UMVC3/C. Viper/Combos

From SuperCombo Wiki

Motion Input Chart
7 Ub.png 8 U.png 9 Uf.png
4 B.png 5 N.png 6 F.png
1 Db.png 2 D.png 3 Df.png
Notation Meaning
(Leave a space) cancel from the previous normal to the following.
, Link from the previous move to the following.
> Cancel the previous move into the following special / super move.
~ Cancel special into set followup or plink previous attack into the following.
dl. / delay Delay the following move.
whiff Must whiff the following move.
land Must land on the ground before the next move.
rejump Must land then jump again before the next move.
j. / sj. Move is done in a jump / superjump.
jc / sjc Cancel previous move into a jump / superjump.
ia./tk. Instant Air or Tiger Knee Special or Super Move.
XX Any two attack buttons excluding S.
NXX Dash / Airdash in N direction.
X+S Any other attack button and S pressed at the same time.
AA Anti-Air
[X] Hold input
-X- Release input
(N) Connect with only the Nth hit of this attack.
(Move) Move is optional.
[sequence] x N Repeat sequence N times.

Beginner Combos

Combos One Star.png
Basic, simple combos with few requirements or restrictions.
  • Work on all or nearly all characters.
  • Require little to no resources (Meter, Assists, Character Specific Stocks).
  • Need minimal adjustments for positioning or starter.
Very Basic Anywhere BnB
Very Easy

5LMHS > dl.SJ j.MMH > dj j.MH > j.5S > Land 623L > 214XX

A very basic Viper BnB, not really showcasing the characters damage or difficulty. There are a few parts that are tricky and valuable to get used to for more advanced routes.

First, get used to delaying your superjump after a 5S launcher slightly, a common occurrence with double jump characters is having to manually control how high the opponent is above you in combos in order to maximize the amount of air normals you can get. If the j.M after the double jump whiffs over the opponent you didn't delay enough, if your final j.S whiffs below you delayed too much. It is possible to get a second j.M after the double jump but it requires very precise timing for fairly low reward.

Second, 623L OTG > 214XX Super only works in the corner, if you land close to the corner you may need to dash first, and if you end up midscreen you will need to either double plink dash > 214XX or Dash > 236M > 214XX. The M Thunder Knuckle can get you in range to land the super. All of this is made easier if you delay the final j.S in the air combo in order to maximize the knockdown time.

Lastly, be aware that the second hit of 5S tends to whiff on crouching characters causing your combos to drop, this is mitigated in more advanced combos.

Very Easy Throw ComboProbably a waste of meter
Very Easy

Throw or Airthrow, 214XX

Viper is very capable of real combos off all of her throws, however that requires some execution. For a day one conversion super can get the job done. After airthrow dash before the super.

Core Combos

Combos Two Stars.png
Core combos that balances reward with execution and reliability.
  • Works against a selected set of characters.
  • Can require adjustments for positioning and resources.
  • Are expected to be consistently performable by a skilled player who main the character.
Basic Thunder Knuckle LinkStreet Fighter IV Combo

5LMH > 236M~S, 2M5H5S dl.sJ j.MMH > dj j.MH > j.5S > Land 623L > 214XX

Adding a single M Thunder Knuckle Feint Link to the basic BnB. Adds around 100K damage while also making the 5S hit more consistently. Learning this will give you one half of Vipers Basic combo theory.

236M~S is a tight window, too early and you won't properly cancel the knuckle and won't be able to combo afterwards. Too late and you won't have enough frame advantage to combo afterwards. Linking 2M afterwards can be tough at first but generally has a couple frames of leniency. Note that 236L~S can also be used but is somewhat harder and often leaves you further away.

After the 5S Launcher things work identically to the Beginner BnB.

Basic Seismo RelaunchPractice Makes Perfect

5LMHS(1) > 623L > sJ (up or upforward) > Airdash > j.H5S, Land 5MH > dl.S dl.sJ > j.MMH > dj j.MH > j.5S > Land 623L > 214XX

The other half of Viper's combo theory, Seismo relaunches (and OTG pickups) are the primary way Viper does big damage and plays around her 5S' tendency to whiff.

