Super Street Fighter IV/Juri

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< Super Street Fighter IV
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Super Street Fighter IVSSFIVLogo.png


SSFIV-Juri Face.jpg

Juri is a sadistic agent working for Seth under S.I.N. Seth has installed the "Feng Shui Engine" into her left eye, which has enhanced her powers significantly. It is said that having watched her family murdered long ago is what has given Juri her lust for violence. But it is also driven by desires for revenge, as her family was murdered by Shadaloo, and joining S.I.N. is just a ploy to get closer to Shadaloo so she can take down Bison from within. Being hired to kill enemies of S.I.N. just happens to be a nice perk to go along with this mission.

In a nutshell

Juri definitely holds the prize for the most unique Projectile in the game. Learning Juri means mastering the Fuhajin and learning how to find opportunites to store them and how to use them on offense. While it may appear at first glance that Juri plays a game by mixing up Dive Kicks and Senpushas to catch opponents off guard, patient opponents will tear that offense apart. But once you master the art of the Fuhajin, Juri's game really opens up. But it takes a lot of technical prowess and practice to learn how to properly use this weapon, so Juri is definitely not for the feint of heart or those looking for easy wins.


Unique Attacks

F.png + Mk.png


Karen Kick
F.png or N.png + Lp.png + Lk.png
Assatsu Kick
B.png + Lp.png + Lk.png

Special Moves

Qcf.png + K.png
Stores a fireball; Continue holding K.png to continue storing fireball; Release K.png to release fireball; Different kick buttons fire in different directions; Ex.png version requires no storing; Different 2 button combinations allow Ex.png version to fire in all three angles; Ex.png
(in air) Qcb.png + K.png
Ex.png Armorbreak.png
   Second Impact
Perform after Shikusen
      Third Strike
Perform after Second Impact
Qcb.png + K.png
Qcb.png + P.png
Counters only against certain attacks; Ex.png

Super Combo

Qcb.png Qcb.png + K.png

Ultra Combos

Feng Shui Engine
Qcf.png Qcf.png + P.png
Grants ability to perform Chain Combos
Kaisen Dankairaku
Qcf.png Qcf.png + 3k.png

