Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike/Oro/Matchups: Difference between revisions

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=== Elena ===
=== Elena ===
Disadvantage matchup.<br>
Cactu put together a short video that demonstrates a lot about how annoying this matchup can be:<br>
Cactu put together a short video that demonstrates a lot about how annoying this matchup can be:<br>
Like Chun, Elena is short, so your usual pokes will tend to whiff on her.<br>
Like Chun, Elena is short, so your usual pokes will tend to whiff on her.<br>

Revision as of 20:11, 27 May 2024

Akuma / Gouki

Even-ish matchup.
Yagyou doesn't see much use, because Akuma can teleport, demon, or KKZ out of setups.
Tengu Stone is highly recommended in this matchup.
Gouki can make this matchup very annoying by playing around tip 2HK / 5MK range. It's difficult for Oro to get meaningful damage from this range without a parry.
Properly placed shoto 2HP, 2MP and 5MP are very good at counter-poking or whiff-punishing Oro's primary pokes, far MK and HK.
Oro can use far MK to whiff punish shoto 2MK.
Oro's far MP is a good counter-poke for shoto 2MP. It's less damage and stun than hitting far MK or HK, but it's also only -1 / -2 on hit / block.
If you're really on it, you can whiff punish things like sweep and 2HP with a dash in -> button.
Kara hitgrab (usually hcb, MK~LP) can also be used to punish whiffed sweep, but it's very hard.
Oro can crouch under all shoto tatsus, so he can force a blue parry into cl.MP -> chicken loop on any multi-hit tatsu.
If you're not confident doing the crouch -> blue parry -> punish thing, you can just let the tatsu whiff and then uppercut Gouki after he crosses you up.
Oro's oniyama (flash kick/charge dp) is a very effective tool to deal with Akuma's demon flip (assuming that it is not meaty).
Can be crossed up in the corner.


Strong advantage matchup for Oro.
Yagyou is strong because Alex is easy to combo, you can cross him up in the corner, and you have lots of options to loop him.
It is, however, difficult to get the ball to hit him 4 times, so Alex has an easier time parrying out than some other characters, and many setups are not as stable on him.
Tengu is a respectable pick. Alex has good stun, but you can still hit him with the 100% stun resets in the corner.
Some Alex players might pick Stungun to escape Yagyou unblockables. You can easily bait this with jump over -> nothing.
Reversal Boomerang Raid can trade out of Yagyou setups. This still isn't particularly favorable for Alex, but it's something to be aware of, especially if you're low on life and trying to finish a loop for the win.
Oro's 5HK is excellent against Alex, stuffing or punishing many of his buttons due to their lingering hit boxes. It also does so much stun that even Alex can't afford to recklessly get hit by too many of them.
Alex can whiff punish Oro's 5HK with a well-placed 5MP, but it's hard, and this spacing is still generally in Oro's favor.
Oro's 5HK does a good job covering Alex's jump-ins, although obviously you'll have to be careful about getting parried, since it's a single hit, non-cancellable button.
If Alex has meter, be careful trying to activate Yagyou from neutral. He will usually be able to EX stomp to punish the activation.
Oro can mitigate this by carefully placing HP fireball before the Yagyou activation.
Can be crossed up in the corner.


This matchup sucks.
Chun is literally 1 pixel too short to get hit with far MK, and she also obviously crouches under HK. She can push 2MK with impunity against these pokes.
It's possible to whiff punish her far fierce with Oro's far MK, but it's very difficult.
Unfortunately, if Chun has meter for SA2, she can punish far MK even on hit.
2MK is actually pretty good and it's 0 on block / +1 on hit, so you don't get punished for using it.
Try using far MP in place of far MK and HK. It hits a couple pixels lower than far MK, so it doesn't whiff when she crouches.
Chun is quite easy to unblockable with SA2. The basic setup requires 3 dashes, which does limit screen positioning, but on the other hand, that setup is really hard to parry. There are some advanced setups to somewhat mitigate the screen positioning issue.


Even-ish matchup.
Between HK, 2HP, MP and HP fireballs, neutral jump MP, HP, HK, and back jump HK, Oro has lots of options to cover Dudley's jump arc.
Dash under is also always a good option if you have the reaction.
Don't let him bully you with HP / 6HP. Whiff punish it with HK.
Be judicious with your HK placements though, as Dudley's RH will crush yours when spaced properly.
Dudley is very easy to hit with SA2 unblockables, but SA1 (rocket) and SA3 (corkscrew) are really good at blowing through setups. Even EX jet upper will trade some of the looser setups people try.
SA3 (Corkscrew) trades with unblockable setups or else oro is too far to loop again, except lp ball -> double dash -> double jump over ->
SA1 (Rocket) trades with every actual unblockable setup.
Dudley can be crossed over in corner.


