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Revision as of 04:49, 6 July 2023 by Emerald3ME (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Combos == === Solo Combos === <code><nowiki>2L > 2H > 5S sjc. j.5H xx Airdash xx j.5M xx j.214S (Fly), j.5L > j.5H xx [Airdash xx j.5H]x4 xx 214S+H (Unfly), j.5H, land, 5H xx 214L, 5H > 5S sjc. j.5H xx 236M xx 214XX (710,000 damage for 1 bar, builds 1.1 bars of meter.)</nowiki></code> <br> Beginner combo to practice Flight combos.<br> <code><nowiki>(Opener) > 2H > 5S sjc. j.5H xx Airdash xx j.5M xx j.214S (Fly), j.5L > j.5H xx [Airdash xx j.5H]x3 xx Airdash Down x...")
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Solo Combos

2L > 2H > 5S sjc. j.5H xx Airdash xx j.5M xx j.214S (Fly), j.5L > j.5H xx [Airdash xx j.5H]x4 xx 214S+H (Unfly), j.5H, land, 5H xx 214L, 5H > 5S sjc. j.5H xx 236M xx 214XX (710,000 damage for 1 bar, builds 1.1 bars of meter.)

Beginner combo to practice Flight combos.

(Opener) > 2H > 5S sjc. j.5H xx Airdash xx j.5M xx j.214S (Fly), j.5L > j.5H xx [Airdash xx j.5H]x3 xx Airdash Down xx j.5H > j.5S (whiff), land, 5H xx 214L, [sj. Airdash Down xx j.5H, land, 5H xx 214L]x2, jump, Airdash xx j.5H > j.5S, land, 5H > 5S sjc. j.5H xx 236L xx 214XX (~780,000 for 1 bar, builds ~1.75 bars of meter)

Hyper Grav BnB loop. Once in the corner, Magneto can loop a series of heavy attacks into Hyper Grav a number of times depending on how much hitstun has deteriorated up to that point, usually 2 or 3 reps for a significant amount of extra damage and meter gain. There are two basic variations on the Hyper Grav loop. The "real" version looks like this:

5H xx 214L, sj. 2L+M~H (Airdash Down plink j.5H), land, 5H xx 214L, repeat

There is also a beginner variant, which is easier but less damaging, that looks like this:

5H xx 214L sj. Airdash j.5M > j.5H, land, 5H xx 214L, repeat

The keys to a successful Hyper Grav loop are:

  • Superjump as quickly as possible after the Hyper Grav (you can buffer the input surprisingly early before Magneto actually recovers)
  • Airdash down as soon as your opponent is dragged up to Magneto's height by Hyper Grav
  • Plink your airdash into j.5H to perform it as quickly as possible.

These techniques will maximize the opponent's height, allowing you to loop back into another Hyper Grav. You can also consult these tutorial videos on the subject if you are having difficulty:

Magneto BnB Tutorial
Hyper Grav Tutorial #2
Hyper Grav Tutorial #3

(Opener) > 2H > 5S sjc. j.5H xx Airdash j.5H xx 896L, land, dash, 5S sjc. j.5H xx 214S (Fly), j.5L > j.5H [xx Airdash xx j.5H]x4 xx Airdash Down-Forward xx j.5H > j.5S (Whiff), land, 5H xx 214L sj. Airdash j.5H > j.5S, land, 5H > 5S sjc. j.5H xx 236M xx 214XX (~732,000 for 1 bar, builds 1.5 bars of meter)

Video Timestamp The FChamp BnB. Useful for its extreme corner carry, as it is guaranteed to get the opponent cornered from any screen position.

Sample Magnetic Blast BnBs

X-Factor Combos


Sample Team Combos

BnB extensions using Doom and Sentinel
Mag/Doom Hard Tag
Mag/Strange Hard Tag #1
Mag/Strange Gard Tag #2

TAC Infinites

Corner All Directions
Midscreen/Corner All Directions