Super Buu (DBZ:B3)

From SuperCombo Wiki


Pros and Cons


  • Great damage
  • Good combo platform
  • Good Baseline Ki of 5
  • Good throw
  • Good capsule set-ups
  • Good defensive <K


  • Weak long range game

Move List

Move List/FAQ. Copy and paste the link in your browser.

* next to the # of hits means that the string does not combo from the front of the opponent

P reach:25 speed:3
String Death Move Hits Damage Recovery Note
pP*Ppe I'll Flash 5 607 NR 1,2,5
pP*Ppk 5 331 AR *NRR 1,2
pP*P>P 4 243 GR *NRR 1,2
pP*>p*P 5 297 NRR
pP*(<P*)(P) 4 265 NRR
pP*kkkk 6 433 GR *NRS
p>ppppP 6 253 NRR
p>ppppk 6 338 AR 3
pk^k 3 229 GR 4

1 - pP*P^ is an infinite, 1012 dmg. (minus assist dmg.)
2 - Infinite was performed with assist (<P+K).
3 - k changes in the air, *6 hits! 319 dmg.
4 - pk^ is an infinite, 1222 dmg.
5 - Consumes 1 ki.

>P reach:25 speed:12
String Death Move Hits Damage Recovery Note
>P*PP*pe!! I'll Ball Attack *8 816 GR 1,3
>P*PP*pP 6 375 NRR
>P*PP*p(>P) *5 327 NRR
>P*P>PPPk *6 442 AR
>P*<PP*P(P) *5 310 NRR
>P*kk 3 248 GR
>P*k>kK 4 360 AR 2

1 - *NR with Piccolo absorbed.
2 - K changes in the air, 4 hits! 331 dmg.
3 - Consumes 2 ki.

<P reach:25 speed:13
String Death Move Hits Damage Recovery Note
<P*P 2 159 NRR 2
<P*(>P*) *2 161 2
<P*<P^ 2 159 2
<P*K- 4 331 NR 1,2
<P*>k! *2 223 NRS 2

1 - becomes <P*k! in the air, *2 hits! 223 dmg.
2 - <P* stuns from front only if fully charged or on CH.

K reach:30 speed:6
String Death Move Hits Damage Recovery Note
kkkk^(K)k! 6 488 NRS 1
kk>kPPe!! I'll Ball Attack *9 907 GR 2,3
kk>kPP(P) *6 409 AR
kk>kPKK- *8 595 NR
kk>kPK>k *6 467 AR
kk<k 3 254 GR
k<k *2 194 NRS

1 - kkkk^ is an infinite, 1428 dmg.
2 - *NR with Piccolo absorbed.
3 - Consumes 2 ki.

>K reach:30 speed:10
String Death Move Hits Damage Recovery Note
>K*kkk 4 316 GR
>K*k<kkk*k *6 503 NRS
>K*P*P*P*(P*)e I'll Flash 6 693 NR 1
>K*P*P*P*(P*)(P) 6 386 NRR
>K*P*P*P*(P*)>P 6 401 NRR

1 - Consumes 1 ki.

<K reach:30 speed:7
String Death Move Hits Damage Recovery Note
(<k)K 2 221 AR 1
(<k)>k 2 154 AR
(<k)(<K^) *2 151 NRS 2
(<k)P^ *2 144

1 - Becomes (<k)k in the air, *2 hits! 163 dmg.
2 - Becomes <k<K- with Gohan absorbed, 3 hits! 220 dmg.

String Death Move Hits Damage Recovery Note
>e I'll Flash 1 375 NR 1,2,3,5
<e!! I'll Ball Attack 1 600 NR 4,6
eeeee 5 250

1 - Becomes Destructive Wave with Piccolo absorbed, 412 dmg.
2 - Becomes Victory Cannon with Gotenks absorbed, 750 dmg.
3 - Becomes Kamehameha with Gohan absorbed, 525 dmg.
4 - Becomes Light Grenade with Piccolo absorbed, 660 dmg., consumes 1/2 ki, NR.
5 - Consumes 1 ki.
6 - Consumes 2 ki.

String Hits Damage Recovery Note
(p+k) 1 113 NRS
>P+K 2 147 NRR
<P+K^ 1 81
k+g 2 172 GR
p+g 2 200 NRS

String Hits Damage Recovery Note
>>p! 1 94 NRR
>>k! 1 81 AR 1
>>p+k! 1 75 GR
>>e 2 147 GR

1 - >>k! changes in the air, 94 dmg.

String Name Attack % Base Ki Note
Piccolo Absorbed +10% 5
Gotenks Absorbed +25% 6
Gohan Absorbed +40% 6

String Name Hits Damage Note
P+K+G+E!! Absorbtion 1
P+K+G+E!! Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack 2 1875 2
P+K+G+E!! Super Kamehameha 1 2520 3

1 - Base Super Buu.
2 - Consumes 5 ki, Gotenks absorbed.
3 - Consumes 5 ki, Gohan absorbed.

Dragon Rush
Rush Type Hits Damage Note
Dragon Rush 3 29 750 1
Special Beam Cannon 15 1980 2

1 - Base, Gotenks absorbed, Gohan absorbed.
2 - Piccolo absorbed.


Move List Breakdown

Super Buu's P is pretty good. It has P speed with rank 3 but has 25 reach points which allows him to sit outside of normal P range and dominate most character's with priority. You can poke with PP<P* much in the same way Bardock can. <P* is chargeable, nullifies and stuns. If you choose to let <P* go early to stop any counter attempts, it's not safe on block like Bardock's but Super Buu is pushed back just outside of 20 reach points on block. If that's not enough security for you, you can continue the string, PP<PP, into another chargeable nullifier that knocks down. You can also go from PP<PP-, <PP- and buffer a dashing attack.