Frame Data

Move Values Frame Count Frame Advantage
Move Name Block (HL) Damage Stun Super Meter Gain Cancel Ability Startup Active Recovery On Guard On Hit Block Stun Hit Stun Notes
Standing Close Attacks
Jab.gif HL 30 50 20 ch/sp/su 4 3 5 +3 +7 - -
Strong.gif HL 70 100 40 sp/su 5 4 14 -4 -1 - - Juggles if Ultra 1 is activated / 7f startup if Ultra 1 is activated
Fierce.gif HL 100 200 60 sp/su 6 4 26 -12 - - - 3~22f airborne / Knockdown.png / 24 ~ ?? (special/super Cancel.png when she lands) / Juggles if Ultra 1 is activated
Short.gif HL 30 50 20 ch/sp/su 3 3 5 +3 +6 - -
Forward.gif HL 30*35 40*40 40*20 sp/su 6 3(6)2 19 -7 -4 - - 1~6f airborne / 8f startup if Ultra 1 is activated
Roundhouse.gif HL 40*70 125*75 60*20 sp/su 11 2(2)2 20 -4 +1 - - +0 on hit / Juggles if Ultra 1 is activated / Only 1st hit is cancelable, 2nd hit is cancelable if Ultra 1 is activated
Standing Far Attacks
Jab.gif HL 30 50 20 ch/sp/su 4 3 5 +3 +7 - -
Strong.gif HL 80 100 40 su 6 4 11 -1 +2 - - Juggles if Ultra 1 is activated
Fierce.gif HL 120 200 60 - 10 3 20 -5 -1 - -
Short.gif HL 40 50 20 ch/sp/su 5 3 7 +1 +4 - -
Forward.gif HL 30*70 30*70 20*40 - 5 5 14 -4 -1 - - Juggles if Ultra 1 is activated
Roundhouse.gif HL 110 200 60 - 15 4 19 -5 -1 - - 6~23f airborne / Juggles if Ultra 1 is activated
Crouching Attacks
Jab.gif HL 30 50 20 ch/sp/su 4 2 9 0 +3 - -
Strong.gif HL 70 100 40 sp/su 6 6 9 -1 +2 - -
Fierce.gif HL 100 200 60 sp/su 7 4 20 -6 -1 - - Force to stand on ground hit
Short.gif L 20 50 20 ch/sp/su 4 4 5 +2 +5 - -
Forward.gif L 60 100 40 sp/su 6 2 17 -5 -2 - -
Roundhouse.gif L 90 100 60 - 8 2 25 -9 - - - Knockdown
Straight Up Jump Attacks
Jab.gif H 50 50 20 - 4 8 - - - - -
Strong.gif H 80 100 40 - 5 7 - - - - -
Fierce.gif H 100 200 60 - 8 4 - - - - -
Short.gif H 40 50 20 - 5 10 - - - - -
Forward.gif H 80 100 40 - 5 5 - - - - -
Roundhouse.gif H 100 200 60 - 8 4 - - - - -
Angled Jump Attacks
Jab.gif H 50 50 20 - 4 11 - - - - -
Strong.gif H 50 50 40 sp 5 6 - - - - - Floats opponent on air hit
Fierce.gif H 90 100 60 - 7 4 - - - - - Knockdown / Juggle
Short.gif H 40 50 20 - 5 6 - - - - -
Forward.gif H 70 100 40 - 5 6 - - - - -
Roundhouse.gif H 100 200 60 - 6 6 - - - - -
Unique Attacks
Right.gif + Forward.gif H 70 70 40 - 20 2 18 -2 +2 - - 12~26f airborne / +1 on hit on crouching opponent / Juggles if Ultra 1 is activated / +6 on hit if Ultra 1 is activated
Focus Attacks
Focus Attack LVL 1 HL 60 100 20 - 21 2 35 -21 -21 - -
Focus Attack LVL 2 HL 80 150 40 - 17+12 2 35 -15 - - -
Focus Attack LVL 3 - 140 200 60 - 65 2 35 - - - -
Forward Throw 0.8 130 140 40 - 3 2 20 - - - -
Back Throw 0.8 120 160 40 - 3 2 20 - - - -
Special Moves
Fuhajin HL 50*50 100*50 20/20*20 su 9 6(24)52 61 (total duration) +4 - - - 41~43 super cancellable / hold the button to feint / only 2nd hit is super cancelable
Fuhajin (store) HL 50 100 20/20 - 9 6 16 -1 - - - Puts opponent in jugglable state on ground hit / Count as a projectile
Fuhajin (release) HL 50 50 0/20 su 11 52 33 (total duration) +4 +10 - - Puts opponent in jugglable state on air hit / 13~15 super Cancel.png / ?? (about Mk.png version) / +6 on block for Roundhouse.gif version
Fuhajin EX.gif (Short.gif+Forward.gif) HL 50*50 50*50 -250/0 su 13 49 39 (total duration) +5 - - - Puts opponent in jugglable state on hit / can juggle / 16~18f super Cancel.png (fadc)
Fuhajin EX.gif (Forward.gif+Roundhouse.gif) HL 50*50 50*50 -250/0 su 15 49 39 (total duration) +7 - - - 4~16f airborn / Puts opponent in jugglable state on hit / can juggle / 18~20f super Cancel.png (fadc) / ?? (same note that Mk.png fuhajin release)
Fuhajin EX.gif (Short.gif+Roundhouse.gif) HL 50*50 50*50 -250/0 su 13 49 39 (total duration) +5 - - - 4~15 airborne / Puts opponent in jugglable state on hit / can juggle / 17~19f super Cancel.png (fadc)
Shikusen Short.gif HL 40 50 10/40 - 14 until ground 17 -2 - - -
Shikusen Forward.gif HL 40 50 10/40 - 14 until ground 18 -3 - - -
Shikusen Roundhouse.gif HL 40 50 10/40 - 14 until ground 19 -4 - - -
Shikusen 2nd Impact HL 20*20 20*20 0/20*20 - 9 4(5)2 28 - - - -
Shikusen 3rd Strike HL 80 90 0/40 - 21 2 19 - - - -
Shikusen EX.gif HL 50*25*25*60 50*20*20*50 -250/0 - 14 until ground(8)4(5)2(20)2 14or28or18 - - - -
Senpusha Short.gif HL 60*40 40*40 20/20*20 su 7 3(1)4 4+17 -4 +1 - -
Senpusha Forward.gif HL 45*25x3 40*30x3 20/15x4 su 9 3(1)4(6)3(1)3 5+21 -8 - - -
Senpusha Roundhouse.gif HL 50*30x3 50*35x3 20/15x4 su 14 3(1)4(6)3(1)3 5+24 -11 - - -
Senpusha EX.gif HL 30x6 30x5*35 -250/0 - 7 3(1)4(3)3*3(1)3(4)3*3(1)3 5+27 -13 - - -
Kasatushi - - - 10/- - 3 29 17 - - - -
Kasatushi EX.gif - - - -250/- - 1 31 17 - - - -
Kasatushi (???) - - - -/5 - - - 29 - - - -
Kasatushi (???) - - - -/5 - - - 28 - - - -
Kasatushi (???) - - - -/5 - - - 54 - - - -
Super Combo
Super Combo Short.gif HL 60x5*70 0 -1000/0 - 1+8 65 153 (total duration) -82 - - -
Super Combo Forward.gif HL 60x5*70 0 -1000/0 - 1+8 65 153 (total duration) -82 - - -
Super Combo Roundhouse.gif HL 60x5*70 0 -1000/0 - 1+11 65 156 (total duration) -82 - - -
Ultra Combos
Ultra Combo 1 - - - - - 1+0 900 7 (total duration) - - - -
Ultra Combo 2 HL 15x8*360 0 0/0 - 1+9 4*? (45f total) 60+33 -103 - - -
Move Name Block (HL) Damage Stun Super Meter Gain Cancel Ability Startup Active Recovery On Guard On Hit Block Stun Hit Stun Notes
Move Values Frame Count Frame Advantage