Disadvantage matchup.
Cactu put together a short video that demonstrates a lot about how annoying this matchup can be:
Like Chun, Elena is short, so your usual pokes will tend to whiff on her.
You can somewhat mitigate this by using more 5MP and 2MP.
Either Tengu or Yagyou are fine picks. The chicken kick looks absolutely bonkers, but it's just because of her weird falling animation. Make sure to practice it so you aren't surprised by how fast her fall animation looks. It's actually pretty easy.
Can be crossed up in the corner.


Be careful throwing LP fireballs, as Hugo can easily whiff punish them with 5LP, 2MP, or even clap if he gets the read.
MP and HP fireball are safer because Oro's hurtbox doesn't extend so far horizontally, but you still have to watch the spacing.
If Hugo is fishing for this too hard, you can discourage him with 2HP, which will generally beat his pokes from the range he'll try to catch fireballs.
From about round start distance, you can whiff punish claps with HK. Slightly farther than that, you can still do walk in HK, but it's pretty tight. If you're too far for HK or just don't feel comfortable in that range, you can still whiff punish claps with 6MP.
Air throw has a weirdly good interaction with Hugo's jumping throwable box.
MP or HP ball are good anti-air options if Hugo wants to jump in with early buttons. If he starts parrying that, you have time to recover and follow-up anti-air with 2HP.
It's technically possible to do cl.MP(1) xx MK chicken kick, cl.MP(1) on Hugo, but it's a weird 1f late cancel, and you only get the one rep, so nobody really does it on purpose.
There are alternative loops that do work on Hugo:
You can also cross Hugo up in the corner. If you don't have the weird Hugo loops committed to memory, and he's in the corner, you can get a knockdown, throw the medium or heavy ball, crossup MK him for the unblockable, then 5MP xx HK chicken to re-corner him and do it again. This is not very meter efficient, but sometimes useful for the kill.
Watch out for Gigas, he can actually 720 you out of EX uppercut.
Hugo can play a very solid ground game with 5LP, 2LP, 5MP, 2MP, and 2MK. It's hard to play in close against Hugo due to the threat of 360 and 720, and his 2LK is a pretty good mash option at 3 frame startup. Even if you get past all that, it's more difficult for Oro to get big rewards from close MP than against most other characters. It's very important to stay solid and win the neutral game.
Can be crossed up in the corner.


Ibuki can slide through fireballs, but a badly spaced slide is very punishable.
She can crouch HK, but not far MK.


Disadvantage matchup. Ken can't easily escape Yagyou, so it is usually the pick here.
Tengu also works if you just like it better.
Tip range Ken 2HK / 5HK is hard to play against, because you don't really get a meaningful punish without a parry. It also forces you to look out for 2MK xx shippu.
Ken's 2MP, 5MP, 2HP, and 2MK are all good at counter-poking or whiff punishing Oro's pokes from various ranges, and everything goes into shippu.
Ken can shippu punish any close MK or HK on hit, but this will whiff from tip range.
If you are unlucky enough to get a 1-hit cl.MP on block, Ken can theoretically punish that with shippu.
Oro's 5MK can counter-poke Ken's 2MK when properly spaced.
Oro's far MP is a good counter-poke for Ken's 2MP. Less stun than other buttons you want to hit with, but it's also only -1 / -2 on hit / block, so Ken can't punish you with shippu on hit.
Since Oro's dash is so fast, it's possible to punish whiffed heavy buttons with dash in -> button.
If Ken is pushing lots of heavy buttons to keep you out, you can also whiff punish with kara hit grab (usually hcb, MK~LP) although it is hard to be consistent.
Oro can always crouch under multi-hit tatsus, forcing a blue parry -> cl.MP punish.
If you're not confident with that or just want to play it safe, you can also duck under the entire tatsu, and uppercut Ken after he crosses over.


