Martial Masters/Monkey Boy

From SuperCombo Wiki


Move List

Quick Movelist

Normal Attacks:

Special Attack:
Crouching Bx2, Crouching A

Advanced Attacks:
Fruit Strike QCF+A,D
Random Kick (QCB+K)x3
Peach Thief F,QCF+P,QCB+P
Flying Monkey B,QCB+K (Can be done in Air)
Flying Kick F,QCF+K

Deadly Attacks:
Fruit Party QCFx2+P
King of Thieves QCBx2+P

Shadow Moves

Swing To High Snap qcf + LK+HP must connect (not blocked) to perform entire maneuver; launches opponent
Monkey Fruit Toss qcb + LK+HP fruit will collide with other projectiles as both will be "destroyed" in the process
Stagger Grab hcf + LP+LK connects close and is unblockable; small window for free attack after landing maneuver

Throw Moves

Command Moves

Butt Pat HP+HK can hit opponent for very minor damage; taunt fills Super Meter considerably
Hopping Fist d + LP+LK overhead
Backroll and Jump b + LP+LK can follow with air attack
Backhand f + LP
Skyward Uppercut df + HP
High Snap Kick b + LK 2 hits; launches opponent
Rolling Axe f + HK 2 hits
Monkey Drop d/u + LP/LK/HP/HK pursue attack when opponent is on floor

Special Moves

Special Moves

Fruit Toss qcf + P/LK LP=short and high,LK=medium and high,HP=far and medium height;
will collide with other projectiles as both will be "destroyed" in the process;
fruits are random and different fruits cause different damage
Fruit Roll qcf + HK must be blocked low; will collide with other projectiles as both will be "destroyed" in the process;
Sneaky Strike f, d, df + P must be blocked low

 Low Slider             qcb + P                  Sneaky Strike must connect
                                                   (not blocked) to perform
                                                   this follow up; Monkey
                                                   Boy switches to the
                                                   other side of the

Tree Climb Kick f, d, df + K LK=short, HK=far
Swing Kick qcb + K LK=short, HK=far
-Second Swing Kick qcb + K LK=short, HK=far
--Side Kick qcb + K LK=short, HK=far
Monkey Stomp b, d, df + K LK=short, HK=far;
if third hit touches opponent Monkey Boy will throw a fruit;
fruit will collide with other projectiles as both will be "destroyed" in the process
Air Monkey Stomp b, d, df + K in air LK=short and 1 hit,HK=far and 3 hits;
if HK version's third hit touches opponent Monkey Boy will throw a fruit;
fruit will collide with other projectiles as both will be "destroyed" in the process

Super Moves

Fruit Frenzy qcf, qcf + P
a fruit will collide with other projectiles as both will be "destroyed" in the process
can move towards end of super and se raining fruit as a shield of sorts
Sneaky Slider qcb, qcb + P first hit must connect (not blocked) to perform entire maneuver


Crossups: j.B, j.C, 421K, j.421K

2B 2A 6A 214D 214D 214D - Example B&B

4B 623D or 236C - Random chance of getting a Watermelon.
AA 3C 623D or 236C

C/D 3C 214D or 623P ... - Same combos as off 6A but more damage.
C/D 6D ... - Also the same combos, works at a larger distance.
2C 6A/3C/6D ... - Strong combo off low.

... 6A/3C/6D 214D 214D 236B+C ... - Normal Shadow Combo setup
... 6A/3C/6D 623P 214P 236B+C ... - Delaunch setup
... 6A/3C/6D 623B, 623D - Corner only.

236236P, 2A+B, C 6D ... - Super must hit close to connect this.
236236P, 66 C 6D ... - Works better from a distance.

A+D, 6A 214D 214D 214D - Works anywhere on Tiger and Huang. Also works throwing into or out of the corner on MonkAlso works throwing into the corner on Scorpion. A+D, 6A 214D 214D 236B+C ... - Leads to Delaunch combos.
A+D, 66 C 6A ... - Works on Tiger in the corner or Huang anywhere.

... 236B+C, 66, 623D, 623D, 623B, 623D - Boring but it works.
... 236B+C, C 3C, 623B, 623B, 623D, 623B - Works in the corner.

Crossup j.B/C, C 3C 214D 214D 236B+C, j.D, D 6D 214D 214D 214D- Basic delaunch combo from a crossup.
... 6A/3C/6D, 623P, 214P 236B+C, j.D, D 6D 214D 214D 214D- Basic delaunch from front.
... 236B+C, j.D, D 6D 214D 214D 236B+C ...- Delaunch Loop.

41236A+B, D 3C ...

... 6A 623P 214P 214B+C, 66 C 6A 214B, 66 C 6A 214B, 66 C 6D 214D 214D 236B+C..- 60%+ damage. Only requires 1 stock to do. Doesn't work on Crane?

... 6A 623P 214P 214B+C, 66 C 6A 214B, 66 C 6A 214B, 66 C 6D 623P 214P 214B+C..- Not an infinite but easily loops for 100%.

... 6A 623P 214P 214B+C, 66 C 6D 214B 214B, 66 C 6D 623P 214P 214B+C..- Works on Crane.
