Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike/Urien/Archive

From SuperCombo Wiki

Special Moves QCF+Any P - Metallic Sphere A slow projectile that will put the opponent in a juggle state if they are airborne. Depending on the version used, the projectile launches at a different angle LP version - No angle MP version - 27 Degree angle upward HP version - 45 Degree angle upward EX version - No angle, much much slower than any version, 2 hits. Primarily used to turtle, start massive juggles or continue juggles already in progress.

Charge B, F+Any K - Chariot Tackle Shoulder tackle that does good stun damage, can put the opponent in the juggle state if they are in the air, the stronger the punch used, the further Urien goes, the more punishable on block it becomes, and it does slightly more damage. The MK version is a staple in corner combos. EX version does 2 hits, but the second hit is delayed (it's essentially 2 tackles in a row). Primarily used in juggles or punishment situations.

Charge D, U+Any P - Dangerous Headbutt Jumping headbutt that has lower body invulnerability, fast startup, and extremely good stun damage, knocks down on all regular version, EX version puts opponent in a juggle state, and does more stun damage. Primarily used in footsies to beat out certain moves as well as evade throws, also used in combos.

Charge D, U+Any K - Violent Knee Drop Urien jumps in the air (it looks like his normal jump), does a flip and lands with his knees first torward the ground at a fast rate. All versions knock down. The K button used determines how far Urien will drop (horizontally) after jumping. EX version homes in on opponents. Primarly used for positioning purposes and corner unblockable Aegis setups.

Super Arts Super Art 1 QCFx2+P - Tyrant Punisher (Also refered to as Tyrant Slaughter) An extremely basic super art that combos off all essential moves. Does great damage, combos easily and can be used as Uriens only real "good" reversal. Recommended for beginner Urien players.

Super Art 2 QCFx2+P - Jupiter Thunder (Also refered to as Jupitel Thunder or Temporal Thunder). "Projectile" super art. Launches a blast of electrical energy that eventually weakens into a metallic sphere. Does decent stun damage, pretty poor at anything else. Decent in corner juggles, the closer you are to the opponent, the better it is.

Super Art 3 QCFx2+P - Aegis Reflector Considered Urien's best Super Art, also one of, if not the most unique one in the game. Urien creates a shield that will hit 6 times, and remain near stationary once it reaches its destination, homing in very slowly. Depending on the P button used, Urien will place a reflector in a different place, the stronger the button used, the further it goes. If 2 P buttons are used, the reflector moves upward at a 45 degree angle. Because projectiles must be blocked in the way they originated from, Urien can cross up the opponent and create situations where an opponent must parry/reversal their way out or eat garunteed damage. This is an unblockable situation. Also, because an opponent will have much trouble acting if an Aegis Reflector is on top of them on wakeup, it is used to create mixup games which are near inescapable. Urien can also use the reflector to cancel a Chariot Tackle, and then do another series of Chariot Tackles into the corner. Because of the Aegis' versatility and 2 super bars, it is considered the best Super Art Urien has.