Super Smash Bros. Melee

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Super Smash Bros. Melee is the 2nd game (the first being Super Smash Bros.) in Nintendo's fighting game series, Super Smash Bros. Released in 2001 (2002 PAL), the series features characters and elements from all over the Nintendo universe. It is interesting in that it has no plot, which is unusual for fighting games. The more significant and obvious differentiating factor is that you cannot win through depleting a life-bar (and, to a lesser extent, the presence of spawning items and weapons). Victory is only possible through ring-out. Another interesting facet is the team battles, allowing teams of two to compete against each other. There is a sequel planned entitled Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

This game features 25 characters, of which 13 are new.


Joystick Notation

  • F - Forward - Push stick forward/towards the opponent. (X-axis)
  • B - Backward/Back - Push stick backward/away from the opponent. (X-axis)
  • U - Up - Push stick upwards. (Y-axis)
  • D - Down - Push stick downwards. (Y-axis)
  • N - Neutral - Leave the stick in the default position.

"A" Attack Notation

All of the following are "performed" using the "A" button on the GCN controller.

  • Air [air] - Aerial move. Used in conjunction with any of the Joystick notation to signify a direction for the stick.

e.g. Fair

  • Tilt [-tilt] - Tilt Move. Used in conjunction with any of the Joystick notation to signify a direction for the stick. This direction on the stick must be lightly pushed, or a smash attack will come out instead.

e.g. F-tilt

  • Smash [-smash] - Smash move. Used in conjunction with any of the Joystick notation to signify a direction for the stick.

e.g. F-smash

"B" Attack Notation

All of the following are "performed" using the "B" button on the GCN controller.

  • Across (Sometimes Over, >) - Forwards or backwards inclination on the joystick.

e.g. B-Across or Across-B

  • U/D (Sometimes Up/Down respectively) - Up or downwards inclination on the joystick.

Miscellaneous Notation

  • CC - Crouch Cancel - Hold Down - Reduce the recovery time after being hit by a move.
  • DI - Directional Influence - Tilt the joystick appropriately - Change your trajectory after being given a velocity (Only works perpendicular to the direction of motion)
  • L-Cancel - Press L (or R) from six frames before to the exact frame when you touch the ground during an aerial attack - Reduces the amount of recovery time when landing in half.
  • WD - Wavedash - Aerial Dodge into the ground at an angle that is not perpendicular to the surface - Slide along the ground whilst stil being able to input commands.
  • DD - Dash Dance - Rapidly change the motion of your dash during the initial dash animation (left/right). Allows you to quickly be able to move towards an area.
  • DJC - Double Jump Cancel - Perform an attack during the second jump. - For some characters it stops their jump.
  • FF - Fast-falling - Holding down whilst FALLING - Reach the ground faster than you would normally.
  • FC - Float canceling - While floating with Peach, do an aerial, then land - Reduces landing lag even more then L-canceling.
  • IASA - Interruptible as soon as - The frames before the move can be interrupted.
  • SH - Short hopping - Lightly pressing one of the jump buttons - Jump less high than you would normally. (approx. 1/2 height)
  • SHFFLC (Sometimes SHFFL or Shuffle) - Short Hop, Fast Fall, L-Cancel.
  • SHB/SHL - Short Hop Laser/Blaster - Short Hop, B, Fast Fall.
  • SHDL - Short Hop Double Laser - Short Hop, B, B, Fast Fall. (Can only be done with fox)
  • WoP - Wall of Pain - Repeated high priority aerial moves. (Usually associated with Jigglypuff)

Game Mechanics

"Smash" Attacks

You can charge a smash attack by performing the commands required for a Smash, and holding those commands down. Upon release, a more powerful version of the attack is released.

e.g. F-Smash (Hold Forward and A)

The charged versions of smash attacks are very rarely used, as they inherently telegraph themselves and are thus, easily avoided.

Double Jumping

After you have jumped, it is possible to jump again (For some characters this can be repeated beyond a second jump). You can change your direction very easily using double jumping.


By pressing either R/L, you can bring up a shield that covers your entire body (for most characters). This will cover you irrespective of the section that an attack is aimed.

The shield is analogue, so the strength with with the button is pressed corresponds to the strength of the shield. The shield takes longer than you might expect to appear and disappear. You can spot dodge, roll, or even Up B out of a shield instantly. You can also grab by pressing "A" as well.

Spot Dodging

By simultaneously pressing R/L and Down, your character will "Spot Dodge". That is, literally dodge any move whilst standing. (This is of course provided that the move is not longer than the dodge state frames)

Aerial Dodging

By simultaneously pressing R/L and any of the 8 directions, your character will "Aerial Dodge". That is, literally dodge in that direction out of the way of any move whilst in the air. (This is of course provided that the move is not longer than the dodge state frames). This is far more risky than a spot dodge, as the resulting state it puts you in prevents you from attacking or performing any other move until you touch the ground again. (There are exceptions)


By simultaneously pressing R/L and Left/Right, your character will "Roll". This is an evasive manoeuvre that places you away from you initial position, this can be punished easily if used excessively, as it has fairly large recovery time.

"Up B"ing

The majority of characters can utilise their Up B move the gain height. Unlike other moves you can grab the edge through the move, and the move (for most characters) is predominantly used purely for recovering to the ledge.

Ledge Grabbing

By arriving at a position on level or just below the edge, your character will grab onto the ledge. This provides him with a few frames of invincibility. From this position he has a number of options available to him.

Ledge Grabbing is frequently used by an attacker to prevent the recovering defender from grabbing onto edge, because only one person can ever occupy the space at one time.


The top four in the game are widely considered to be Fox, Falco, Sheik, Marth. Generally, the matchups between the top four are considered to be:

  • Fox has a slight advantage over Shiek, even versus Marth, and slight disadvantage towards Falco
  • Falco has a slight advantage over Fox and Shiek, and slight disadvantage towards Marth
  • Shiek has an advantage over Marth, and is at a slight disadvantage versus Fox and Falco


Top Tier:


High Tier:


Middle Tier:

Captain Falcon
Ice Climbers
Doctor Mario

Low Tier:

Donkey Kong
Young Link

Bottom Tier:

Mr. Game and Watch

~SBR's latest tier list taken from

PAL List

Top Tier:


High Tier:

Captain Falcon
Ice Climbers
Dr. Mario

Middle Tier:

Donkey Kong

Low Tier:

Young Link
Mr. Game