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Dan is arguably the worst character in the game. But that does not mean he cannot win. Strong fundamentals and space control will net you wins, and players who underestimate Dan will be caught by his surprisingly effective rushdown and pressure. He is a rushdown character with strong close range pressure, but generally loses at medium with subpar normals, and cannot compete at long ranges.
Strengths: Dan Kicks and Gadoukens block advantage range from 0 to -2 at most. Meaning he can get consistently safe chip damage and cancel into these moves without fear of getting punished by most characters, similar to Sakura's LK Tatsumaki just without her better normals and overall pressure. Normals generally are safe on block and link into each other well on hit, meaning he has okay blockstrings and some fun normals to string together. His uppercut works really well as an anti air and a damage ender for combos. Ultra 1 has decent invincibility and blows through a lot of moves. Ultra 2 can be consistently FADC into and does okay damage. Forward throw has decent range. Backdash travels pretty far. Dan Kicks are armor breaking moves on the ground and are relatively fast. Dan Kicks can be done in air to change jump trajectory. EX Dan Kick travels far and starts up really fast. Cr. MK decent range, same goes for sweep. Legendary taunt can be cancelled into Ultras at any point before jump to bait opponents. Can build meter fast with safe pressure Dan Kicks and Gadoukens. st. MK has nice range.
Weaknesses: Gadoukens have pitiful range. LK Dan Kick can miss some crouching characters and has a gap when cancelled from some normals where he can be hit out of it. Hard to deal with grapplers since Medium and Heavy Gadoukens and Dan Kicks are -2. EX Dan Kick -3, punishable by some light attacks from shotos and such. Normals are generally slow or lack range. Few normals can cancel into Dan Kick or Gadouken. cl HK is a link move and not able to cancel into specials. Dashes are kind of slow. Can be zoned out pretty fast, struggles at mid ranges and the difficulty greatly increases as the distance does. Floaty jump. Meter reliant for EX Dan Kick and Uppercut. Very gimmicky no reliable pressure against opponents and generally loses the poking game.  Ultra 1 does not armor break, very punishable on block. Ultra 2 has weak damage and does not travel full screen.

Revision as of 03:11, 30 March 2014




In a nutshell