The King of Fighters 2002

From SuperCombo Wiki


Game Mechanics

u = 8 = up
d = 2 = down
f = 6 = forward
b = 4 = backwards
uf = 9 = upforwards
ub = 7 = upback
df = 3 = down forward
db = 1 = down back

qcf = quarter circle forward (d, df, f = 236 motion)
qcb = quarter circle back (d, db, b = 214 motion)
hcf = half circle forward (b, db, d, df, f = 41236 motion)
hcb = half circle back (f, df, d, db, b = 63214 motion)


c. = crouching
sf. = standing far
sc. = standing close
j. = jumping
sj. = super jump

XY = X+Y
[X] = hold X

BC = max mode

DM = desperation move
SDM = super desperation
HSDM = hidden super desperation move

In King of Fighters, there are several system basics. These will be covered first.


Run: 6[6] puts your character in run animation. Startup and speed is character dependent, moving from run to block has very little lag (if any).

Backdash: 44 puts your character into backdash animation, it has varying degrees of invulnerability. Backdashes are technically considered jumping and are very useful for retreating quickly. A common technique is if your character possesses an air command move, he can cancel the back dash into it increasing its fall time and extending the dash distance.

Hop: For people starting this game, hopping is one of the most fundemental differences between street fighter and king of fighters. It is a much safer way of mixing up an overhead and advancing on your opponent than regular jumping. Hopping is performed by tapping 8 quickly and then letting go. It produces a short jump that rises and falls much slower, but at a much smaller height. Punishable, but much safer.

Super Jump: The super jump is performed by pressing 28 very quickly. This allows your character to travel further, faster, and higher than a regular jump. It is very effective for travelling the entire screen for certain characters (Choi).

Hyper Hop: Performed by tapping down before hopping, it resembles a hop with super jump properties. Basically a hop that travels further and faster.

Roll: 4AB or 6AB. Pressing AB in neutral defaults to a forward roll. Rolling is an interesting technique. It forces you "roll" or "slide" for a specific duration of time. It is invincible for most the roll, losing to meaty attacks near the end and throws at any point. Sweeps tend to beat it 100%.

Super Bar: Sorta fundemental to 2D fighters these days, You start off with 0 meter, but the potential to build up 3 stocks with your first character. When your first character gets knocked out, your bar capacity moves up to 4 stock (meaning he can store an extra stock). When your second character gets knocked out, the third (and last) character has the potential for 5 bars.

Super meter is only built when you are hit, when you connect (when you attack and the attack actually hits or is blocked by the opponent), or use a special move. The exception to this rule is fireballs, fireballs build no meter for being thrown, but still build meter for connecting.

King of Fighters 2002 has several system specific techniques, as follows.


Falling Roll Recovery: Tap AB between falling and landing. This will give a safer faster recovery than a fall. It is very handy for escaping things like Daimon's Pickup off c.D. However, with a falling roll recovery, you are denied the 1 sec. wakeup invincibility to throws as you would normally receive during normal fall recovery. Note: there are many situations where you cannot escape using the falling roll recovery. Certain throws and all air CD attacks come to mind.

Guard Cancel Roll: During block stun you can press AB to roll out of whatever attack is hitting you at the moment. This is a generally safe way of getting out of chip damage. It costs 1 stock. Note that the roll is still a roll, and you are vulnerable near the end of it. This is a useful technique for punishing attacks with long animations or long block strings. Roll through at the beginning then punsish your opponents whiffed attack.

Attack Cancel Roll: For some silly reason, if you connect an attack with your opponent, you can cancel it, if it's a normal or command attack (or command attack chained from a normal) attack with a roll. This also uses a stock. The roll is always forward, but you can vary the distance travelled with directional input.

CD guard cancel (alpha counter): Press CD during blockstun to perform a guaranteed knockdown on your opponent. Does less damage than a regular CD attack. Uses 1 stock.

Max mode: BC puts you in "max mode" this mode reduces the damage you do on every attack by 25%, however it will let you cancel certain special moves into other special moves during specific frames. This let's many character create max mode loops. Max mode is also required to perform SDM (super desperation moves) and HSDM. During max mode you may use a DM at any time at no additional cost, a SDM costs you an additional bar and HSDM requires you be at low life.

