Pokken Tournament DX/Pikachu Libre/Introduction

From SuperCombo Wiki


Libre is a very strong character that can be played in a variety of ways. She's a 570 hp character but with access to defense buff, you will be able to tank a lot more than that. She relies on the usage of her enhanced mode, unique system of self buffing, and slowing the opponent to control the pace of the match in most matchups. She also gets burst almost every round since she is a 100CC character, which allows you to play offensively and defensively. Libre has lots of strong moves in both Field and Duel phase and has insane aerial mobility that allows her to get in and mix up your opponent, or dance around them as they struggle to catch you.

Rushdown / Mixup - Libre’s neutral consists of many moves that lunge her forward that are plus / safe on block, and mixing them up with your strong cancelable command grab that catches opponent's in the air. This focuses on gaining momentum with enhanced mode, and using the buffs to make the most of your advantage situations.

Hit and run - This style focuses on frustrating the opponent with your evasiveness by playing a slow game. Use Libre’s strong offensive mixups to get some damage, then dip out when you have the life lead and force them to play your game while they are slowed down. Be ready to to react and punish unsafe approaches and abuse your aerial mobility and defense buffs to avoid getting hit and minimizing damage. Pokken Pikachu Libre Enhanced.png


Phase Shifting with a Pokemon Move or Grab causes Pikachu Libre to crackle with electricity and enter an Enhanced state for an amount of time that depends on the Enhancing attack. Libre can also become Enhanced by performing 8XX. While Enhanced, all Pokemon Moves are powered up, and Libre gains access to a second mid-air hop.

Perhaps the greatest strength of the Enhanced state is how it allows Pikachu Libre to snowball. If Libre would become Enhanced while she is already in an Enhanced state, the timer for the Enhanced state resets, and Libre gains Attack Up. What's more, Libre's Burst Mode grants her a constant Enhanced state for its 12 second duration, a great payoff given strengths which come together to create a character that tends to win a lot of phases, rapidly filling their small Synergy Gauge.