Hyper Street Fighter 2

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Revision as of 14:42, 27 August 2007 by Dan Hibiki (talk | contribs) (SPAM BATTLE)



Joystick Notation

  • F - Forward - Tilt stick forward/towards the opponent. (X-axis)
  • B - Backward/Back - Tilt stick backward/away from the opponent. (X-axis)
  • U - Up - Tilt stick upwards. (Y-axis)
  • D - Down - Tilt stick downwards. (Y-axis)
  • QCF - Quarter circle forward - Tilt stick downwards, then to downwards and forward, then forward.
  • QCB - Quarter circle backward - Tilt stick downwards, then to downwards and backward, then backward.
  • HCF - Half circle forward/Hadouken/Fireball - Tilt stick backwards, then to downwards and backward, then to downward, then to downwards and forward, then forward.
  • HCB - Half circle backward - Tilt stick forwards, then to downwards and forward, then to downward, then to downwards and backward, then backward.
  • DP - Dragon punch - Tilt stick forwards, then to downward, then to downward and forward.
  • 360/FC - Full circle - Complete a full rotation of the stick.
  • 720 - N/A - Complete a 720 degree rotation of the stick.
  • Charge - Hold a tilt - Hold the stick in either B or D (Depending) then move to F or U respectively.

X-axis functions can be used interchangably with Y-axis functions and vice versa. X-axis functions cannot be used in conjunction with another X-axis function and vice versa.

Six Button Notation

Expressed in the form: Notation - Move - (X-box Default Map) - (PS2 Default Map)

  • LP - Low Punch - (X) - (?)
  • MP - Medium/Strong Punch - (Y) - (?)
  • HP - High/Fierce Punch - (Right Trigger/White) - (?)
  • LK - Low Kick - (A) - (?)
  • MK - Medium/Strong Kick - (B) - (?)
  • HK - High/Roundhouse Kick - (Left Trigger/Black) - (?)

Occasionally people may use "Notation" and "Move" interchangeably.



  • : Used between two other pieces of notation to signify that they should be performed at the same time. i.e. "X" "Y", "X" should be performed at the same time as "Y".

e.g. F MP

  • -> (Sometimes >): Indicates the next part of a sequence. i.e. "X" -> "Y" -> "Z", After "X" is performed, "Y" should follow, then "Z".

e.g. F -> Fierce Shoryuken

  • x: Used between two other pieces of notation to signify that the first should be cancelled (interuppted earlier than it would finish otherwise) into the second. i.e. "X" x "Y", "X" should be cancelled into "Y".

e.g. MP x Fierce Shoryuken

  • ~: Indicates that the preceeding action should link (immediately follow with) into the next action. i.e. "X" ~ "Y", "X" should be followed immediately by "Y"

e.g. LK ~ MP ~ HP

  • /: Used to show when two or more options are available at that point in a sequence, invariably to show that they both produce similar if not identical results.

State Modifiers

  • s. - The following move should be performed in the standing position (neutral in the Y-axis). i.e. s."X", perform "X" whilst standing.
  • c. - The following move should be performed in the crouched position (held down in the Y-axis). i.e. c."X", perform "X" whilst crouching.
  • j. - The following move should be performed in the "in the air" position (After having held up in the Y-axis). i.e. j."X", perform "X" whilst in the air.

Miscellaneous Notation

  • twds - ?????
  • x(Integer) - Number of times - Shows how many times that particular part of a sequence can be repeated.
  • Tap/Rapidly - Repeatedly press a button.

Game Mechanics

Basic Strategy

Advanced Strategy

Tier List

WW = World Warrior (Normal)

CE = Champion Edition (Champ)

HF = Hyper Fighting (Turbo)

S = New Challengers (Super)

ST = Super Turbo (SuperT)

SSS: CE-Bison, CE-Guile, CE-Ryu, CE-Sagat

SS: WW-Guile, HF-Guile, HF-Ryu, CE-Ken, HF-Ken, HF-Sagat, ST-Dhalsim, ST-Balrog, ST-Ryu

S: WW-Dhalsim, HF-Blanka, ST-Chun-Li, S-Ryu, S-Ken, ST-Ken, ST-Honda, ST-Dee Jay, ST-Sagat

A: HF-Honda, HF-Zangief, HF-Balrog, S-Balrog, S-Bison, S-Sagat, S-Chun-Li, S-Vega, S-Dee Jay

B: ST-Blanka, HF-Dhalsim, HF-Vega, S- Honda, ST-Fei Long, ST-Guile

C: WW-Chun-Li, CE-Chun-Li, WW-Blanka, CE-Blanka, CE-Balrog, WW-Honda, CE- Honda, HF-Bison, S-Fei Long, S-Hawk, ST-Zangief, S-Guile

D: WW-Ryu, WW-Ken, WW-Zangief, CE- Zangief, S-Zangief, ST-Hawk, S-Blanka, S-Cammy, ST-Cammy

Game Versions

The Characters