BC cancelling: This costs 2 stocks, one to cancel and a second for the max mode. It lets you cancel any normal attack into max mode, often letting you extend combos.

Super Cancelling: This feature lets you cancel specials into supers. The cancel itself costs you 1 stock, in addition to the stock cost of your super. Therefore there's a minimum 2 stock cost. Often the damage isn't worth it, except perhaps at the end of a very long max mode combo.

Counter Wire: Certain moves, if they connect on counter hit cause your opponent to bounce off the wall, leaving them vulnerable on the way down for extra damage.

Basic Strategy

Advanced Strategy

The Tier List:

There are 44 playable characters in this game. The tier list sort of looks like follows:

God tier (ABC):

Choi Athena Billy

High Tier:

Leona, Yuri, Iori, Benimaru, Vanessa

Mid Tier:

Everybody else

Bottom Tier:

Seth, Chin,

Game Versions

The Characters

Combo Notation:

(S) - super cancel

(C) - maxmode cancel

(number) - the most number of hits of that attack allowed such that you can still cancel into the next one and the combo to still work. For example, C(1), f+A for Kula means that the combo requires her to cancel the C on the first hit. She can also cancel the C on the second hit, but some of her combos do not work right depending on when you cancel the C. If there is no number after an attack, it means you can cancel it on the last hit.

(move) - optional, can be omitted for easier input or if distancing is an issue.

_ - means to charge. Thus, _b f and _d u means charge back, then forward and charge down, then up respectively

Buffer: - this means that the attack motion can be buffered such that it can still be done with a less complex motion. For example, take the combo C, qcb+P, qcb hcf+K. Since there is an overlapping motion of qcb, one of them can be removed. Thus, the buffered version of the same combo is C, qcb+P, hcf+K. This can be further buffered since there is an overlapping back direction in this combo. Therefore, a further buffered version of this combo is C, qcb+P, qcf+K.

Team '99

1. BB, Crouch B, hcf+P/qcb hcf+P - 25%/35%
2. D, f+Ax5, hcf+A - 40%
3. hcb+B, C/Crouch C(1), hcf+P - 35%
4. hcb+B, C/Crouch C(1), qcb hcf+P - 50%
5. D throw, rdp+A/dp+A - 20%/30%

Move Properties:
-cancellable normals are close A, close B, far B, crouch B, close C, crouch C, close D, jump B
-CD is cancellable into command moves, specials and DMs
-close B and crouch A are low attacks
-hcf+P is supercancellable on the first hit


Team Psycho Soldier'

1. C, f+B, dp+A - 25%
2. C, f+B, dp+A(Buffer:hcb dp+A,2), (S)hcbx2+P - 45%
3. Jump D, land, Jump A(Buffer:qcf uf+A), qcfx2+D(Buffer:qcf+D) - 50%
4. D, far C - 20%

1. qcb+A, run C, f+B, qcb+D, (S)hcbx2+P - 70-75%

Max Mode Activation:
1. C, BC, run C, f+B, qcb+D, (C)qcb+B, run hcbx2+P/AC(Buffer:hcb, f hcb+P/AC) - 65%
2. D, far C, BC, hcb f+AC/qcf+ABCD -

1. CD(counter), qcf+B, dp+A - 25%
2. Jump CD(counter), d+B(air) - 20%

Attack Strings:
1. D, f+B, qcb+B (Corner)
2. Crouch C, qcb+A
3. Jump A/CD, d+B(air), qcb+B
4. D, CD, qcb+A
5. Crouch B, Crouch A, qcb+A, Crouch C, qcb+A

Move Properties:
-cancellable normals are far A, crouch A, close B, far B, crouch B, close C, crouch C, close D, jump A, jump C
-CD is cancellable into specials and DMs
-hcbx2+P can sometimes hit low, has startup invincibility
-dp+P and qcb+K(air) are supercancellable on all hits

