Marvel vs Capcom/Shadow Lady

From SuperCombo Wiki


Basic Tips

Move List

Special Moves

1) Lightning K - K (rapidly)

       Chipping off decent damage is what this move does best. Also
  a good combo ender mainly because of the ease with which you can link
  it from almost ANY move and secondarily because it gives the most number
  of hits.

2) Splits K - F,DF,D,DB,B+K

       One of the many reasons people should think thrice before throwing
  a fireball. The LK version can also be used as an instrument for confusing
  those who block all day. A good strategy would be to hit him with a
  double D+LK/D+MK and connect with this move. It won't register as a
  combo, you're guaranteed at least one hit if you don't do it often.
  Added note: the lower the K strength used, the higher the jump before
  striking while the higher the K strength used, the farther the move
  will go.

3) Electric Shock - F,D,DF+P

       Don't think Shoryuken with this move simply because of the directional
  motion with which you execute it. This is a very different move and
  is not any better than the shoto's version. Not high in priority at
  all and hard to connect because of its very limited range so use it
  for defense against dashers and nothing else.

4) Drill - D,DF,F+P

       Reaches across the screen, I think, and chips so well while keeping
  you on the safe side during recovery that you should ALWAYS use this
  move as a combo ender either when your combo is blocked or when you
  end up too far for a launcher.

5) Rainbow Missiles - D,DF,F+K

       One of the many reasons people should think thrice before even
  trying to jump. Practice making this move second nature whenever an
  opponent jumps for any reason at all. It's homing, so you're guaranteed
  at least a nice chip.

Super Moves

1) Big Bang Laser - D,DF,F+2P

       Shadow Lady summons all her chi and pours it all out on her opponent
  in the form of a beam of pure energy. It does a minimum of 20+ hits
  (as far as I've seen) and that can be increased to 30+ if you mash the
  buttons while she's at it (that I'm not sure of). You can also do this
  in mid-air. See anyone who can't move for the moment? DO IT NOW!!!

2) Galaxy Missile - D,DF,F+2K

       As the Rainbow Missile can chip well, so can its super version. Use
  this move mainly as a combo ender though it WON't combo. Utilizing its
  chipping prowess whenever the opponent's in a corner is also acceptable.
  Not the best super to finish what a ramming helper started but at least
  it's the easiest to execute when you're a mile away from a jumping

3) Final Mission - Hold B...F,B,F+2K

  (must be charged at level 3)
       WOW! Definitely one of the coolest moves in town! I said cool
  because, in case you haven't seen it yet, it's a move wherein Shadow
  Lady kicks the opponent once (with a launcher), the whole scene comes
  to a pause, like Akuma's Shun Goku Satsu, a multitude of hits reveal
  themselves on the screen, and when everything's back to normal your
  opponent finds his life bar cut to half---yeah! On the down side, besides
  eating up ALL three super bars, it's very hard to connect with this
  super even on average players. Don't use this super even if your opponent
  is wide open because there's always that chance you might miss so if I
  were you, I'd do a team work super and make him/her pay for his/her


1. D+LK-> D+MK-> D+HP-> Drill

2. LP-> LK-> MP-> MK-> Dril

1. c. short -> c. roundhouse -> Lightning Kick (otg)

2. j. roundhouse -> \/ -> Lightning Kick

3. d.s. jab -> s. strong -> s. fierce -> Drill

4. j. fierce -> \/ -> d.s. jab -> s. roundhouse /\ s.j. jab -> s.j. short -> s.j. strong -> s.j. forward -> Lightning Legs, s.j. fierce or roundhouse

5. jump towards corner: j. d + forward -> j. d + forward -> j. d + forward -> fierce, roundhouse or Lightning Legs

6. j. roundhouse -> \/ -> s. roundhouse -> /\ -> s.j. jab -> s.j. short -> s.j. d + forward -> s.j. d + forward -> Lightning Legs