Vampire Savior (Darkstalkers 3)

From SuperCombo Wiki


Vampire Savior(aka Darkstalkers 3 in the US) is the third incarnation of the Vampire series. It was released in 97, and much of the game mechanics of its roots are what many of Capcom's later Versus games have borrowed from. On higher levels, the game is fast paced, and in its now 8 years of being out, has still been relatively balanced in competative play.

Theres more to say, but I'm sure someone will be kind enough to add more filler, and maybe an image. (i'm a wiki scrub) What's important though, is the knowledge to play the game right, not all this silly background information.


I(gbursine) truely believe one person cannont know everything; mainly because I know I don't. So to further make this whole thing useful, it's necessary that other people contribute, or there will be many holes within this guide due to the simple fact that things are viewed by the eyes of one person.

And the way've I've linked things is likely very crude, since I just C&P'd things from other pple's wiki stuff(i.e. links, & sub headers) if anyone would be so kind as to correct them too(should they need correcting), I'd be most greatful.

Legend & Notation

The Game Engine

====== Life Bars====== :

The Life Bar works quite differently from your average 1 on 1Capcom-Style'd Lifebar. The Normal nature of the lifebar is, you get hit, and the damage stays. Vampire Savior doesn't follow this trend. Rather, damage is delt in Red(permanent damege), and White(recoverable damage). While there's not much to talk about as far as red damage goes, there's a bit to know about white damage.

I'm 99% sure that every damaging move in Vampire Savior causes white damage. The ratio of white to red damage increases with the length of the combo being done(big combos equal lots of white damage). But white damage, is still damage. You can lose a round, if the white damage reaches the end of your life bar

Reducing your white damage [to just red damage] is quite simple; stay out of hit or blockstun. Being in blockstun(blocking in lamens terms) halts the reduction of your white damage. This can be best done by either: a. running away b. rushing down.

so simpo right?... it is, tho quite a few players opt for option a, which isn't always easy in higher leveled play.

*to be added: Capcom has followed two trends as far as life points are concerened. In their past [and later] games, characters within their [Capcom's] games have had two main ways of varying life bars:

  • -uniform life points, with varying defences, where characters took a percentage of damage, and delt fixed damage with attacks.
  • -uniform defence and offence stats for attacks, but varying life points.

As of now, I believe characters have varying defences, with uniform life points, but because I have no definit proof as of yet, I am in no position to state this as fact.

====== Round System====== :

Following in suite with life bars, Vampire Savior strays away from the generic round system of generic Capcom fighters [and rightfully so]. Your standard match gives each character "bats," which are essentially stocks of life. When you fill a lifebar with full damage, the match pauses briefly, a bat is taken away, then the match resumes.

The opponent who didn't lose a bat[there are cases where traded hits cause both opponents to lose bats simultaneously] is free to run about to setup wakeup mindgames, and heal white damage in this [very] brief intermission.

And of course, the match is 100% over when a character loses both bats. Double KO can happen.

====== Meter System====== :

Every character in Vampire Savior has up to 99 levels of meter. Despite this fact, except in special cases, you should really have no more than 3 levels of meter in a higher leveled match(it's somewhat of a sign that you don't know how to use your meter).

Generally, ES and EX moves require one level of meter. Some EX moves require two. Dark forces also require one level of meter.

====== Combo Rules ====== :

There are three forms of doing combos in Vampire Savior:

-two-in-ones -linking -chaining

Two-in-ones require a move to be bufferable [refer to glossary on the term bufferable]. It is the action of doing a special move during the animation of a normal move. The recovery of the normal move will cancel into the special move, allowing for it to combo. hence two-in-one

Linking is a play on the startup and recovery of normal and special moves. It is performed by a character doing an attack, recovering before the opponent recovers from hit stun, and performing another attack [all before the opponent recovers from hitstun].

Chaining is performed by canceling the recovery of one normal move into another. It is done from weaker to stronger buttons, going from start to kick. You can google an image of how it works, or one day someone(me?) will put an image of the general pattern up.

You CANNOT cancel a normal move during a chain into a special or super move. You CAN link from a chain combo into a normal [or special] move, thus allowing you to cancel that normal(provided it is bufferable) into a special move.

Another special case with canceling chain combos are command input supers(EX moves). These Supers are done by inputting odd commands in sequence. As such, characters such as Gallon(Talbain), Demitri, Morrigan, and other characters can cancel a chain combo into one of their EX moves.

====== Blocking====== :

Vampire Savior allows for ground and air blocking. Blocking while on the ground follows normal trends: Block Standing for high hitting attacks, and crouching for low hitting attacks.

Air blocking is a bit different. Much Like Street Fighter Alpha 3, an airborn character cannot block a normal attack from an opponent who has their feet on the ground. But, normal moves, such as Aubath's(Rikuo) s.fp, or BB Hood's(Bulleta) s.F+mp may be blocked in the air; as well as all ES and EX movesmoves.

====== ES & EX moves====== :

Both ES and EX moves require meter. Some EX moves require two or more.