-always backdash into d+B. The shortcut is b, db+B. Use this to get away from opponent after they jump, then punish with qcb+A as they land. Backdashing with d+B can also sometimes hit people out of their moves, mainly moves like Billy's long range crouch A pokes.
-mixup psychoballs with whiffed jabs, to trick people into thinking the jab was another psychoball and jumping in, then punish the jumpin with hcbx2+P. Make sure that when you are fireballing, there is more than a one jump distance between you and your opponent, so that they cannot jump over the fireball and punish you. If they advance in order to jump, backdash as well as fireball when out of the one jumpin range. This does not apply when you are right in front of the opponent, in which case they will be unable to jump the fireball. However, one would have to be careful if the opponent were to roll, however even if they roll on
-d+B in air is a high priority attack. Always followup with qcb+B. This move can also be used well to intercept jumpins
-sometimes after qcb+A, teleport and either crouch C or CD into qcb+A. For pressure, you can also use close D into CD or far C. Since the close D recovers very fast, the far C or CD after it will hit them if they decide to attack with anything. If the opponent is one that rolls alot, use CD instead of far C since it is cancellable to a teleport for escape
-when opponent is getting up, teleport behind with qcf+D and do hop A, qcfx2+K combo. The hop A when jumping forward is an instant overhead -once opponent is cornered, pressure with B/C, f+B, qcb+B attack string. Athena has a frame advantage after air qcb+B, so followup with crouch C to qcb+A. If they keep trying to block after qcb+B, try to walk up and throw
-her hop A can act as an instant overhead if done immediately after leaving the ground. Cancel it to qcb+B or qcfx2+D. The jump A can be done from a teleport behind the opponent, from a run up, or immediately after a jump D or CD

Women's Team

1. C, df+B(1), hcf+B/qcb+P- 30%/25%
2. C, df+B(1), qcb hcf+K - 42%
3. C, df+B(1), qcb+C(1), (S)qcb hcf+K(Buffer:hcf+K) - 50%
4. f+B, qcfx2+P - 33%

Max Mode Activation:
1. C, df+B(1), BC, Crouch C, df+B(1), qcb+B, (C)hcf+B(1), (C)qcb+C(1), (S)qcb hcf+K/BD(Buffer:hcf+K/BD)

Attack Strings:
1. C, df+B(1), qcb+C
2. Jump A/C/D, d+B
3. C, f+B, qcb+P/d+B (Corner)
4. C, f+B, d+B, (C)qcb+A (Corner, maxmode)

Move Properties:
-cancellable normals are close A, close B, close C, crouch C, close D, crouch D, jump A(not vertical high), jump C(not vertical high), jump D -CD is cancellable into specials and DMs
-f+B, d+B, d+D and from _d u+P, d+A and d+B, are overheads
-df+B hits low, cancellable on first hit if cancelled from normal attack
-qcb+C is supercancellable on the first hit

-hyper jump behind opponent and do d+D or d+B which will crossup sometimes. Opponent is forced to block the backwards (from the jump behind), then block the other way again if the move crosses up. d+D can only be done from a high jump, while it is recommended to use d+B from a hop
-when jumping in with D or CD, sometimes cancel to d+B or qcb+A. If you do the d+B, this requires the opponent to block high after the initial jumpin, which usually tricks them. It is best to do that in the corner, or after a deep jumpin, otherwise d+B whiffs
-qcb+P in the air is high priority that is safe if it doesn't hit deep. After doing a safe ground attack strings, jumping backwards and doing qcb+P will usually hit anyone who tried to retaliate in any way. Repeating multiple qcb+P is also good for mixups
-for ground attack strings, C, df+B(1), qcb+C is the safest, but the opponent can guard roll right after the C, making df+B whiff and finish the entire animation, leaving her totally vulnerable. If they do this, leave off the df+B in the attack string
-abuse her far A pokes, especially after qcb+C, which is totally safe
-when the opponent is waking up, usually after d+B knockdown in the corner, do qcf+A so that it hits them in the back just as they get up. This gives Mai a frame advantage, so followup with anything (C, df+B(1), qcb+C attack string, jump D to d+B or ground attack string, sweep, or f+B overhead)
-if in maxmode, toss out unexpected hcf+D, and cancel it to qcb+P if blocked, which is safe

Team I can't remember, but they have lots of counters

1. Crouch C, f+A/(dp+B, Jump C) - 20%/33%
2. Crouch BBB, f+A/(dp+B, Jump C) - 20%/35%

1. Crouch BBB, f+A, Crouch C, f+A/(hcf+A, qcf+A) - 45%/50%
2. C, dp+D, qcf hcb+A - 65%

Max Mode Activation:
1. C, hcf+A, dp+D, qcf hcb+A - 80% (Corner)
2. A (repeatedly)(2), hcf+A, dp+D, qcf hcb+A - 70% (Corner)

