Mr. Big(KOF96)

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Revision as of 22:55, 29 January 2021 by Scanman (talk | contribs)





Special Moves

Move Name Motion Nickname Description
Crazy Drum Mash A or C Mashing A or C respectively changes how many hits Mr Big does, and how further unsafe it is.
Ground Blaster qcf+P
California Romance dp+P
Cross Diving hcb+P
Spinning Lancer hcb+K

Super Moves

Move Name Motion Nickname Description
Blaster Wave qcf, qcf+P

Frame Data

Move Name Hitbox Startup Advantage on Block Advantage on Hit
Far A Kof96BigStandA.png 6 -1 1
Close A Kof96BigStandA.png 7 -1 1
Far B Kof96BigfarB.png 6 -7 -5
Close B Kof96BigcloseB.png 6 -2 0
Far C(Both Hits) Kof96farC.png Kof96BigfarC2.png 15 -5 -3
Close C Kof96BigcloseC.png Kof96BigcloseC2.png 6 -10 -8
Far D Kof96BigfarD.png 10 -6 -4
Close D Kof96BigcloseD.png 10 -5 -3
Crouching A Kof96BigcrA.png 8 -1 1
Crouching B Kof96BigcrB.png 7 -1 1
Crouching C Kof96BigcrC.png 14 -8 KD
Crouching D Kof96BigcrD.png 11 -6 -4
Standing CD Kof96BigCD.png 16 -12 KD
Ground Blaster A 16 8 KD
Ground Blaster C 20 1 KD
California Romance A 5 -21 KD
California Romance C 3 -30 KD
Cross Diving A 18 -22 KD
Cross Diving C 21 -29 KD
Spinning Lancer B 20 -15 -7
Spinning Lancer D 25 -26 KD


cr.A, cr. A, cr.A, DP+C

st.A, St. A, DP+C

[J. C] St.C or Cl. D, DP+C



Note: This is very hard to do, but if you can do it consistently by all means use it.

(During Max Mode)

(Corner Only) Hop C,C, Land[Repeat Until Stun]


Basic Strategy

  • Due to having no comboable lows. You're going to want to focus on distance pressure with your Cr. A, St. A, and poking alot for hit confirms.Threatning with sweeps every now and then.
  • Your A version Ground Blaster is really safe on block but lacks distance and is good for Cl. C blockstrings if you have your opponent cornered, because they have limited options if they forward roll they get thrown easily or be setup for an attack, If they attack with something like st. A they get hit by the Ground Blaster, If they jump they get hit by the Ground Blaster. If they backroll they get hit by the Ground Blaster.
  • Your hop CD gives enough frame advantage on block to do an A version Ground Blaster safely if it connects deep enough. Which can be followed with a crouch A or B poke if they block it.

Advanced Strategy

Anywhere Stun

If you land both hits of Mr. Big's j. C and follow with St.C or St.D/Cr. D your next heavy attack will stun the opponent. Use this to your advantage if you want to carry your teammates to victory.