The King of Fighters 2002/Choi

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< The King of Fighters 2002
Revision as of 09:19, 27 May 2009 by Finkledoodoo (talk | contribs) (category added)


Command Normals:
1. Toorima Geri - b/f+B
- Choi does a little forward flip kick
- has a frame advantage, allowing you to combo crouch D, far A or Hou'ou Kyaku qcf hcb+K
- can evade many low attacks
- free cancellable out of into Hishou Kyaku qcf+K(air)

Special Moves:
1. Tatsumaki Shippuu Zan - _d u+P
- Choi spins, creating a tornado around him, then rises into the air
- not very good priority as an anti-air but hits behind him so it works well for stopping people who roll through you
- supercancellable on the first hit
- free cancellable out of on the first hit into ground attacks, and qcf+K(air) on all other hits

2. Kaiten Hien Zan - qcb+P
- Choi rolls across the screen for some period of time. If he doesn't connect with the opponent, he stops. Otherwise, he will roll on top of that and end up in the air
- at any point before Choi hits the opponent, he can do the Kishuu Hien Zuki P followup. He can use the Hishou Kyaku qcf+K(air) the moment he finishes hitting the opponent
- qcb+C makes Choi roll further than qcb+A
- qcb+C results in Choi falling backwards (facing the opponent) when he finishes hitting them, while qcb+A results in Choi falling forwards (behind the opponent). Thus, if using qcb+A and following up with Hishou Kyaku qcf+K(air), the direction of that move should be reversed
- during the roll animation, Choi can go under air projectiles such as Athena's psychoball qcb+P
- free cancellable out of on the first hit into ground attacks and to Hishou Kyaku qcf+K(air) on all other hits

2a. Kishuu Hien Zuki - P (during Kaiten Hien Zan qcb+P)
- A makes him leap low to the ground and about half a screen distance, while C makes him leap very high and 3/4 screen distance
- this move is fairly high priority and does good damage
- free cancellable out of into Hishou Kyaku qcf+K(air)

3. Hishou Kyaku - qcf+K(air)
- Choi will do an air attack diagonally downwards
- qcf+B(air) goes down at about 30 degrees to the vertical, while qcf+D(air) is at a 45 degree angle and comes out slower
- free cancellable into

4. Hien Zan - dp+K
- Choi does a backflip into the air, similar to Kim's Hien Zan, dp+D goes further horizontally and higher than dp+B
- dp+B will knockdown if it hits the opponent but dp+D does not, giving the opponent all the time in the world to punish you. Hence, dp+D should never ever be done when the opponent is on the ground
- totally whiffs the opponent if cancelled from any strong attack
- free cancellable into

5. Senpuu Hien Zashi - _b f+P
- can be followed up by Houkou Tenkan (any direction + P/K) up to three times
- free cancellaboue out of into Hishou Kyaku qcf+K(air)

5a. Houkou Tenkan - any direction + P/K
- can be done up to three times
- free cancellable out of into Hishou Kyaku qcf+K(air)

6. Hishou Kurretsu Zan - _d u+K
- uf+K and ub+K can be used instead of u+K
- Choi leaps to the wall specified, or to the wall behind him if _d u+K was used. If K is held until he touches the wall, he will perform Houkou Tenkan. He can do the Houkou Tenkan (any direction + P/K) up to three times
- if B was held, Choi will do the Houkou Tenkan at a 45 degree angle off the wall. If D was held, he will do it horizontally

6a. Houkou Tenkan - any direction + P/K
- can be done up to three times
- free cancellable out of into Hishou Kyaku qcf+K(air)

1. Shin! Chouzetsu Tatsumaki Shinkuu Zan - hcbx2+P
- Choi can move back and forward during the tornado
- has some startup delay and invincibility but he can still be hit the moment the tornado begins to appear. However, once it has completely enveloped Choi, it is not possible to hit him
- generally too slow to be used for anti-air, but is great for chip damage in the corner (as long as it is going to kill the opponent)
- hard knockdown on all hits - negates normal and DM projectiles, but some attacks can still completely beat it, such as K9999's db hcb df+K and his d f df+ABCD SDM

2. Hou'ou Kyaku - qcf hcb+K
- Choi runs forward quickly, if he connects he will do a series of attacks, otherwise he falls flat and is open to attack

1. Hou'ou Kyaku - qcf hcb+BD
- same properties as his qcf hcb+K DM version, but does way more damage, a bit over 50% of a life bar