Attack Strings:
1. C/Crouch BBB, f+A
2. C, f+A, Crouch C, f+A (Corner)
3. CD, hcf+A, qcf+A
4. Crouch B, Crouch C, f+A

Move Properties:
-cancellable normals are close A, far A, close B, crouch B, close C, crouch C, close D
-Crouch D hits low twice
-f+A is a two hit unpunishable command move
-f+B can be punished with a throw, but suspends him above the air, avoiding ground projectiles and sweeps
-qcb+D counter is supercancellable on the first hit


Billy is top tier for his space control and lock-down capabilities. His combos are few, and he doesn't really depend on them. His gameplan consists of forcing the opponent to make mistakes.

Basically, Billy's game is focused on getting the opponent in to the corner, then locking them down. It's not an MVC2 hard lock, but a very annoying one that's difficult to escape. His corner block string is c.B c.B f+A c.C f+A c.A CD. The c.A CD parts don't combo, but your opponent cannot attack you between them. The CD on whiff is slightly punishable (beware V slasher), but is worth throwing out every so often because Billy's CD can be cancelled after the impact frames into qcb+A or qcb+B both of which can punish hyper hoppers going over the c.A.

Billy has many other strong tools for getting the opponent into the corner. c.C sc.C and s.CD all cancel into hcf+P qcf+P. This is the only time to do this move. The opponent cannot interrupt and is forced to block and move the direction you're forcing him. Meaty damage if he eats it.

Billy biggest difficulties come from aerial assault. Since Billy has no consistant dependable anti-air, it's important to know how to use the tools that he has.

j.C (jump forward or jump backwards C) is a high priority attack that will often stuff your opponents jump in. It comes out fast and will often stuff your opponents attack if performed at the same time.

c.C is a reasonable anti air, it's pretty slow to execute, so should be timed early enough to be effective.

f+A doubles as a premptive anti-air, it's very good at stuff opponents who try to jump out of your pressure.

qcb+B is your anti-air counter, rather risky, can be use against really obvious stuff. It is especially effective against air moves that you can tell WILL execute. For example, Andy air qcf+D/ground hcf+K or Mai's qcb+P, will be cleanly beat by the Billy counter

qcb+P tends to be crap, it's rarely aligned properly to effectively anti air an opponent. It will however work at long range premptively, use your own discretion.

hop back+B can be used as an instant overhead if done the moment he leaves the ground. Best used to finish off an opponent who has low health.

Block however is the safest and most dependable counter to jump ins.

Team Japan

1. A/C(Buffer:hcb+A/C), hcb f+P(Buffer:f+P) - 25%/33%
2. A(Buffer:hcb+A), df+C, hcbx2+P(Buffer:hcb+P) - 45%
3. Crouch D, qcf+B(whiff), hcf+C - 25%

1. Crouch D, df+C(whiff)/qcf+B(whiff), dp+A, hcf+C - 40% (Can be recovery rolled after the crouch D)

Move Properties:
-cancellable normals are close A, far A, crouch A, close B, far B, close C, close D, crouch D
-CD is cancellable into specials and DMs
-hcfx2+K/BD and dp rdp+BC have autoguard
-Goro is invincible during qcb+K, and cannot be thrown

-He has two excellent pokes, far B and far D. Far B hits low and reaches about half a screen away. Far D hits high, but will regularly anti-air and has massive priority and excellent damage. Daimon's basic mixup is just using these two moves. Though toned down from 98 with less priority, they are still quite abusable
-the rest of Daimon's game comes from punishing the opponent, and taking advantage of his conservativeness. dp+B is the quicker of his command throws, while hcbf+P has more range
-his df+C is an excellent anti-air as it is very quick and reaches relatively high into the air. Use this if the opponent is not in range to be anti-aired from a far D
-hcfx2+K has a huge amount of autoguard frames. This can be used in the corner to screw the opponent for the most part. If the opponent attempts to jump out of the super, Goro will recover first and have an opportunity to anti-air with df+C or hcf+A
-Don't use hcbf+K ever.