Getting superjump after L Seismo can be a little tricky, you cannot input it too early as you will get a buffered jump instead of a superjump. Look for a vertical (or diagonal up forward) trail of smoke to indicate you actually got sJ over normal jump. You actually can do this and the next combo with a normal jump into a slightly delayed air dash, however sJ is required for more advanced combos and most throw pickups.

Depending on the height of the opponent when you land for the relaunch, delaying 5S can allow them to fall ensuring your air normals won't be too low afterwards.

Intermediate Anywhere BnBPut it all together

5LMH > 236M~S, 2M5HS(1) > 623L > sJ (up or upforward) > Airdash > j.H5S, Land 5MH > dl.S dl.sJ > j.MMH > dj j.MH > j.5S > Land 623L > 214XX

This is Viper's go to BnB, works off a variety of starters such as jump-ins, assists that leave opponents standing, etc.. However, she can do much much more with assists or more advanced routing.

Nothing tricky here outside of what's covered in the two combos above, should allow you to kill with a DHC on a good amount of the cast without needing anything more advanced.

Throw BnBSeismo Practice

Any Throw, (Dash), 623L > 9sJ > 6XX > j.H5S, Land 5MH > dl.S dl.sJ > j.MMH > dj j.MH > j.5S > Land 623L > 214XX

Similar to her normal BnB but you have to pick up the throw with a tight L Seismo. If you land an air throw outside of the corner do a dash before the seismo.

Note that from a lot of throws you are required to superjump diagonal upforward or else the opponent will end up too far away to continue the combo.

Assist Extensions

Corner Carry Beam ExtensionWall to Wall

Starter > 623L > sJ (up or upforward) > Airdash > j.H5S, Land 5M > 5H + Assist > 236M~S > Dash > 5MHS > j.MMH > dj j.MH > j.5S > Land 623L > 214XX

A fairly easily and widely applicable to horizontal, beam-like assists. Will allow Viper to carry from corner to corner off of nearly any starter.

Different assist will need to be called earlier or slightly later but M Thunder Knuckle serves well to stabilize when they hit. Additionally, some assists might require a two plink dashes to be in range to pick up consistently, some may not require a dash at all.

Lastly, if the starter has enough Hitstun Decay you may need to omit the 5M and go straight into 5HS when picking up after the assist.

Advanced Combos

Combos Three Stars.png
Advanced Combos are specialized in usage, require awareness, execution, and have advantages over core combos.
  • May only work on a few characters or in specific circumstances.
  • Can have any amount of requirements such as meter, positioning, starter.
  • Are not necessarily harder than core combos, but require more specific knowledge.
Advanced Anywhere BnBBe sure to stretch your hands

5LMH > 236M~S, 2M5HS(1) > 623L > sJ (up or upforward) > Airdash > j.H > 214L~S, j.H > Delay j.5S, Land 5MH > dl.S (dl).sJ > j.MMH > dj j.MH > j.5S > Land 623L > 214XX

Adding in a single Burn Kick feint rep to the normal BnB. This adds a sizeable amount of damage while teaching the timing for harder Staircase combos.

Combo Table


Notation Damage Meter Location Video

214H, 2L > 5M > 5H > 623L > 9sJ > 6XX > j.H > j.S, Land, 5MHS > j.MMH > dj j.MH > j.5S > Land 623L > 214XX


Core H Burn Kick pickup.

214H, 2L > 5M > 5H > 236M~S, 5MH > 623L > 9sJ > 6XX > j.H > j.S, Land, 5MHS > j.MMH > dj j.MH > j.5S > Land 623L > 214XX


Harder H Burn Kick pickup, nets a sizeable amount more damage.

Combo Theory

Assist Extensions

Comboing in X-Factor

Video Guides