Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo/Ryu

From SuperCombo Wiki


A great all around character. He has no real weaknesses. Use a flying strong, flying strong, land, super fireball. Hilarity ensues. Profit!

Color Options

New Ryu Colors

New Ryu's color options in Super Turbo
To choose the "Hold" color, press and hold any button except Start for 2 seconds. To choose any other color, simply tap the desired button.

--Raisin (April 6, 2007)

Old Ryu Colors

Old Ryu's color options in Super Turbo
Old Ryu's input code is RRRL. Pressing Short simultaneously with Jab or Fierce will give you the alternate color.

--Raisin (April 6, 2007)

Moves List

Normal Moves


Ryu can throw using mp, fp, mk, and hk.

Command Normals

F + Mp = over head punch
F + Fp = dash punch *upclose has two hits

Special Moves

All motions are listed under the assumption that Ryu is facing right.

↓↘→ + P: Fireball, also known as the Hadouken. Ryu throws a blue ball of energy at his opponent. The strength of the punch determines its speed: Jab flies the slowest, while Fierce flies the fastest.

Although all 3 versions (Jab, Strong, Fierce) have Ryu release the fireball at the same interval, Ryu will recover from the vulnerable "after-throw" state fastest after a Jab fireball and slowest after a Fierce fireball. However, the difference is almost imperceptible.

It's been rumored (though not verified, to my knowledge) that this normal fireball has more dizzying power than the red fireball.

←↙↓↘→ + P: Red Fireball. This is very similar to the normal fireball, except it will knock a grounded opponent down if it hits at close range or put them in a burning hitstun if it hits a grounded opponent from farther away.

Some Ryu players use plenty of red fireballs, while others opt for the normal one almost exclusively. It seems to be at least partially a matter of taste.

Getting a knockdown with a red fireball can be a good opportunity to flick in a Short Hurricane Kick just to build meter. You have a moment or two of free time as the opponent falls and rises anyway, so you can look to land from the Hurricane Kick in time to throw another meaty fireball onto the opponent who's just standing up and continue your pressure.

→↓↘ + P: Dragon Punch, also known as the Shoryuken or uppercut. Ryu does a rising punch which is invincible during its early stages but completely defenseless as he falls back to the ground. Jab makes him jump the lowest and most vertical, Fierce the highest and most horizontal.

Since a properly-timed Dragon Punch will beat virtually any move, its simplest and most common application is as a general anti-air counter, because you have a lot of time to react and time the attack as you see the opponent approaching through the air. Because it'll knock down, you can continue pressuring with whatever you like, such as a meaty fireball or a cross-up attack.

You can also use it to stuff virtually any ground attack from your opponent, but the timing for this is much more difficult. It's high-reward but also high-risk, since missing can result in you being wide open to punishment. Unless your opponent is very predictable, this can be considered a very high-level strategy that should only be attempted with caution. Again, it seems largely a matter of taste; some excellent Ryu players attempt a lot of ground Dragon Punches, while other great players almost never try them. Sometimes players will immediately do another ground Dragon Punch if the first one misses, reasoning that the second might connect with the opponent's counterattack if they time it just a bit too late.

The Dragon Punch is an excellent reversal move in general.

↓↙← + K (on ground): Hurricane Kick. Ryu advances with a spinning kick that will knock down the opponent if it hits. Different kicks have different effects: Short has the lowest duration and speed, while Roundhouse has the highest.

The Hurricane Kick safely travels right over some projectiles and, with good positioning and timing, can be used to punish characters like Dhalsim and Guile for trying to use them. More information can be found in the specific character matchups.

Another trick with the Hurricane Kick is to use it to set up throws. Often this is done at close range with the Short version so that it takes place quickly, hopefully before the opponent can react in time. They see the Hurricane Kick come out and stay ducking, and then you land and immediately throw them.

↓↙← + K (in air): Air Hurricane Kick. The Hurricane Kick can also be done while airborne. Again, stronger kicks give it longer duration. Unlike the ground version, it doesn't always move Ryu forward; if performed while jumping backwards, Ryu will continue moving in that direction.

The Air Hurricane Kick has some interesting effects on the speed and trajectory of the jump, as felineki writes:

The character's vertical velocity is not directly affected. Rather, their gravity value is temporarily adjusted. Every character has their own jump gravity value (as I'm sure you've noticed, Dhalsim falls much more slowly from a jump than Claw). This normally stays constant throughout a jump. However, when a shoto performs a mid-air hurricane kick, their gravity value is temporarily decreased. This gives them the effect of falling more slowly if it is performed on the way down, or allowing them to gain more height if done on the way up.