His oldschool tremor combo says it works in practice mode, but actually doesn't.

Team '97?

1. Crouch B, Crouch A, qcb+Ax3 - 20-25%
2. B, f+A, hcb+K - 33%
3. hcb f+P, C, qcf hcb+P, qcfx4+AC - 50%
4. Jump b+B, B, f+A, A, qcb+Cx3 - 33%
5. Jump b+B, B, f+A, A(Buffer:qcf+A), qcf hcb+P(Buffer:qcb+P), qcfx4+AC - 65%
6. C, dp+C(2), (S)qcf hcb+P(Buffer:qcb+P), qcfx4+AC - 70%
7. qcf+A, qcb hcf b f+AC (full screen length) - 50% (not practical)

Max Mode Activation:
1. C, BC, run C, qcb+C, (C)dp+C(2), (C)qcb+C, (C)dp+C(2), (C)qcb+C, (C)dp+C(2), (S)qcf hcb+P(Buffer:qcb+P), qcfx4+AC - 90%
2. C, BC, Far C, qcb+Cx2, (C)hcb+K(1), (C)qcb+A, delayed qcb+A, qcf hcb+P, qcfx4+AC - 70%

1. CD(counterhit), BC, qcf hcb+AC - 55%

Attack Strings:
1. C/B, qcb+Ax2
2. C, f+A
3. CD, qcb+Ax2/qcf+P/dp+P(if they jump)
4. Far C, qcf+A

Move Properties:
-cancellable normals are close A, crouch A, close B, close C, far C, crouch C
-CD is cancellable into command moves, specials and DMs
-f+B and third qcb+P are overheads
-hcb+K, last hit of qcb+Px3 and qcf hcb+AC are knockdowns
-dp+C is supercancellable on first and second hit
-close B is a low attack

-using b+B during the beginning of a backdash will make him dash back nearly a full screen length. Use this to easily get away from rushdown, as well as baiting opponents (mainly on wakeup). This can be used to run up then backdash away
-far D is a fairly useful poke
-use jump C or jump A air to ground battles, early jump D or jump CD for air to air battles
-if qcb+A is blocked, do it once more or stop, not a third time. Use random delays between them, for mindgames
-hcb f+P has some startup of invincibility, use it against jumpins or by running up
-run up to opponent and do close C, as it will stop all jump attempts. Even better, if the opponent happens to jump behind you when the close C comes out, Iori automatically faces the correct side and will anti-air them
-if opponent is close, hopping up or back with D stops most jump attempts by the opponent
-sometimes attempt to do the jump b+B crossover (the trick to doing this is when jumping over your opponent hold the forward and hit the B reasonably late). However, this crossup can be blocked low, and it is usually really obvious. Some characters can simply sweep Iori when he attempts this crossup. Hyper hopping over the opponent into the crossup makes it a far more dangerous tool

Team Ikari?

1. sc.C/c.C hcf+K
2. c.C/sc.C super
3. c.C _b f + C super (2 bars)


Ralf is a shitty character. Think of him as a character with 6 different dragon punches. Good damage and priority, but if they whiff or are blocked you're dead.

Ralf's best tool is reversals. This can really scare the crap out of your opponent. all his non throw specials have huge priority and auto guard, cleanly beating all normals and most specials.

This is the first half of his game, if you're in a position to be defensive (say waking up), you have a 50/50 against an offensive opponent. If they try to do a meaty, reversal anything will beat it (including reversal throw). If they try and bait the reversal by blocking, throw catches that as well.

hcb+K is the best reversal against grounded attacks, on wakeup the autoguard will beat all grounded meatys, it's auto guard will also beat fireball and energy meaties on reversal. It does however lose to any air based offense. If you're opponent is pressuring from the air, go for a _d u+P.

This should force your opponent to stop pressuring you in reversal situations, giving you lots of space.

The second half of ralf's game comes from poking and throwing. Ralf's pokes are only mediocre, kinda slow, kinda low priority, but are his only other tool.

Mix up his pokes, force your opponent to play footsies with you.

In close combat, the rest of Ralf's tools come sc.C and throw. sc.C will meaty and combo into super or throw. If it's blocked it's safe. Punish with hcf+K throw.