SvC Chaos: SNK Vs Capcom/Kyo Kusanagi

From SuperCombo Wiki


The Good:

  • Easy to master
  • Effective Corner Options
  • Good Anti Air
  • Varied Special Moves
  • Chargeable Super
  • Exceed cheap damage

The Bad:

  • Requires a lot of stocks and MAXIMUM Mode for main combos
  • Not many midscreen combos
  • R.E.D. Kick can't hit short hitbox characters

Moves List

Press AB when near             Hatsugane
Press CD when near             Issetsu Seoi Nage

d + C in air                   Geshiki: Naraku Otoshi
f + B                          Geshiki: Goufu You
df + D                         88 Shiki

qcf + A                      * 114 Shiki: Aragami
 _qcf + P                      128 Shiki: Konokizu
   _press P                    127 Shiki: Yanosabi
   _press K                    125 Shiki: Nanase
qcf + A                      * 114 Shiki: Aragami
 _hcb + P                      127 Shiki: Yanosabi
   _press P                    Geshiki: Migiri Ugachi
   _press K                    125 Shiki: Nanase
   _hcb + K                    212 Shiki: Kototsuki You
qcf + C                      * 115 Shiki: Dokugami
 _hcb + P                      401 Shiki: Tsumi Yomi
   _f + P                      402 Shiki: Batsu Yomi
     _f,d,df + P               100 Shiki: Oniyaki
qcf + K,K                    * 75 Shiki Kai
hcb + K                      * 212 Shiki: Kototsuki You
f,d,df + P                     100 Shiki: Oniyaki
b,d,db + K                   * R.E.D. KicK
qcf,qcf + P  (can hold)     S^ 182 Shiki
qcb,hcf + P  (can hold)     S^ Ura 108 Shiki: Orochinagi
qcf,qcf + AC                X^ Saishuu Kessen Ougi "Mushiki"

The Basics

Advanced Strategy
