Hokuto no Ken/Mr. Heart/Introduction

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Mr. Heart is a 'grappler' type character, and he plays similarly to the grappler characters in other ARC games. Specifically, he moves very slowly and has no forward dash. Mr. Heart also has no Boost gauge, but his Banishing Strike still functions identically to other character's in that he is able to do a follow-up wallbounce combo. He is also able to use his Aura to perform a special Guard Cancel that can be followed up with a combo. As you would expect of a grappler character, he has a large amount of grab type moves, including both a grab super move and grab Fatal KO(which is the only FKO in the game that cannot be comboed into).

While fairly decent on both the offensive and defensive, his poor maneuverability is what causes Mr. Heart to be considered a weak character. Because of his slow speed Mr. Heart is often unable to get out of disadvantageous situations without taking a risk. That said, he has extremely high potential, and is quite capable of overcoming his bad matchups.

Pros Cons
  • Is able to confirm into kill combos from his unique Guard Cancel (which functions like a Banishing Strike) on every character.
  • Can gain super armor for free to setup favorable trades.
  • Only has a guard bar in the mirror match.
  • Doesn't have to manage boost, as he has none.
  • Forces your opponent to play in a very different manner, as most conventional tactics will outright lose.
  • No Boost and slow movement speed means Mr. Heart has trouble going anywhere without taking big risks or fishing for a stray hit.
  • Bad matchups against a large amount of the cast, directly related to his inability to move around, some matchups are near unwinnable against a skilled opponent.
  • Range is generally quite poor outside of Earthcrush.
  • Overhead mostly useless leads to a weak mixup game.
  • Because of the lack of Boost, Mr. Heart is overly dependent on Aura both for defense and offense.