Move Analysis

Normal Moves

  • Standing Jab.gif (hitbox)
    • Juri's fastest full animation (11f)
    • can be whiffed to quickly discard a held Fuhajin
  • Far standing Strong.gif (hitbox)
    • Juri's longest (useful) poke
    • moves forward a significant distance on the first frame; very good for kara throws
  • Far standing Fierce.gif (hitbox)
    • can be used as a poke but generally not useful
  • Far standing Short.gif (hitbox)
    • slightly shorter range than far standing Forward.gif
    • difficult to whiff-punish
  • Far standing Forward.gif (hitbox 1) (2)
    • slightly shorter range than far standing Strong.gif
    • good priority
    • good anti-air at certain angles
    • hits twice if close enough
  • Far standing Roundhouse.gif (hitbox)
    • moves very far forward
    • vulernable to focus attacks
    • whiffs on some crouching characters
    • if Feng Shui Engine is active, whiffs on most crouching characters
  • Close standing Fierce.gif (hitbox)
    • airborne from frame 3; decent for punishing throw attempts or crouch teching
    • very unsafe on block
    • situational anti-air
  • Close standing Short.gif (hitbox)
    • Juri's fastest attack (3f startup)
  • Close standing Forward.gif (hitbox 1) (2)
    • startup covered by airborne frames
    • beats most throws, but can lose to invincible command grabs
    • can be used as a substitute for crouch teching
    • second hit can whiff on crouching opponents
  • Crouching Strong.gif (hitbox)
    • primary anti-air
    • long active window; good meaty attack
    • good poke to whiff while buffering Senpusha
    • recovers slightly before animation finishes, making it possible to move forward slightly
  • Crouching Fierce.gif (hitbox)
    • good anti-air for opponents directly above or crossing up
  • Crouching Short.gif (hitbox)
    • use for hit-confirming
  • Crouching Forward.gif (hitbox)
    • moves vulnerable hitboxes low to the ground
    • good low poke
    • can go under fireballs at close range
  • Crouching Roundhouse.gif (hitbox)
    • moves vulnerable hitboxes low to the ground
    • untechable knockdown
  • Neutral Jump Jab.gif (hitbox)
  • Neutral Jump Strong.gif (hitbox)
  • Neutral Jump Fierce.gif (hitbox)
  • Neutral Jump Short.gif (hitbox)
    • good air-to-air
  • Neutral Jump Forward.gif (hitbox)
    • good air-to-air
  • Neutral Jump Roundhouse.gif (hitbox)
    • good air-to-air
    • can hit behind
    • best normal to use after EX.gifUpright.gif Kasatushi
  • Angled Jump Jab.gif (hitbox)
  • Angled Jump Strong.gif (hitbox)
    • free juggle state on air hit
    • can be used very late in jump arc
    • very good to fake corner cross-ups
  • Angled Jump Fierce.gif (hitbox)
    • hard knockdown
    • difficult to anti-air
    • beats many wakeup reversals if positioned correctly
    • can cross up if spaced perfectly
  • Angled Jump Short.gif (hitbox)
    • can cross up outside of corner
  • Angled Jump Forward.gif (hitbox)
    • can cross up anywhere
    • good air-to-air
  • Angled Jump Roundhouse.gif (hitbox)
    • overall solid jumping attack
    • does not cross up at the max range where Forward.gif would cross up

