JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future/Mariah/Movelist

From SuperCombo Wiki

Damage is split into 2 parts, regular/stand damage and meter building. first set of numbers contain regular and stand damage while second set of numbers contain amount of meter built on whiff and hit respectively.


A poke with more active frames than most of your other normals
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
4 4 2(crc) 14(block) 6(crc) 9(whiff) 0(crc) 3/3 0/4 -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
+4 (+13) {{{block}}} - 5a (chain) Crouch Cancel Specials/Supers Mid Air-UB IPS Scaling

Simple knife poke with good range. Turns into an "auto combo" with the third hit being visually similar to 6b but not comboing. Can be crouch cancelled.

5a (Chain)
Mariah5A Chain.png
Ah yes, the "auto combo"
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
13 3 26 (hit/block) 16 (whiff) 9/3 4/5 -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
+3 {{{block}}} - Specials/Supers Mid Air-UB

The useless end to the 5a auto combo, mainly due to the fact that it doesn't actually combo from 5a and despite how it visually looks like 6b, it is not an overhead. Should you use it on accident be aware it does cancel into specials/supers and at the very least it doesn't trigger IPS.

Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
6 3 25 (hit/block) 17 (whiff) 8/9 4/5 -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
-1 {{{block}}} - specials/supers Mid Air-UB IPS Scaling

Limited range but decent poke, use instead of 5c if opponent can just duck under it but be careful where you use it. Avoid using it in combos or cancelling into supers as it scales and triggers IPS

Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
7 3 30 (hit/block) 22 (whiff) 14/16 6/8 -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
-1 {{{block}}} - special/super Mid Air-UB IPS Scaling

One of Mariah's better normals. Functions as a really good poke and an even better anti air that can cancel into Burner on reaction for additional damage. Be careful when using this move though, as some characters can duck under it and whiffing it (even if you cancel) can be deadly for you.

Tap Tap Tap
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
3 4 (hit/block) 2 (Whiff) 6 (hit/block) 0 (whiff) 3/3 0/4 -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
+12 {{{block}}} - 2A (Chain) Specials/Supers Low IPS Scaling

Behold, your bnb for the entire game. It's basically 5a except slightly less range but a frame faster and generally better frame data. It combos not only into itself, but into every other normal (yes her dashing normals included) excluding her command normals. Not to mention that the auto combo knocks down anyone stand off allowing for an oki.This move is not perfect though, despite having + frames on pushblock, being pushed back will render you outside the move's effective range in most cases and if you have already developed a habit of mashing 2a to get the auto combo, chances are you're going to get punished for it. Additionally, this is your main (and probably only) low move that you would want to use in a 50/50 oki situation.

2A (Chain)
Mariah2A Chain.png
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
8 3 21 (hit/block) 13 (whiff) 3/4 4/5 -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
KD {{{block}}} - Specials/Supers Low Knockdown

Mariah's BNB. Pretty much the entire game you want to fish for this combo, it's safe on anyone who doesn't push block and sets up oki on knockdown. On stand on opponents you don't really want to use it, even if your opponent doesn't know how to punish it, it's just bad practice. Don't forget you can cancel out of the sweep, so in the case you don't knockdown or you land this on a stand on opponent you can follow up.

Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
5 3 23 6/9 4/5 -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
+1 {{{block}}} - Special/Super Mid Air-UB IPS Scaling

One of Mariah's better pokes. Don't get me wrong, the recovery is still horrible, and you only get +1 frame advantage (which is a lot more than a lot of her other normals) but its range is better than 5b and despite the fact it doesn't hit low it still can hit most, no all characters even if they're crouching. Outside of that don't use this, it triggers ips, scaling, and there are much better alternatives.

Place Holder
Place holder
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
{{{block}}} - Place Holder Place Holder

Place Holder

Place Holder
Place holder
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
{{{block}}} - Place Holder Place Holder

Place Holder

Place Holder
Place holder
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
{{{block}}} - Place Holder Place Holder

Place Holder

Place Holder
Place holder
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
{{{block}}} - Place Holder Place Holder

Place Holder

Dashing Normals

Place Holder
Place holder
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
{{{block}}} - Place Holder Place Holder

Place Holder

Place Holder
Place holder
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
{{{block}}} - Place Holder Place Holder

Place Holder

Place Holder
Place holder
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
{{{block}}} - Place Holder Place Holder

Place Holder

Place Holder
Place holder
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
{{{block}}} - Place Holder Place Holder

Place Holder

Place Holder
Place holder
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
{{{block}}} - Place Holder Place Holder

Place Holder

Place Holder
Place holder
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
{{{block}}} - Place Holder Place Holder

Place Holder

Command Normals

Place Holder
Place holder
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
{{{block}}} - Place Holder Place Holder

Place Holder

Place Holder
Place holder
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
{{{block}}} - Place Holder Place Holder

Place Holder

Place Holder
Place holder
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
{{{block}}} - Place Holder Place Holder

Place Holder

Place Holder
Place holder
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
{{{block}}} - Place Holder Place Holder

Place Holder

GC and Outlets

Place Holder
Place holder
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
{{{block}}} - Place Holder Place Holder

Place Holder

Place Holder
Place holder
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
{{{block}}} - Place Holder Place Holder

Place Holder


Place Holder
Place holder
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
{{{block}}} - Place Holder Place Holder

Place Holder

Place Holder
Place holder
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
{{{block}}} - Place Holder Place Holder

Place Holder

Place Holder
Place holder
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
{{{block}}} - Place Holder Place Holder

Place Holder


Place Holder
Place holder
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
{{{block}}} - Place Holder Place Holder

Place Holder

Place Holder
Place holder
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
{{{block}}} - Place Holder Place Holder

Place Holder

Place Holder
Place holder
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
{{{block}}} - Place Holder Place Holder

Place Holder