The decreased gravity value lasts as long as the character's leg is out, able to hit. As soon as they pull their leg back in, the gravity value returns to normal.

In addition, they are given a slight boost in horizontal velocity as the kick starts (a forward boost if jumping forward or straight up, a backward boost if jumping back). This additional velocity lasts until they actually touch the ground.

The Air Hurricane Kick has a multitude of uses. It serves as an alternative air attack with alternative properties than Ryu's normal attacks and may interact with opponent anti-air moves differently. As it changes jump properties, it can surprise the opponent. Done correctly, it can actually cross-up enemy air counters like the Flash Kick to hit the opponent from behind. Or it can be used for purposes as simple as building meter on the way down from a jump that you otherwise aren't interested in doing an attack in, such as when jumping far back away from an opponent or jumping straight up over a projectile from a distance.

--Raisin (March 29, 2007)
--Special thanks to felineki for the info on the Air Hurricane Kick.

Super Art

Move Analysis


This section lists useful combos that are plausible for match play. Combos that end in a hadouken can use either the blue or red versions, and may knock down if the red version is used.

Ryu Combo 1.png

Bread & Butter

  •, xx fp hadouken
  • j.fp, cr.fp xx fp hadouken
  •, st.fp xx fp hadouken

Meaty Combos

  • meaty f + fp, cr.fp xx hadouken
  • meaty f + fp,, (xx fp hadouken if blocked)
  • meaty, (xx fp hadouken if blocked)
  • meaty, xx hadouken

Crouching Opponent Only

  • f + mp,
  • cross up, f + fp, cr.fp xx fp hadouken

Cross Up Only

  • cross up,, xx fp hadouken

Corner Only

  • meaty, xx fp hadouken


  • (2 hits), (xx hurricance kick for meter)
  • (2 hits), (1 hit), super
  • anti-air super (2 hits), (xx hurricane kick to regain some meter)

Super Combos

  • Any of the above combos that end with a crouching move xx hadouken can be modified to end with a super instead. To cancel a crouching normal into Ryu's super, press the button for the normal at the beginning of the second fireball motion for the super. Examples:
    • xx super (d, df, f, d + mk, df, f + lp)
    • cr.fp xx super (d, df, f, d + fp, df, f + lp)
    •, xx super (d + mp, pause, df, f, d + mk, df, f + lp)

Goryus 18:44, 22 May 2007 (UTC)

Frame Data



Command Normals

Special Moves

Super Arts

Additional Frame Data



Super Turbo Ryu is a very flexible character. He has powerful combos, solid mixups, dangerous traps, and a great super. His moves provide him with an amazing toolbox, allowing him to avoid projectiles and punish mistakes easily and on the fly.


Ryu's basic game centers around two moves: the Hadouken (Fireball) and the Shoryuken (Dragon Punch).

The Hadouken is a powerful move - it advances across the screen independently of Ryu, harming anything it touches. Even if blocked, it still does damage (albeit only a little). As a result, throwing one forces the opponent to react; they have to try and find a way around it, or they will eventually succumb to the constant chip damage.

Every character has an easy way to try and avoid the Hadouken: jumping over it. Unfortunately for them, Ryu has also been equipped with the game's best anti-air move: the Shoryuken. If an opponent reacts to a Hadouken by jumping over it, Ryu can respond by performing a Shoryuken as they are coming down. Since they cannot block while in the air, there is nothing they can do to prevent it from hitting them.

If a character jumps over a Hadouken from a distance, out of the range of Ryu's Shoryuken, he can still walk forward and force them to land on a They cannot block this when timed correctly, and it will knock them down.


Ryu's ideal positioning against most characters is at the very end of their jump arc - this gives him the maximum amount of time to recover from a Hadouken, while still being in range to hit them with a Shoryuken if they try to jump.

The Fireball Trap

Ryu's famous Fireball Trap is a simple but deadly pattern he can follow on a cornered opponent. After scoring a knock-down on an opponent in the corner, Ryu can first position himself at the end of their jump arc, and then throw a lp Hadouken as they are getting up. The lp Hadouken hits meaty, after which Ryu can immediately throw a second lp Hadouken, which hits just after the first. Finally, he throws a fp Hadouken just as the second lp Hadouken ends.

