5M > j.5M, rejump, j.5M > j.5M > j.5H, land, 5M > 6M jc. j.5H > j.5S, land, 236H, jump, j.5H, land, 5H xx 623XX, 5H xx 421H (mash H) xx 236XX (748,000 for 2 bar, builds ~1.15 bars of meter)

Video Timestamp. Airdash conversion off airthrow. This can be very difficult to land depending on positioning, so it may be more practical to go for an OTG pickup instead, but this is more damaging if you can land it.

63214X (into corner), 2H > 6H, 5L > 5M > 6M jc. j.5H > j.5S, land, 236H, 5H xx 623XX, 5H xx 421H (mash H) xx 236XX (807,000 for 2 bar, builds ~1.15 bars of meter)

Video Timestamp. Basic combo off command grab in the corner. Damage given is for H mixer.

X-Factor Combos


Sample Team Combos

Various assist combo showcase by Alrikir

Tron/Thor/She-Hulk Standard Combos
Tron/Thor/She-Hulk Command Grab combo



Tron/Frank Level-Up Combo Second Tron/Frank Level-Up Combo

Tron/Morrigan/Doom combos, DHCs to Meter steal

Tron/Iron Man/Strange



Beginner Combos

Combos One Star.png
Basic, simple combos with few requirements or restrictions.
  • Work on all or nearly all characters.
  • Require little to no resources (Meter, Assists, Character Specific Stocks).
  • Need minimal adjustments for positioning or starter.

Core Combos

Combos Two Stars.png
Core combos that balances reward with execution and reliability.
  • Works against a selected set of characters.
  • Can require adjustments for positioning and resources.
  • Are expected to be consistently performable by a skilled player who main the character.

Advanced Combos

Combos Three Stars.png
Advanced Combos are specialized in usage, require awareness, execution, and have advantages over core combos.
  • May only work on a few characters or in specific circumstances.
  • Can have any amount of requirements such as meter, positioning, starter.
  • Are not necessarily harder than core combos, but require more specific knowledge.

Assist Extensions

Comboing in X-Factor