Soulcalibur VI/Voldo/Introduction

From SuperCombo Wiki


The Money Pit was an expansive, deep hole in the middle of an island in the Mediterranean. It was created as a place to horde the magnificent treasures collected by Vercci, a weapons dealer. Naturally such fortune attracted the attention of more than a handful of thieves, but the Money Pit was not without its protection. In addition to numerous traps, it was guarded by a character wielding strange weapons: Vercci's former right-hand man, Voldo.

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Unique playstyle
  • Very long reaching attacks when facing forward
  • Also possesses very fast attacks shorter attacks in back turn
  • Excellent whiff punisher with 666B Lethal Hit
  • Very mixup oriented; Unpredictable
  • Great Critical Edge and decent Soul Charge
  • Not zoneable
  • Great gap closers
  • Can only play fast or slow depending on which way he is facing, loses all momentum once he faces forward
  • Struggles against faster high pressure characters
  • Mixups are often lower risk than reward
  • 2nd worst block punishment in the game
  • Knowledge checky

Unique Mechanics

Voldo is the only character in the game with a second movelist when he is Back Turned; also sometimes called Blind stance. The general rule of thumb is voldo can play differently depending on which way he is facing. When he is front facing he has decent movement, good zoning tools, good gap closers and good whiff punishers and is generally defensive. When he is back turned he has overall faster buttons, a i12 mid horizontal Critical edge, and a good offense but the actual worst movement in the game.

As a Voldo player you have to make sure you are facing correctly per each situation lest you put yourself in very dire situations with little to do about it.