Goku (DBZ:B3)

From SuperCombo Wiki
Revision as of 18:32, 30 April 2007 by Escobuu (talk | contribs) (Goku (B3) moved to Goku (DBZ:B3))


My tutorial vid --Crazymasterhand 20:11, 24 November 2006 (UTC)

Move List


rank 3 speed, 15 reach points, stuns on CH, safe


rank 9 speed, 25 reach points


rank 6 speed, 30 reach points, chargeable


rank 6 speed, 15 reach points


rank 5 speed, 15 reach points, juggles on CH


rank 14 speed, nullifies, stuns on CH


Goku's E is slower than Vegeta's >P, and faster than Super Buu's >P, placing it between rank 11 and 12 speed. Ki blasts ignore nullifiers and juggle on CH. Ki blast beats throw. A ki blast is safe if deflected, blocked, or sidestepped. It seems to be impossible to combo off a reflected ki blast.


P+K nullifies immediately, making it a good reversal. It's chargeable.

>P+K doesn't nullify as quickly, but sets up wakeup games and is safe on block. It's also chargeable and is punishable if dodged. Cancelling it moves you backwards.

<P+K starts juggles. It's chargeable.

You can cancel >K+G for a little forward movement. The game will read >K+G as a teleport if you are attacked as you input it.


>>P sets up wakeup games on hit, except on big characters. It guardbreaks, but is punishable if dodged.



If you don't have SSJ equipped, you get Spirit Bomb. If you have SSJ equipped but are below it, you get Super Spirit Bomb. If you are SSJ or higher, you get Super Dragon Fist.

Dragon Rush

good luck


Ability Capsules

Kamehameha allows Goku to shorten his combos efficiently.

Dragon Fist grants Goku a non-scaling infinite which greatly boosts his damage. This is doubled or allowed to continue until your opponent is dead if you equip Turtle Shell. However, Kaioken is necessary to unlock its power, leaving you vulnerable to yakon. Yakon's effect can be minimized if you don't transform until you start a combo. If you don't have enough ki for a DF during the combo, you can use the >PPPP<P^ infinite to build some more.

Unique Equipment Capsules

Mediation cuts ki costs by 1/3. Combine this with SSJ, and you can teleport twice at baseline if you don't get yakon'd.

--Crazymasterhand 01:23, 12 March 2007 (UTC)

Capsule Set-ups

The Basics


Base 1-bar ground:

>PKK~ >K* K<KPPP- PPPPE [Kamehameha] 954

>PPPP<P^ >KPPPK- >KPPPE [Kamehameha] 952

<PP^ >KPPPK- >KPPPK- PPPPE [Kamehameha] 981

<P<P^ >KPPPK- >KPPPK- PPPPE [Kamehameha] 994

KKKK~ >KKP* >PKK- PPPPE [Kamehameha] 1024

>KKP* >PKK~ K<KP'PP- >E [Kamehameha] 910

CH >KPPPK- >KPPPK- PPPPE [Kamehameha] 927

<KP^ >KPPPK- KKKK- PPPPE [Kamehameha] 948

CH <K* >PKK~ KKKK- >KPPPE [Kamehameha] 1004

CH E^ >KPPPK- >KPPPK- >KPPPE [Kamehameha] 1033

Kaioken 1-bar ground:

>PKK- <P+K^ <E@EEE- <EEEE>E [Dragon Fist] 1365

>PPPP<P^ <E@EEE- <EEEE>E [Dragon Fist] 1380

<PP^ <EEEE- <EEEE- PPPPE [Kamehameha] 1197

<P<P^ >PPPP<P^ <EEEE- PPPPE [Kamehameha] 1127

K<KPPP- <P+K^ <E@EEE- <EEEE>E [Dragon Fist] 1431

>KKP* >PKK- <EEEE- PPPPE [Kamehameha] 1115

CH >KPPPK- >PPPP<P^ <EEEE>E [Dragon Fist] 1122

<KP^ >PPPP<P^ <EEEE>E [Dragon Fist] 992

CH <K* KK>KKEEEE- <EEEE>E [Dragon Fist] 1462

CH E^ <E@EEE- <EEEE- <EEEE>E [Dragon Fist] 1555

<EEEE- <E@EEE- <EEEE>E [Dragon Fist] 1426

Base 2-bar ground:

>PKK~ >KKP* K<KPPP- <K* <PP^ >KPPPK- >KPPPK- PPPPE [Kamehameha] 1412

>PPPP<P^ >KPPPK- >PPPP<P^ >KPPPK- >PPPP<P^ >KPPPE [Kamehameha] 1218

<PP^ >KPPPK- >PPPP<P^ >KPPPK- >PPPP<P^ >PKK- PPPPE [Kamehameha] 1224

<P<P^ >KPPPK- >PPPP<P^ >KPPPK- >PPPP<P^ >PKK- PPPPE [Kamehameha] 1235

KKKK~ >KKP* >PKK- <K* <PP^ >KPPPK- >KPPPK- PPPPE [Kamehameha] 1391

>KKP* >PKK~ K<KPPP- <K* <PP^ >KPPPK- >KPPPK- PPPPE [Kamehameha] 1375

CH >KPPPK- >PPPP<P^ >PPPP<P^ >KPPPK- >KPPPK- PPPPE [Kamehameha] 1229

<KP^ >KPPPK- >PPPP<P^ >KPPPK- >PPPP<P^ >PKK- PPPPE [Kamehameha] 1218

CH <K* >PKK~ >KKP* K<KPPP- <PP^ >KPPPK- >KPPPK- PPPPE [Kamehameha] 1414

CH E^ >KPPPK- >PPPP<P^ >KPPPK- >PPPP<P^ >KPPPK- >KPPPE [Kamehameha] 1306

Kaioken 2-bar ground:

>PKK- <P+K^ <E@EEE- <EEEE- <EEEE- <EEEE- <EEEE>E [Dragon Fist] 2407

>PPPP<P^ <E@EEE- <EEEE- <EEEE- <EEEE- <EEEE>E [Dragon Fist] 2422

<PP^ <EEEE- <E@EEE- <E@EEE- <E@EEE- <EEEE- <EEEE>E [Dragon Fist] 2523

<P<P^ >PPPP<P^ >PPPP<P^ <E@EEE- <EEEE- <EEEE>E [Dragon Fist] 2005

K<KPPP- <P+K^ <E@EEE- <EEEE- <EEEE- <EEEE- <EEEE>E [Dragon Fist] 2473

>KKP* >PKK- <P+K^ <E@EEE- <EEEE- <EEEE- <EEEE- <EEEE>E [Dragon Fist] 2574

CH >KPPPK- >PPPP<P^ <EEEE- <EEEE- <EEEE- <EEEE- PPPPE [Kamehameha] 2025

<KP^ >PPPP<P^ <EEEE- <E@EEE- <EEEE- <EEEE- <EEEE>E [Dragon Fist] 2446

CH <K* K<KPPP- <P+K^ <E@EEE- <EEEE- <EEEE- <EEEE- <EEEE>E [Dragon Fist] 2541

CH E^ <E@EEE- >PPPP<P^ <EEEE- <EEEE- <EEEE- <EEEE>E [Dragon Fist] 2499

<EEEE- <E@EEE- <E@EEE- <E@EEE- <EEEE- <EEEE>E [Dragon Fist] 2408

Base 1-bar air:

>PKK~ >K* K<KPPP- PPPPE [Kamehameha] 954

>PPPP<P^ >KPPPK- PPPPE [Kamehameha] 893

<PP^ >KPPPK- >KPPPK- PPPPE [Kamehameha] 981

<P<P^ >KPPPK- >KPPPK- PPPPE [Kamehameha] 992

KKKK~ >KKP* >PKK- PPPPE [Kamehameha] 1024

>KKP* >PKK~ K<KP'PP- >E [Kamehameha] 910

CH >KPPPK- >KPPPK- PPPPE [Kamehameha] 927

CH <K* >PKK~ KKKK- >KPPPE [Kamehameha] 1004

CH E^ >KPPPK- >KPPPK- >KPPPE [Kamehameha] 1033

Kaioken 1-bar air:

>PKK- <P+K^ <E@EEE- <EEEE>E [Dragon Fist] 1365

>PPPP<P^ <E@EEE- <EEEE>E [Dragon Fist] 1380

<PP^ <EEEE- KKKK- PPPPE [Kamehameha] 1026

K<KPPP- <P+K^ <E@EEE- <EEEE>E [Dragon Fist] 1431

>KKP* >P+K^ <E@EEE- <EEEE>E [Dragon Fist] 1409

CH >KPPPK- >PPPP<P^ <EEEE>E [Dragon Fist] 1088

CH <K* K<KPPP- <P+K^ <E@EEE>E [Dragon Fist] 1155

CH E^ <E@EEE- <EEEE- <EEEE>E [Dragon Fist] 1514

<EEEE- <E@EEE- <EEEE>E [Dragon Fist] 1426

Base 2-bar air:

>PKK~ >KKP* (walk forward) K<KP'PP- <K* <PP^ >KPPPK- KKKK- PPPPE [Kamehameha] 1407

>PPPP<P^ >PPPP<P^ >KPPPK- KKKK- PPPPE [Kamehameha] 1100

<PP^ >PPPP<P^ >KPPPK- KKKK- PPPPE [Kamehameha] 1064

KKKK~ >KKP* >PKK- <K* <PP^ >KPPPK- KKKK- PPPPE [Kamehameha] 1370

>KKP* >PKK~ K<KP'PP- <K* <PP^ >KPPPK- KKKK- PPPPE [Kamehameha] 1372

CH >KPPPK- >KPPPK- KKKK- PPPPE [Kamehameha] 1039

CH <K* >PKK~ >KKP* K<KPPP- <P+K^ >KPPPK- >KPPPK- PPPPE [Kamehameha] 1405

CH E^ >KPPPK- >KPPPK- >KPPPK- >KPPPK- >KPPPK- PPPPE [Kamehameha] 1330

Kaioken 2-bar air:

>PKK- <P+K^ <E@EEE- <E@EEE- <E@EEE- <EEEE- PPPPE [Kamehameha] 1986

>PPPP<P^ <E@EEE- <E@EEE- <E@EEE- <EEEE- PPPPE [Kamehameha] 1996

<PP^ >KPPPK- >PPPP<P^ <EEEE- PPPPE [Kamehameha] 1194

K<KPPP- <P+K^ <E@EEE- <E@EEE- <E@EEE- <EEEE- PPPPE [Kamehameha] 2047

>KKP* <P+K^ <E@EEE- <E@EEE- <E@EEE- <EEEE- PPPPE [Kamehameha] 2030

CH >KPPPK- >PPPP<P^ <EEEE- PPPPE [Kamehameha] 1197

CH <K* >KKP* <P+K^ <E@EEE- <E@EEE- <E@EEE- <EEEE- PPPPE [Kamehameha] 2094

CH E^ <E@EEE- <E@EEE- <E@EEE- <E@EEE- <E@EEE- PPPPE [Kamehameha] 2118

<EE- K<KPPP- <P+K^ <E@EEE- <E@EEE- <E@EEE- <EEEE- PPPPE [Kamehameha] 2117

--Crazymasterhand 07:39, 14 March 2007 (UTC)

Advanced Strategy