SvC Chaos: SNK Vs Capcom/FAQ

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Is SVC Chaos a game that I would like?

SvC Chaos's Good and Bad Things (You'll see this section on each character's page as well)

If you want to add more bad things, just do it.

Good Things: Bad Things:
  • Very fun to play casually (SvC is an easier version of KoF '02, even though this is based of '03)
  • The characters are very fun to learn as well (In case you want to play it competitively, and I would recommend Fightcade for that)
  • Most Capcom sprites are so good (Really, SNK gave Demitri more love than Capcom itself!)
  • The game has very basic mechanics (Which any KOF player will be used to)
  • Dialogues before any fight!
  • No Morrigan! (It's a good thing, really)
  • Violent Ken's debut!
  • Dan is a sub-boss! (No joke)
  • Character endings are usually really detailed
  • HSDMs (They are called "Exceeds" here) cost no meter!
  • The game being broken makes it funny
  • Front Step gives the game an equivalent to Third Strike's Parry system
  • FS allows most characters to be viable, even if they're bad
  • Geese (Too good)
  • Dictator (Too bad)
  • Goenitz is back (SNK boss syndrome intensifies)
  • Backgrounds (The backgrounds are very bad)
  • Dhalsim's "stretching" sound effect
  • This game is nothing compared to most SNK games
  • No team battles (or grooves), it's just the classic 1v1
  • Most SNK characters were just copied and pasted from other games
  • There are some unexpected characters here (Like Choi alone, Earthquake, Hugo, Tessa, etc.)
  • It lacks some fan-favorite characters too (Like Benimaru, Haohmaru, Nakoruru, Leona, KoF Athena, Sakura, Blanka, E.Honda, Cammy, Zangief, etc.)
  • Where are the grapplers? (We only have Hugo here)
  • The game is just unbalanced (Sadly)
  • The hitboxes are not okay
  • No story mode (It's just the arcade mode)

Is SVC Chaos as broken as everyone says it is?

Very, very much so yes. This game is pretty much broken beyond repair and is not really competitively viable per se, but with Guard Cancel Front Step being the central mechanic of SVC Chaos, it helps to reduce a lot of issues with balancing the game has, albeit the learning curve is fairly steep. GCFS helps make matchups that are horrible without it otherwise become a lot more bearable. Almost everyone benefits from GCFS, but the case can be made that a very select few are awful even with it.

The game is broken, but if you like broken fighting games, you'll be right at home.

Any tips for a beginner?

  • 1. Learn to Guard Cancel Front Step. Now.
  • 2. Even if you suck at punishing after Guard Cancel Front Step, even a simple dash in grab is a viable punish if you are unable to do anything else. The opponent will not receive much damage, but they're still forced into a 50/50 mixup and will have to deal with you being closer to them than before.
  • 3. You don't necessarily need Max Mode if your character doesn't benefit too greatly from it, so in those cases you don't need to conserve meter as much to obtain Max Mode.
  • 4. Other characters who do need Max Mode, it is better to learn to conserve meter.
  • 5. Red Arremer is not broken. He's annoying as hell, but he's garbage in close range and has very specific weaknesses most characters can exploit one way or another. RA players who just cycle minion summons over and over is also a sign that the player is a bad RA player, since he's vulnerable during minion summons.
  • 6. Athena is not OP. She's extremely one note and easy to punish for the most part with an ounce of patience.
  • 7. Play who you want to play. People complaining are just complaining.
  • 8. SVC Chaos is a heavy matchup game in general. Matchups between characters vary wildly depending on who you play.


Where can I play this game?

Everyone plays SVC Chaos on Fightcade with the Plus and Super Plus roms. You can easily find the Fightcade website to download the client here, but you will need to find the rom separate. It uses the Final Burn Neo emulator with rollback netcode.

What does the tier list for this game look like?

Tier Notes
God Tier -- (The "brokeniest" characters in the game, and no, they are not tournament banned, because the game is broken by itself)
  • Geese (Stop using him, we don't like to see cl.HP > f+HK infinites in a match.)
  • Zero (He is tied with Geese, and has a huge amount of options for any matchup.)
Near God Tier -- (Broken as well, but has not enough level to be a "God".)
  • Orochi Iori
  • #Shin Akuma (A stronger Akuma with infinite meter can't be broken, right?)
Top Tier -- (Those are just the "unfair" characters)
  • Demitri (FIRE! DEMON'S CRADLE!)
  • #Red Arremer (Freaking zoning/unblockable movement character. He can just swarm the entire screen with minions. Some characters can counter it too.)
  • Mars People (The damn unblockable teleport)
  • Violent Ken
  • Tessa (Strongest non-boss character.)
  • Chun Li
  • Guile
  • Terry
  • Goenitz (Koko desu ka?)
Upper mid -- (The Upper Mid guys are probably the coolest characters to play in my opinion, as they are not that unfair, and not that bad to play)
  • Kim (Braindead.)
  • Kyo
  • Iori
  • Shiki
  • Mai
  • #Serious/Shin Mr. Karate (He could be higher on the list, because he is a boss character - Say that to Athena -, but... He needs to be on MAXIMUM Mode to do his things. Oh, he can't cancel normals too, and has almost no damage on his specials, making him almost useless outside of MAXIMUM Mode.)
  • Mr. Karate
Mid tier -- (The "fair" guys. It's kinda hard to work with them sometimes, but they can be strong on the right hands)
  • Ryu
  • Akuma (Same as Choi.)
  • Choi (Annoying to fight against, but if he takes one or two combos he dies.)
  • Earthquake
  • Dhalsim
  • Sagat
  • Ryo
  • Ken
Low tier -- (The hypest characters in the world. Why? Win with one of them, and you'll see how hype it is. Low tier matches in SvC can be pretty cool too, but it will rarely happen, because everyone loves SvC Geese)
  • Kasumi
  • Genjuro
  • #Athena (Weakest boss Hype!)
  • Claw
  • Boxer
  • Hugo
  • Dan (Yup, not the weakest this time.)
  • Dictador (Almost tied with Dan, probably.)

Note: Characters with a # are selectable only on console versions of the game or the super plus romhack. I'm not sure if this tier list can be accepted(I'm updating it from time to time, and I'll try to make sure that this Tier List is as accurate as possible. I think that the Low Tier part is okay), but anyway. Some Low Tier chars can win against characters from higher tiers, because what matters is the player, not the character(Well, the problem is just... The game is just broken). For the console-only characters, it's just my opinion on where they are located.