ES moves are special moves to a higher degree. They are generally the special move enhanced in some sort of way. ES moves are performed by doing the motion of the special move normally, except with two buttons of whatever type it requires. (i.e. Morrigan's Soul Flash, qcf+P, can be used in an ES form by doing qcf+PP)

EX moves are the "Supers" of Vampire Savior. But unlike all other Capcom games, the Supers of Vampire Savior are meerly unique special moves. They have no invincibility, and may not necessarily have high priority. Normal EX moves are performed with thier own motions, and two punches or Kicks. Command input EX moves require their own combinations of directions and attack inputs.

====== Guard Canceling====== :

Guard Canceling is the Alpha Counter(refer to glossary) of Vampire Savior. It is performed while in blockstun. The command motion for a Guard cancel is:

forward, down, down-forward+attack

while in blockstun. The attack varies with the character, and is listed in each character's respectable guide.

A guard cancel can be buffered in to, if a player can properly predict the need to block a move correctly within a 14 frame window. This is done by performing the motion, blocking, then immediately pressing the attack button to finish the guard cancel input.

*All guard cancels have ES forms(some only have ES forms) * Also important to know, is that guard cancels do not always guarantee a clean hit.

====== Tech hitting====== :

Also known as pushblocking, Tech hitting is performed by inputting anywhere from 4 to 10+ attack inputs during block stun. It pushes the opponent away a distance, depending on your last input of the tech hit. A strong button will push them far away, and a weak button will do the opposite, pushing them far away enough for you to dash at them and retaliate.

Tech hitting gives the person teching frame advantage. (which will be put up once found) This trait of tech hitting makes it more desireable in some cases over guard canceling.

====== Throwing & Tech Hitting====== : Throws are performed by pressing the direction forward or back and P or K. Only medium and strong punches or kicks may perform normal throws.

**frame data to come

Tech Hits counter throws. In this case, they are performed in the exact same manner as the throws: press the direction forward or back and P or K. Only medium and strong punches or kicks may counter normal throws.

I also do not have the frame data for these either currently, but from experience, the Vampire Savior engine allows for much leeway in performing a tech hit to counter throws. Very much like Super Street Fighter II Turbo.

====== Strategic Get-Up====== :

====== Pursuits ====== :

====== Dashing ====== :

Advanced General Strategies

====== Chicken Guard====== :

most pple here know chicken guard is jumping at the opponent, and blocking. in VS, the jumps are quite flexible, so you can chicken guard an attack, and if theres sufficient space between that first hit you blocked and the next one coming(i.e. lei lei's j.hp, which doesnt give you much time as opposed to random air chain by qbee) you can cancel the (air)block stun, and hit them w/ something... OR, if they've stopped all together(i.e. air blocking victors bigass head), characters w/ an air dash *coughqbeecough* STILL have the option to airdash & retaliate. VERY handy. Countered by being thrown of course, and fast airchain I think.

====== Empty Air Chaining====== :

empty air chaining... I really dont know what to call it, so I'm gunna call it this till some1 gives me a proper term. I dont see many other fighters that can use it the way this game does. Its basically, jumping and doing an early move i.e. talbain's as the ends(even if you wiff), you throw a j.hp/j.rk on. So essentially, you have some attack out for most of your jump. Also, if the second hit hits, its more than likely going to be a deep hit; allowing for a followed up ground combo. for some characters, this becomes a useful added method for them to build meter when not much is happening(i.e. aubath)

    • I cant stress enough how important empty chaining is.

  • instant air dashing

Instant air dashing (iad) is just as it says, dashing so that you're skirting the ground. Tho, not all characters have an air dash to utilized(i.e. felicia, lilith), and not all of the ones who do can utilize it(mainly jedah).

How to iad: a dash is inputted by two consectutive forward motions.


this is the most obvious shortcut. very efficient when done correctly consistently.. what sux tho, is that its hard as fuck to iad on an american stick... The vampire engine is really bitchy w/ the "forward" inputs. Doing the inputs quickly is going against what seems to be a natural habit/motion of the hands(from what i've seen). b-izm remedies this with an up/toward->down/toward motion.(vid to be accessible soon). tho, this is still more jap-stick based... this is all i can give as far as iading goes... if none of these methods work, stick with up, toward, toward. ghetto, and not nearly as fast as iading

characters with effective iad's: lei lei, zabel, qbee, jedah*

  • jedah's iad is useful via iad->fireball, significantly cutting the recovery on the blade... otherwise, dont be too reliant on it for rtsd.