If done correctly, the enemy cannot jump out of this pattern. If they try to jump between any of these fireballs, the next fireball will hit them on the way up, they will be knocked down, and the pattern can be begun again. If they decide to jump after the last fireball in the pattern, Ryu can use his Shoryuken to knock them out of the sky and back into the corner. Then he can throw a meaty lp Hadouken as they are getting up, and repeat the process all over again.

The Super

Ryu's super is one of the best in the game, and he is capable of charging it up very quickly. It has three important properties that make it so dangerous:

  • It blows through lesser projectiles, and will hit the character that threw them. In matches against other characters with projectiles, such as Dhalsim or Sagat, getting the super charged is a major turning point - it neutralizes their fireball, and let's Ryu play the game at his pace.
  • It can easily be combo'ed into for massive damage (see Combos, above). A basic combo into super does around 70% of an opponent's health in damage, and will almost certainly end the round if it hits them.
  • When blocked, it keeps the opponent trapped in blockstun for a long time, allowing Ryu to close the distance and follow up with one of his deadly mixups (see Mixups, below). The additional blockstun can also be used to extend his fireball trap, with the pattern: meaty lp Hadouken, super, lp Hadouken, fp Hadouken.


Once Ryu scores a knockdown, he has one of two choices: he can continue pressuring with his Hadouken, or he can move in and attack with his powerful mixups as they are regaining their feet.

Cross Ups

Ryu can cross up his opponents as they are getting up by jumping a little over them and pressing hk. When done correctly, this has to be blocked in the opposite direction, because Ryu is no longer in front of them when the hk connects. If Ryu deliberately aims at the spot right above his opponent's head, it is often very difficult to tell whether the attack will cross up or not - and if the opponent guesses wrong, regardless of which side Ryu ends up on, Ryu gains a huge opportunity to hit the opponent with one of his Bread & Butter combos.


Ryu's f + mp command normal has to be blocked high - it will hit any opponent who is blocking low. In addition, it can be linked into his for a 3 hit combo, and a knockdown. Similarly, Ryu's xx red hadouken has to be blocked low - it will hit any opponent who is blocking high (also scoring a knockdown).

Because there is no way to defend against both of these moves at once, randomly choosing one of these two patterns as the opponent is recovering from a knockdown means that Ryu has a 50/50 chance of hitting them again, scoring another knockdown, and continuing the assault.

Throw Baiting

Ryu has two normal moves after which he can always link f + fp, and In addition, he can link after a meaty or

By performing one of these moves as an opponent is getting up, Ryu is threatening to hit the opponent with a powerful combo. To prevent this, the opponent will likely block the move. However, these attacks are also excellent throw set-ups - simply wait until the move has finished, and then press f + mp to throw the opponent.

Savvy opponents will know that they can escape the throw by either A) counter-throwing, or B) performing a reversal move. But here is the trick to this mixup: doing either requires them to stand up. Since can be linked after these moves, you can link xx red Hadouken instead of trying to throw them. This will hit them if they try to counter-throw or perform a reversal move, knock them down, and let you follow up with another mixup.

Additional Notes

It is important to pay attention to what happens to your Hadoukens after you throw them. Ryu can only ever have one Hadouken on the screen at a time, so if an opponent jumps straight up to pass over the Hadouken, attempting to throw a second one will simply fail and result in a normal move. This gives the opponent plenty of time to close the gap and fight the game on his terms.

In order to play Ryu well, you must be able to react to how your opponent reacts to your Hadoukens.

Goryus 17:24, 23 May 2007 (UTC)


    • Balrog (Boxer)
    • O. Balrog (Boxer)
    • Blanka - Keep him cornered. Counter his roll move with shoryuken and hadouken and always cross him up.
    • O. Blanka
    • Cammy
    • O. Cammy
    • Chun-Li
    • O. Chun-Li
    • Dee Jay
    • O. Dee Jay
    • Dhalsim
    • O. Dhalsim
    • E. Honda
    • O. E. Honda
    • Fei Long
    • O. Fei Long
    • Guile
    • O. Guile
    • Ken
    • O. Ken
    • M. Bison (Dictator)
    • O. M. Bison (Dictator)
    • Ryu
    • O. Ryu
    • Sagat
    • O. Sagat
    • T. Hawk
    • O. T. Hawk
    • Vega (Claw)
    • O. Vega (Claw)
    • Zangief
    • O. Zangief

Serious Advantage Match-ups

T.Hawk Cammy E.Honda

Advantage Match-ups

Fair Match-ups

Disadvantage Match-ups

Serious Disadvantage Match-ups