
From SuperCombo Wiki
Revision as of 18:42, 15 March 2007 by Crazymasterhand (talk | contribs)


L = light

H = heavy

J = jump

G = guard

xx = cancel

u = up

d = down

f = forward

b = back


L has more range than most, allowing Cell to punish more stuff. L is safe and bufferable. It's possible to link L into itself. The first hit of LH is super cancellable.

The first hit of H is bufferable and has an obnoxious amount of stun on hit or block. HH is also bufferable for easy hit confirms. It is possible to interrupt HHH with a jab. HHH is chargeable. Charging it deals more damage than normal and bounces the opponent off the floor like a dash H. You can cancel HHH by hitting G while it is charging.


Hell Needle will still combo if you space it out, giving you time to hitconfirm. Hell Needle is only safe at point blank (i.e. in blockstrings) if you space out the shots to increase the knockback. The L version is a straight line and the H version is a V.

A kara-tail has Piccolo-like reach. Kara cancel H for the most reach. The tail is safe on block if far away enough. The tail has no horizontal tracking. The L version drains action, the H version drains meter, and the L+H version inherits an attack (assigned to b,f+L or H).

Interrupter punishes projectiles while putting distance between yourself and your opponent. The L version fires 2 shots and doesn't move as far. The H version fires 4 shots and moves farther. Cell has a tendacy to dodge attacks as he starts this move.

You have all the time in the world for a mixup after landing the command grab. You actually take control of Cell again while falling from it.


Cell can turn during Judgement. You can mash for more hits.

--Crazymasterhand 03:49, 11 March 2007 (UTC)