====== Offensive Ground Dashing====== :

Theres two different types of offensive ground dashing(ogd's..i'm makin acronyms up on the fly): ground ogd's, and air ogd's.

just about all ground dashes add to the momentum of your rtsd(rushing that shit down)[there are a couple of exemptions]. Implementing them is character specific of course, but just about every character looks to either a. apply pressure b. connect a ground combo off of a dashed hit

its so simpo(<--stolen, I just forgot where from)

There are exceptions though:

-Leilei's teleport ground dash has a somewhat obvious & significant startup. Going into dash->throw is viable, but leilei maintains more momentum with an iad or just simple walking. -Demitri's dash is much like lei lei's(a teleport)... But, since(from the assorted vids I've watched) demitri wasnt designed for the rtsd shit that other characters were capable of, his dash serves more as a means of use for running away, horizontal uppercut setups/combos(ya, its comboable), random unblockable super setups(risky imo tho... but doable).

-Victor. I'm still somewhat unsure of whether or not he fits the "out of the ordinary" category. b/c he's the cast's main grappler(:p to sasquatch), his dash allows for throw setups in addition to getting in the opponents face.

Many of the characters w/ ground ogd's can just use normals(w/ little recovery) and rtsd.

Following characters with ground ogd's:

  • anakaris
  • aubath
  • bbhood
  • bishamon(forward dash)
  • demitri
  • lilith
  • qbee
  • victor
  • zabel*lei lei
  • *pyron
  • *phobos
  • *donovan

*not really from vampire savior but still applicable(ya, I know they're in the home versions).

Air ogd's will actually propel the character into the air, giving the character the ability too add quick overheads to their rtds mixup. this leads to some crazy shit from some characters(i.e. sas). Theres also two types of air ogd characters. most of them do a hop that propels them, Jedah and Morrigan outright fly(ya, common knowledge to all of you likely, but w/e.. i might as well sight(cite?) every tidbit) Air ogd characters:

  • Bishamon(backward dash)
  • felicia
  • gallon/talbain
  • Sasquatch
  • *Morrigan
  • *Jedah

* a nice thing to remember w/ these characters is not to dash for too long. they both lose the ability to block once they get too high, they're likely just a flying target(think xism) Also, a unique property about each of them is that jedah can air dash once he's airborn, & morrigan has 4 different versions of her ground dash(forward, back, upforward, & backforward).

*Another thing to note about the hopping characters(except bishamon) is that they each have a shortened dash by simply pressing back after the [forward, forward] command.

fly-dashing aircombo note:

-The rule for non-chained air attacks is that you cannot use the same move twice in one jump. If you've done an air chain, however, only the first hit counts toward this rule. It's possible to do forward, chain into fierce, then fierce, but not forward, chain into fierce, then forward.

====== Chain & Unchain State====== :

this is kinda obvious, but odd w/ some characters. so simpo... but worth taking note for pple trying to do shit but are saying wtf. when you jump, or walk, you're in a chain comboing state. you can start a combo(provided the hit connects/is blocked) and chain away. any form of dashing takes that ability away... also, you lose the ability to block, which may or may not be a fair tradeoff, depending on how well your offensive game is.

an oddity is with leilei, relative to the other air dashers(qbee, zabel, jedah... i cant think of the others...). after an air dash, leilei for some unknown reason or another cant do special moves.... minor, but jedah's blade/command throw, qbee's jaguar kick, or zabel's down-up move(i'm so bad w/ names -_-) are viable for use after an airdash. leilei would've taken great use out of airdashXXgong... but i guess its a shoulda woulda coulda thing on the part of capcom

====== Building Meter====== :

-Like many other games, its more advantageous of you to be building meter at the other side of the screen, as opposed to just doing nothing while waiting for them to come at you. If you and your opponent are being asses, and arent rushing down. so, here are my best suggestions w/ each character for building meter:

  • Aubath:>j.hp, & lp waves/dusts
  • anakaris: j.D+hk(you should be rushing down thogh)
  • Bishamon: s.rk
  • BB hood: light missles, &>
  • Demitri: ham and fried eggs!... just fireball -_-(boring fucker)
  • Felicia: manual charge(in pulses... or as I like to call cookieeee), or, j.rk(which is safer)
  • Jedah: wheels,
  • Gallon(talbain):, j.rk
  • leilei(hsien Ko): tk gong
  • Lilith: tk soul flash
  • Morrigan:>j.rk
  • Qbee:>j.rk
  • Victor: lp spins
  • Zabel: j.hp-> j.rk

a note: Jedah doesn't get meter from Dashing back & wiffing normals

Generally Accepted Tier List

(No particular order within each category. Done as unbiased as possible, & taken from varying sources can be further divided, but resources currently not at hand)

Top Sasquatch Zabel(Lord Raptor) Q-Bee Talbain

Mid Lei lei(Hsien-ko) Demitri Aubath(Rikuo) Felicia BB Hood(Bishamon) Bishamon Jedah

Bottom Anakaris Lilith Morrigan Victor

Character Specific Strategies

**Note: There's no Oboro Bishamon, Donovan, Phobos(Huitzil), nor Phobos. This is due to the fact that they were in the other incarnations of the Vampire Series, and though they appeared in just about all of the console ports; this section maintains arcade purity. Also to boot, none of the 4 characters are used in tournament play, since they are not available in the arcade versions of Vampire Savior.

Credit/Ender/Legal stuff(?)

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Past Vampire Savior videos