1. Shakushi - hcfx2+AC(air)
- Choi disappears, then attacks 7 times in random locations on the screen
- it is very difficult to evade this super because of Choi's randomness. It can also crossup very easily especially if your opponent is in the middle of the screen
- Choi can easily be hit out of this move, using fast rising attacks, DMs, and even jabs. However, it is not guaranteed to work everytime

-cancellable normals are close A, far A, crouch A, close B, close C, crouch C, jump C
-CD is cancellable into specials and DMs


1. Crouch BB, Far A(Buffer:qcf+A), qcf hcb+K(Buffer:qcb+K) - 33%
2. f+B, Crouch D - 20%
3. f+B, Far A(Buffer:qcf+A), qcf hcb+K(Buffer:qcb+K) - 45%
4. Crouch B, Crouch A, Far A(Buffer:qcf+A), qcf hcb+K(Buffer:qcb+K) - 33%
5.(Opponent in air) _b f+P, f+Px4, (opponent in corner), _d u+C - 47%
6. j.qcf+K (cross-over) sf.A qcfhcb+K

1. Jump C, qcf+B(air), Far A(Buffer:qcf+A), qcf hcb+K(Buffer:qcb+K) - 50%

1. Crouch BB, BC, Crouch C, qcf hcb+BD - 60%

Attack Strings:
1. Crouch BB, Far A, f+B, Far A, f+B (repeat)
2. Jump C, qcf+B, Far A (Corner)

Move Properties:
-cancellable normals are close A, far A, crouch A, close B, close C, crouch C, jump C
-CD is cancellable into specials and DMs
-free cancellable into moves are dp+K and qcf+K(air)
-free cancellable out-of moves are f+B, qcb+P, P followup of qcb+P, _b f+P and _d u+K and it's f+P followups, and _d u+P
-_d u+P is supercancellable on the first hit
-hcbx2+P is a hard knockdown


-jump C is a one of the best crossup moves in the game. It will almost always crossup, even if it looks like Choi has jumped too far away from his opponent. In addition, it can hit multiple times (up to three times if done very early in a jump). Since the move hits multiple times, the opponent is forced to block in different directions for each hit. The move also has decent priority and range, hitting most people out of their anti-airs. It can be cancelled into his air qcf+K as well. Jump C alone can make fighting Choi a nightmare

-his hcbx2+P is a great DM to use to chip an opponent to death who is in the corner. They cannot roll through this DM. He also has invincibility during this super (although not at startup)

- sf.A is a retarded poke.
- press A. a lot. then throw in f+B and press A some more. If anything hits press A again and cancel to super
- after pressing a lot of A and f+B and your opponent stops attacking, throw him
- run away. a lot.
- use _d u +_K to screw around with your opponent.
- know that all high attacks whiff over Choi's head.
- occasionally go for qcb+C qcf+K set-ups. It does throw damage in chip. Use it to chip your opponent to death or force him to blow all his super (if he guard rolls, don't follow the K and try not to die, if he CDs the damage will even up.
- learn to qcf+K as soon as possible following the qcb+C this minimizes any counter attacks your opponent may attempt. Then learn to mix in the distance at which you qcf+K him, this can randomly punish counters.
- learn the timing and distance to cross over with the j.qcf+K. After chipping with qcb+P you can time a qcf+K to hit on the other side and cross the opponent up, he'll take 3 hits then you can link an A and cancel to super.
- mixup with the qcb+A version with the C version, the A version crosses over and is less punishable.
- mixup the P followup with the the qcb+P moves if your opponent tries to roll out of your set ups.
- if your opponent has a command throw avoid the chip throw shenanigans
- know your opponent. Neither the qcb+P nor j.qcf+K is exactly safe, if he's punishing you 100% with more damage than your chipping is doing, stop.

- setups for qcb+P include c.C cancelled into it, meaty on wakeup, jump C (since few people attack after j.C), preditable high fireballs (qcb+C rolls under it), f+B (after training the opponent into anticipating a sf.A) and s.CD cancelled into qcb+P. Most these setups work for throw as well.

Team Order

The general consensus is to place Choi second.

Choi plays excellent runaway, allowing you to scrub out your opponent when he comes in by running away and scaring your opponent into making mistakes by threatening to win by time out.

Also, Choi is much scarier with bar, he can cancel his sf.A into qcfhcb+K and sf.A combos after just about anything. Coupled with the easy combo off crossup j.C it's much scarier when Choi has a bar to his name and can dish out some good damage. Choi is also a decent battery. He can spam a lot of quick light attack poke strings for meter, then runaway and use his dive and _d u+K for additional meter building.