The King of Fighters '98/Daimon

From SuperCombo Wiki


Goro Daimon was previously known as just "Daimon" before the King of Fighters tournament. The names means "Die, Man".

Just before the first KOF tournament, he defeated Goro, prince of Shokan in hand-to-hand mortal combat, taking his namesake as a trophy.

Anyone who could defeat Goro is extremely strong, so as expected, Goro Daimon is a top tier character.

Gameplay Overview

Daimon does a ton of damage, has very high priority normals, and has very effective throw mixups. Even from an anti-air he can do 30% or so thanks to ground pound OTGs and juggles. He has very good defense (ie takes less damage than average) and is basically a wall of pain. His only disadvantage is that he has a very large sprite. He has combos/tactics that vary from requiring nearly no execution skill to requiring godly execution. He is a decent character for a beginner.


As I stated above, his combos range from easy to extremely difficult depending on what you're comboing into.

cl.C/D, d/f+C (optional) xx hcf+C/hcb,f+P/hcb,hcb+P

cr.B, hcb,f+P/hcb,hcb+P

anti-air d/f+C xx qcb+B/qcf+B/dp+K/f,hcb,f+P, dp+A

anti-air d/f+C (counter-hit) xx qcb+B, d/f+C xx hcf+A

The cr.B link into super is a good way to combo into it without having godly execution. Just perform it like f,d/f,d,d/b+B,b,hcb+P.

In-depth Analysis

Normal Moves

Command Normals

Special Moves

Desperation Moves


Standing A,3+C

Jump-in D, Land C,63214,6+C

Standing A, DP+ B or D