Unique Attacks

  • Sekku (Right.gif + Forward.gif) (hitbox)
    • overhead
    • good range

Normal Throws

  • (hitbox)
  • Karen Kick (forward throw)
    • excellent for moving opponents to the corner (use Roundhouse.gif Shikusen to follow)
    • long knockdown time; can easily store Fuhajins if already in the corner
  • Assatsu Kick (back throw)
    • gives enough time for a safe jump
  • Use Strong.gif kara throw to greatly extend throw range

Focus Attack

Special Moves

  • Fuhajin
    • Fuhajin store (hitbox)
      • can be whiffed to build meter fairly quickly
      • stored Fuhajins can be discarded by releasing the corresponding buttons during a jump or a different move, such as a whiffed standing Jab.gif or a different Fuhajin store
      • good meaty attack; can stuff many reversals
    • Short.gif release (hitbox 1a) (1b)
      • goes under other projectiles
      • can be used as a long-range poke
      • can be used for easy hit-confirms
      • works well for corner frame traps
    • Forward.gif release (hitbox 1a) (1b)
      • collides with most other projectiles
      • can be crouched under
    • Roundhouse.gif release (hitbox 1a) (1b)
      • can be used to anti-air or to prevent opponents from jumping
      • can prevent large characters such as Zangief and T Hawk from advancing easily
    • EX.gif (Short.gif + Forward.gif) (hitbox 1a) (1b)
      • can be used to poke like Short.gif version but comes out slower
      • works well for corner frame traps, like Short.gif version
    • EX.gif (Forward.gif + Roundhouse.gif) (hitbox 1a) (1b)
    • EX.gif (Short.gif + Roundhouse.gif) (hitbox 1a) (1b)
  • Shikusen
    • not normally safe on block; can be made safe if spaced correctly
    • Short.gif (hitbox)
    • Forward.gif (hitbox)
    • Roundhouse.gif (hitbox)
      • punishes fireballs well
    • Second Impact (hitbox)
      • use only if Shikusen is confirmed to hit
    • Third Strike (hitbox)
      • use if Second Impact is confirmed to hit
    • EX.gif (hitbox 1) (2) (3)
      • usually only useful in punish situations
  • Senpusha
  • Kasatushi
    • Jab.gif (hitbox)
      • can be used to escape corners
    • Strong.gif
      • can be used to retreat from offensive pressure
    • Fierce.gif
      • can be followed up with Shikusen for a quick counterattack
    • EX.gif (hitbox)
      • can be directed Right.gif, Left.gif, Up.gif, Upright.gif, or Upleft.gif
      • very good reversal; makes it almost impossible to "guarantee" damage on Juri's wakeup

Super Combos

  • Fuharenjin
    • easy to combo into

Ultra Combos

  • Feng Shui Engine
  • Kaisen Dankairaku
    • has several practical ways to be comboed into
    • good for punishing certain moves
    • not a good anti-air

