UMVC3/Frank West/Combos

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Motion Input Chart
7 Ub.png 8 U.png 9 Uf.png
4 B.png 5 N.png 6 F.png
1 Db.png 2 D.png 3 Df.png
Notation Meaning
(Leave a space) cancel from the previous normal to the following.
, Link from the previous move to the following.
> Cancel the previous move into the following special / super move.
~ Cancel special into set followup or plink previous attack into the following.
dl. / delay Delay the following move.
whiff Must whiff the following move.
land Must land on the ground before the next move.
rejump Must land then jump again before the next move.
j. / sj. Move is done in a jump / superjump.
jc / sjc Cancel previous move into a jump / superjump.
ia./tk. Instant Air or Tiger Knee Special or Super Move.
XX Any two attack buttons excluding S.
NXX Dash / Airdash in N direction.
X+S Any other attack button and S pressed at the same time.
AA Anti-Air
[X] Hold input
-X- Release input
(N) Connect with only the Nth hit of this attack.
(Move) Move is optional.
[sequence] x N Repeat sequence N times.


Solo Combos

Video Solo Combo Guide

Level 1

If Frank is on point at level 1 and lands a hit, his primary goal is to acquire enough experience to reach at least level 3. Getting level 3 solo is fairly straightforward to perform, but getting higher levels in a single combo is generally considered almost impossible without the use of DHCs, assists, X-Factor or other resources. These combos are optimized to give at least 20 experience points.

2H > 5S sjc. j.5M > j.5M > j.5H > j.5S, land, jump j.236H, rejump, j.5M > j.5M > j.5H > j.5S, land, 2H > 5S sjc. j.5L x2 > j.5M > j.5M > j.5H > j.2H, land, 236S xx 214XX (~597,000 damage for 1 bar, builds 1.1 bar and costs 1, grants exactly 20 PP.)

This is the "standard" level 1 Frank combo. If you use a longer confirm (such as 2L > 2M > 2H instead of raw 2H), then omit the j.5Ls near the end of the combo, as they will not work and are no longer necessary. Since 2H is Frank's only low and is a reasonably strong normal, its not unreasonable that your combos will start here.

2H > 5S sjc. j.5M xx 236L, 236L, j.5M > j.5S, land, dash and jump forward, j.236H, 2H > 5S sjc. j.5L x2 > j.5M x2 > j.5H > j.2H, land, 236S (~450,000 for 0 bar, or 565,000 damage with 1bar ender. Builds just over 1 bar of meter. Grants 23 PP.)

The primary purpose of this alternate route is that it builds slightly more PP than the standard at the cost of worse damage. This is best when combined with an assist in order to double picture at the end of the combo, as it is more likely to push Frank to the level 4 range.

j.5M (air-to-air) > j.5h > j.5S, rejump j.5M x2 > j.5H > j.5S, land, 2H > 5S sjc. j.5MMHS, rejump j.236H, land, 2H > 5S sjc. j.5M > j.5H > j.2H, land, 236S xx 214XX (598,000 damage for 1 bar, builds 1.1 bars of meter and grants exactly 20 PP.)

Confirming air-to-airs with Level 1 Frank efficiently is finicky, and will likely require modifying this basic idea on the fly based on experience. You can also try using j.236L to stabilize your height. If you get a hit a superjump height, just confirm into j.236H instead and take what you can get.

j.2H, rejump, j236H, 5M > 2M > 2H > 5S sjc. j.5M x2 xx 236L, j.5M > j.5S, land, 236S (~400,000 damage for 0 bar, builds 0.75 bars of meter and grants 15PP.)

~400,000 damage and builds about 0.75 bar, gives 15 PP. Getting a full confirm off raw Knee Slam is tough, so much that most players will not go for it. Instead, the safe play is j.2H, land, 236S (with an assist), or to just immediately THC. Still, it is possible to get a solo pickup with an immediate j.236H. With very precise timing, a second j.236L is possible during the air combo, pushing this above the 20PP threshold.