On hit, if you want, confirm PP and cancel (PP<P-) then proceed to combo or use PP<PP- to combo on hit, which is easier to confirm. A good follow up would be >PP~ to sidestep behind for more damage. Other things to note, Super Buu has two infinites from P, PK^ and PPP^. PPP^ only works if the opponent is already being juggled. Also keep in mind that PPP>P- can be used in juggles to allow combo-ing into I'll Ball Attack, which is otherwise near impossible.

Super Buu's >P* is slow (rank 12) and otherwise pretty useless as a starter with P having the same reach but much more speed. Use >PP~ in combos from the front for a quick way to sidestep behind. You can use >PPP* or >P<PPP- in combos as filler.

Same deal here with <P* as >P* but slower at rank 13. P has the same reach with superior speed and options. <PK- is good combo filler and can be used to sidestep cancel from the front of the opponent after PP<PP- but IMO >PP~ is better than <PK~. <P* only stuns from the front of the opponent if it's fully charged or on CH. Also note that <PK- changes in the air giving you more reason to stick with >PP~ to sidestep cancel. In the air, use <P>P* instead of <PK- as combo filler.

Aside from combo filler, <PP- (or <P>P-) can be used after a blocked PP<P- to move Super Buu back outside of normal P range (15 rps) where he holds the advantage over most character's.

K has 30 reach points which is Super Buu's max for his starters. Rank 6 speed makes this his fastest starter from that range. KK>KP- can be used to get close if you're outmatched outside of 25 reach points. KK>KPKK- is great combo filler from behind the opponent. You can also use his KKKK^ infinite if you can confirm that KK hits.

>K is alright. It's chargeable and has 30 reach points but it's pretty slow for that range at rank 10 while most starters at this range are rank 6. >KPPPPP is a nice string in which all attacks can be charged, the first five attacks stun, and the last two nullify for some nice mind-games. The first, second and fourth hits also track sidesteps.

Super Buu's <K is unique as it's a B3 sweep attack that has full nullifying frames. 30 reach and 7 speed makes this a great defensive starter. It nullifies fast enough to beat any starter. You can start combos with <KK-, canceling into P but it's has to be a fast cancel and fast input. From at least 25 reach points, <KK- can be used to buffer dashing attacks. From point blank, <KK-, <PP- can be used to buffer dashing attacks.

I'll Ball Attack can punish sidesteps if you're quick/close enough.

P+K nullifies but is slow and unsafe if blocked. You could cancel into from <PK- if you want a quick knockdown to taunt.

>P+K. It's chargeable and slow but has a lot of reach. Much like P+K, cancel into it from <PK- for a quick knockdown.

<P+K^ is just a standard juggle starter that everyone has. Use it if you want to launch quickly.

K+G = worthless.

P+G is Super Buu's throw. Though it doesn't launch like the better throws in B3, it does allow taunting after wards or it can be used to position yourself after the knockdown.

Super Buu's dashing attacks all break guard except >>E, but I recommend >>P and >>K over >>P+K. After a >>P+K guard break your can't start a combo with >PP~ which leads to the most damage, while after >>P or >>K you can use >PP~ for higher damage. Also, >>P+K allows ground recovery on hit while >>P does not. >>P is the slowest but has about 50 reach points.

Dash Buffering

Dash Buffering is inputing the command for a forward or backward dash while in a non-neutral state. You can also buffer dashing attacks for guardbreak as long as you are at least 20-25 reach points from your opponent. Here are some strings in which Super Buu can buffer a dashing attack.

PP<P- (can be done from at least 20)
PP<P-, <PP- (point blank)

<PP- (point blank)

>KP- (max range)
>KP-, <PP- (point blank)

<KK- (can be done from at least 25)
<KK-, <PP- (point blank)
<KP- (can be done from at least 20)

Post Guard Break

Post Knockdown

After a knockdown, you can taunt to lower their Ki or force them to stand with >PP-, <PP-, >KP- or <KK- if they breakfall, giving you mix-up advantage. Options after forcing them to stand, can be throw or >KPPPP to beat throw techs or use the multiple charges, stuns and nullifiers on block. Or you can use PP<P for pressure on block. If PP<P or >KPPPP hits then combo. After forcing them to stand with <PP-, >KP- or <KK-, you can also buffer dashing attacks.




>PP~, KK>KPKK-, <PK-, <E [I'll Ball Attack] 1656

>PP~, KK>KPKK-, <PK-, >KP'P'P'PP-, PP<PP-, <E [I'll Ball Attack] 2123

Reset Combos


Demon Realm Flames - +10% attack, 1 slot

Demon Realm Guard - +10% guard, 1 slot

Mage Guard - +20% guard, 2 slots

Babidi's Guard - +30% guard, 3 slots

Bibidi's Guard - +40% guard, 4 slots

Potential - +24% attack, attack is raised 6% every 10 seconds, 2 slots

Majin Buu's Regeneration - Reduces damage of blast type deathmoves by using a small amount of Ki, 1 slot

Babidi's Scope - Reduces amount of Ki used, 1 slot

Yakon - Eliminates Baseline Ki when someone transforms, 1 slot

Turtle Shell - Doubles Ki cost for dodging and teleporting, 1 slot

Chicken-fried 7-Seasoned Toad - +30% attack, -25% guard, 1 slot item capsule

Capsule Set-Ups