The Basics

When playing as Juri, your primary strategy should be to get your opponent in the corner and keep them there as much as possible. She has several tools to accomplish this effectively, such as Karen Kick (forward throw), Forward.gif/Roundhouse.gif Senpusha, and Shikusen > Second Impact > Third Strike, all of which carry opponents very far across the stage. Try to land these attacks whenever possible; end blockstrings with throw attempts, end combos with Senpusha, and punish fireballs with Shikusen. Juri also has the ability to teleport by using Kasatushi, which she can use to reverse corner situations in her favor, particularly with the Jab.gif and EX.gif (Right.gif or Upright.gif) versions.

Once an opponent is cornered, take advantage of Juri's various tools to keep them trapped there as long as possible. Short.gif Fuhajin is useful for easy hit-confirms and frame traps. Mid and high Fuhajins can be used for zoning. Neutral jump Short.gif, Forward.gif, and Roundhouse.gif are good for keeping opponents from escaping with moves such as Ryu's aerial Tatsumaki Senpukyaku. Juri also has a very good cross-up mix-up by jumping into the corner with jumping Forward.gif (which does cross up) or Strong.gif (which does not cross up). Use this sparingly, as it may give the opponent an opportunity to escape, and doing the real cross-up will cause you to lose your positioning. Finally, Juri's Ultra I, Feng Shui Engine, is very strong in the corner, so activating it here could easily lead to a quick end to the round.

Advanced Strategy

Wakeup Options

  • EX.gif Senpusha
    • works well against proper meaties
    • trades with delayed attacks
    • loses to delayed throws
    • anti-cross-up hitbox comes out very late, not usually useful
    • very punishable on block/whiff
  • Kasatushi
    • first 2 frames vulnerable; useful only if opponent attacks late
  • EX.gif Kasatushi
    • Juri's best wakeup reversal
    • not vulnerable to any option-selects
  • backdash
    • evades meaty attacks
    • vulnerable to certain option-selects
  • dash
    • 1f: vulnerable hitboxes lower to approximately shoulder-level
    • 2~8f: vulnerable hitboxes lower to approximately waist-level
    • useful for evading cross-ups
    • evades El Fuerte's Tostada Press, Fajita Buster, and Propeller Tortilla
  • crouching Strong.gif/crouching Fierce.gif/close standing Fierce.gif
    • anti-airs if opponent does a late jump-in or dive kick
  • crouching Forward.gif
    • beats cross-up hurricane kicks
    • evades C Viper's Burning Kick, M Bison's Psycho Crusher, Vega's Flying Barcelona Attack, and all hurricane kicks
  • close standing Forward.gif
    • beats throws (except invincible command throws)
    • causes a reset if hit out of by most normals
    • particularly useful if holding Short.gif Fuhajin and unable to crouch tech

Fuzzy Guard

On taller characters, it is possible to set up instant overheads that would not normally be possible. The easiest way to use this is to put an opponent in standing blockstun with a jump-in Fierce.gif, Roundhouse.gif, or deep Strong.gif. Immediately after landing, jump again and use jumping Strong.gif or Fierce.gif. The opponent will still have a standing hitbox even if they are crouching, which allows these moves to function as instant overheads. Another method is to take advantage of the hitboxes of characters as they are recovering from a knockdown. If timed correctly, jumping Strong.gif or Fierce.gif will function as an instant overhead, unless the opponent does a move on wakeup to force their vulnerable hitboxes to change.

Empty Jump Mix-up

This is a mix-up that any character can do, but Juri can be particularly annoying with it. When jumping in on an opponent, jumping attacks can mixed up with empty jumps immediately followed by low attacks or throws. Due to the hitbox of Juri's jumping Strong.gif, she can do this move very low to the ground, making it difficult for opponents to defend against this mix-up correctly.