Level 3

At this stage, Frank has enough tools available that he can seriously consider going for damage rather than experience, but should still opt to move to level 4. Many of these combos still provide lots of PP since Frank has a much easier time with solo extensions once he reaches level 3. Some of these combos are only slight optimizations of their level 1 counterparts, and while you can also just use those instead, it's better to work toward combos that build at least 30PP to guarantee the level up from the next hit if you don't have an assist available to help.

2H > 5S, sjc. j.5MMHS, rejump, j.236H, land, 63214M, 5H > 5S sjc. j.5M x2 > j.5H > j.2H, land, 236S xx 214XX (Deals 690,000 damage if Frank is pushed to Level 4. Provides 17 PP.)

This is the standard BnB for damage at Level 3. Delay the j.236H as much as possible while still letting it connect, otherwise the buffer as you land and attempt zombie toss will screw you.

(2L > 2M >)2H > 5S, sjc. j.5M xx 236L, 236L, j.5M xx 236L, j.5S, land, dash/roll, 236H, 2H > 5S sjc. j.5H > j.2H, land, 236S xx 214XX (Deals 638,000 for 1 bar, grants 33 PP.)

Like with 236L loops at Level 1, this variant deals less damage in exchange for more experience gain.

j.2H, 236H, 2h > 5S sjc. j.5M > j.5H xx j.236L, j.5S, land, 236S (425,000 for 0 bar, grants 16 PP.)

Gaining Level 3 makes Knee Drop confirms much easier since grounded 236H is buffed. You can still attempt the j.236H confirm for larger damage if you would like. Near the corner, you can link a j.5M xx 236M after the j.236L and relaunch off the wallbounce.

5L, 5M, 5H, 2H > 5S, sjc. j.5M xx 236L, 236L, j.5M xx 236L, j.5S, land, jump, j.236H, land, 236M, dash back , 5S, sjc. j.5H, j.5S, land, 236S xx 214XX(Corner Bnb. Deals 721,100 Damage, gains 38 PP, and builds about 1.3 bars including the Snapshot.)

Corner Bnb. Deals a bit more damage and gains a bit more meter than the other level 3 BnBs.

(Forward Airthrow), land, 236H, 2M > 2H > 5S sjc. j.5M x2 j.5H xx 236L, j.5M > j.5S, land, 236S (Deals ~310,000 damage for 0 bar. Grants 19 PP.)

Better than nothing. After launching, input the aerial normals as quickly as possible, so that you are underneath the opponent when juggling them.

X-Factor Combos

X Factor combos usually stem from extending off a normal combo or adding more hits to the end of a combo. Such examples are:

Roundhouse H > X Factor Snapshot > X Factor Knee drop > OTG > X Factor st. M confirm > pie/OJ/wine toss > X Factor

At the end of combos:

OTG > X Factor > Roundhouse M > OTG Snapshot > X Factor > Snapshot

Sample Team Combos

Magneto/Dante/Frank Second Mag/Dante/Frank Third Mag/Dante/Frank





Vergil/Shuma/Frank Synergy #1
Vergil/Shuma/Frank Synergy #2
Vergil/Shuma/Frank Synergy #3

Beginner Combos

Combos One Star.png
Basic, simple combos with few requirements or restrictions.
  • Work on all or nearly all characters.
  • Require little to no resources (Meter, Assists, Character Specific Stocks).
  • Need minimal adjustments for positioning or starter.

Core Combos

Combos Two Stars.png
Core combos that balances reward with execution and reliability.
  • Works against a selected set of characters.
  • Can require adjustments for positioning and resources.
  • Are expected to be consistently performable by a skilled player who main the character.

Advanced Combos

Combos Three Stars.png
Advanced Combos are specialized in usage, require awareness, execution, and have advantages over core combos.
  • May only work on a few characters or in specific circumstances.
  • Can have any amount of requirements such as meter, positioning, starter.
  • Are not necessarily harder than core combos, but require more specific knowledge.

Assist Extensions

Comboing in X-Factor