Gogeta (DBZ:B3)

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Revision as of 20:00, 10 May 2007 by IZ (talk | contribs) (someone put the strings into a more organized format. Also, please add in missing notation, such as juggles and launches,)


Goku is weakened in his pre-fused form when equipped with the Gogeta fusion capsule.

Differences from Regular Goku

  • No longer able to use >K+G
  • Only deathmove is kamehameha, which is triple stacked
  • No >KPPPK
  • Infinite is changed to >PPPP>P, doesn't combo outside of juggles
  • Can't start infinite off <P<.P^
  • Generic >P+K instead of Goku's >P+K


Vegeta is also weakened in his pre-fused form when equipped with the Gogeta fusion capsule.

Differences from Regular Vegeta

  • No >PKKK guardbreak


Important info

  • Runs on a fairly decent ki timer
  • First hit of Soul Strike can't be countered


ppppkkk 478 dmg;8 hits ppppe[Kamehameha/Galick Gun] 676 dmg;5 hits ppp>P 214 dmg;4 hits ppkkk 333 dmg;5 hits ppk>k 221 dmg;4 hits p>ppk 233 dmg;4 hits pk 147 dmg;2 hits >pppPp 248 dmg;5 hits >pppP>P 277 dmg;5 hits >pppkk 310 dmg;5 hits >pppk>k 327 dmg;5 hits >pppke[Soul Strike] 1149 dmg;7 hits >pp<PPP 321 dmg;5 hits >pkK 228 dmg;4 hits <Pp 133 dmg;2 hits <P>P 148 dmg;2 hits <P<P 145 dmg;2 hits <Pk 175 dmg;2 hits <P>K 168 dmg;2 hits <P<kkkk 488 dmg;6 hits kkkK 288 dmg;5 hits kkk>kKk 427 dmg;6 hits kk>kkk 367 dmg;6 hits kk>kke[Soul Strike] 1189 dmg;7 hits kk>k>k 380 dmg;5 hits kk<k 280 dmg;4 hits k>k 145 dmg;2 hits k<kPPP 307 dmg;5 hits k<kPPK 325 dmg;5 hits >kpPPe[Kamehameha/Galick Gun] 780 dmg;5 hits >kkPkk 467 dmg;6 hits >kkkkk 362 dmg;5 hits >kkk>kk 413 dmg;6 hits >kk<kkkk 515 dmg;7 hits <kpP 195 dmg;3 hits <kk 152 dmg;2 hits <k>k 171 dmg;2 hits <k<K 161 dmg;2 hits eeee 268 dmg;4 hits >e[Kamehameha/Galick Gun] 506 dmg;1 hit <e[Soul Strike] 910 dmg;3 hits Simultaneous P+K 94 dmg;1 hit >P+K 101 dmg;1 hit <P+K 87 dmg;1 hit p+g 270 dmg;8 hits k+g 185 dmg;2 hits(1 hit in air) Dashing >>p! 81 dmg(87 dmg in air);1 hit >>k! 87 dmg(101 dmg in air);1 hit >>p+k! 81 dmg;1 hit >>k+g! 81 dmg;1 hit >>e 67 dmg;1 hit Other P+K+G+E[Soul Punisher] 2632 dmg(successful)/810 dmg(unsuccessful) Dragon Rush(type 3) 1143 dmg;30 hits

Fat Gogeta

The result of a failed Gogeta fusion is a fat Gogeta(Non-Super Saiyan) with 90% attack.