Bread and Butters

  • close s.MK (1) xx Fuhajin (store) - 80 damage, 140 stun
  • close s.HP xx EX Senpusha - 250 damage, 355 stun
  • c.MK xx H/EX Senpusha - 200/240 damage, 255/285 stun
  • EX Shikusen |> L/EX Senpusha - 200/290 damage, 180/295 stun
  • EX Shikusen |> j.HP - 250 damage, 250 stun
  • (air-to-air) j.MP |> j.MP |> c.HK - 172 damage, 180 stun
  • (air-to-air) j.MP |> close s.HP xx L/EX Senpusha - 182/270 damage, 282/370 stun

Hit Confirm Combos

  • c.LK, c.LK xx M Senpusha - 136 damage, 204 stun
  • c.LK > s.LP, c.MP xx H Senpusha - 196 damage, 289 stun; whiffs on most crouchers
  • c.LK > close s.LK, c.MP xx H Senpusha - 196 damage, 289 stun
  • c.MK xx L Fuhajin (release), c.MK xx H Senpusha - 256 damage, 339 stun
  • c.MK xx L Fuhajin (release), c.HK - 182 damage, 230 stun; untechable knockdown

Dizzy / Focus Crumple Combos

  • c.HP xx H/EX Senpusha
  • EX Shikusen |> L/EX Senpusha

FADC Combos

  • c.MK xx L Fuhajin (release) xx EX Focus Cancel, c.HP xx H Senpusha - 288 damage, 419 stun
  • c.MK xx L Senpusha xx EX Focus Cancel, s.LK, c.MP xx H Senpusha - 277 damage, 343 stun

Advanced Combos

  • (air-to-air) j.MP |> EX Shikusen |> L/EX Senpusha - 242/330 damage, 222/314 stun; must be falling from jump when j.MP hits
  • Shikusen |> EX Senpusha - 190 damage, 205 stun

Combos Into Supers

  • close s.HP xx L/M Fuharenjin - 470 damage, 200 stun
  • (air-to-air) j.MP |> close s.HP xx L/M Fuharenjin - 446 damage, 250 stun
  • c.MK xx L Senpusha xx Fuharenjin - 416 damage, 140 stun
  • c.MK xx L Fuhajin (release) xx Fuharenjin - 406 damage, 150 stun
  • Shikusen |> Fuharenjin - 410 damage, 50 stun
  • j.MP xx Shikusen |> Fuharenjin - 386 damage, 100 stun

Combos Into Ultras

  • Feng Shui Engine
  • Kaisen Dankairaku
    • (air-to-air) j.MP |> Kaisen Dankairaku - 434 damage, 50 stun
    • EX Shikusen |> Kaisen Dankairaku - 544 damage, 140 stun
    • Shikusen |> Kaisen Dankairaku - 424 damage, 50 stun; corner-only on some characters
    • c.MK xx L Fuhajin (release) xx EX Focus Attack (lv.2), Kaisen Dankairaku - 406 damage, 255 stun; must be close or in corner for focus attack to connect
    • c.MK xx L Fuhajin (release) [xx EX Focus Cancel], Kaisen Dankairaku - 446 damage, 150 stun; EX Focus Cancel only needed mid-screen
    • (anti-air) HK Fuhajin [xx EX Focus Cancel], Kaisen Dankairaku - 434 damage, 50 stun; EX Focus Cancel only needed mid-screen
    • (trade) close s.HP, Kaisen Dankairaku - 460 damage, 200 stun


  • Vs. Abel

To Be Written (TBW)

  • Vs. Adon


  • Vs. Akuma


  • Vs. Balrog


  • Vs. Blanka


  • Vs. C. Viper


  • Vs. Cammy


  • Vs. Chun Li


  • Vs. Cody


  • Vs. Dan


  • Vs. Dee Jay


  • Vs. Dhalsim


  • Vs. Dudley


  • Vs. E. Honda


  • Vs. El Fuerte


  • Vs. Fei Long


  • Vs. Gen


  • Vs. Gouken


  • Vs. Guile


  • Vs. Guy


  • Vs. Hakan


  • Vs. Ibuki


  • Vs. Juri


  • Vs. Ken


  • Vs. M. Bison


  • Vs. Makoto


  • Vs. Rose


  • Vs. Rufus


  • Vs. Ryu


  • Vs. Sagat


  • Vs. Sakura


  • Vs. Seth


  • Vs. T. Hawk


  • Vs. Vega


  • Vs. Zangief