Even-ish matchup.
Makoto can pretty much push 2MK with impunity against far Oro's far MK and HK. Try to whiff punish her with far MP if she wants to abuse this button.
Chicken loops are really easy on Makoto.
Due to her wakeup speed, the standard Yagyou setup on Makoto is dash 3x, back dash, forward jump, crossup j.MK.
Because it requires three dashes, you are more limited in where you can start the loop than on characters that require only two dashes.
The dash back -> jump over setup is extremely hard to parry out of. It's very bad for Makoto if you get it started.
Make sure you practice chicken loops in the corner. The tree on the 2P side of the stage almost completely blocks Makoto's sprite in the middle of the combo.
Since Oro's close LK is 2f and his far LK is 3f, these are good options to occasionally try to mash out of Makoto's pressure options.
Since Oro's standard neutral pokes have a lot of recovery, you'll need to be careful whiffing them in neutral. Makoto will be looking for a huge whiff like HK to dash in and karakusa you.
If you are pushing buttons in neutral, buffer the hit grab behind your 5MK. If she dashes in and gets clipped by close MK, you should hit her with close MK xx hit grab for a good damage, stun, and a hard knockdown.
SA1 will not blow through most unblockable setups due to bad hitbox.
SA2 tends to drop on hit against Oro, so most Makoto players will avoid picking it.
SA3 can make use of the startup invul frames to escape unblockables.


Down-back the matchup. Neither of these characters is very good at opening people up if the opponent is committed to playing their range and blocking.
Chicken loops are extremely easy on Necro.
Unblockables are also very easy on Necro. There area variety options you can use, including some frame kills for extra meter build.
You can cross Necro up in the corner, so he's vulnerable to corner crossup unblockables.
Unfortunately, if Necro does a reversal Flying Viper (qcb + P), he will flip out of unblockable loops.
SA1 Necro does not have a real reversal without super.
SA3 Necro does not have a real reversal.
Practice red parrying spin punches.
Can be crossed up in the corner.


Mirror match. Beat them up with Yagyou so they can go online and say they're "better at Oro" and that you're "just better at unblockables."
Like the other short characters, try using more far MP as a neutral poke.


Advantage matchup.
Oro's crouching and dashing hit boxes are very low, so they can cause many of Q's moves to whiff. This happens a lot with dash punches.
Q has a very difficult time chasing Oro down, so runaway is effective. Check out this classic Inoue vs. Kuroda match for a perfect example:
Q has a hard time contesting Oro's buttons in neutral.


Try to walk him to the corner.
He has low stun so HK is very scary for him.
Oro can dash under high LOVs.


Even-ish matchup.
Overall similar to Ken in neutral, but less stressful because you don't have to worry so much about whiff punish -> super or raw super punishes when your pokes hit or get blocked. Ryu can't easily escape Yagyou, so it is usually the pick here.
Tengu also works if you just like it better.
Tip range Ryu 2HK / far MK is hard to play against, because you don't really get a meaningful punish without a parry.
Ryu's 2MP, 5MP, 2HP, and 2MK are all good at counter-poking or whiff punishing Oro's pokes from various ranges.
Oro's 5MK can counter-poke Ryu's 2MK when properly spaced.
Oro's far MP is a good counter-poke for Ryu's 2MP. Less stun than other buttons you want to hit with, but it's also only -1 / -2 on hit / block.
Since Oro's dash is so fast, it's possible to punish whiffed heavy buttons with dash in -> button.
If Ryu is pushing lots of heavy buttons to keep you out, you can also whiff punish with kara hit grab (usually hcb, MK~LP) although it is hard to be consistent.
Oro can always crouch under multi-hit tatsus, forcing a blue parry -> cl.MP punish.
If you're not confident with that or just want to play it safe, you can also duck under the entire tatsu, and uppercut Ryu after he crosses over.
SA2 (shinsho) will blow through unblockable setups.


Advantage matchup.
Similar to the other shotos, but Sean gets less reward when he guesses right.
Far MP, crouch MP, and crouch HP are still shoto buttons that he can confirm into super to whiff punish you.
SA2 and SA3 can both escape unblockables.


Very annoying because Oro has a hard time chasing 12 down.
Twelve can walk under fireballs.
Twelve can also walk under rocks (normal or EX) when Tengu is activated.
Can be crossed up in the corner.


Unblockable is possible, but trickier than normal due to Urien's skinny standing hit box.
2MK is effective at dealing with Urien's 2MK and mid-screen tackles.
Well-spaced tackles can be annoying to punish. Try 5HK if you're going to use a button, as it is 1f faster than far MK. Some tackles (TODO: check which ones specifically) can be punished on block with light kara human pillar driver. This is a very tight punish. If you have charge, EX uppercut always punishes.
Urien's Aegis Reflector cannot reflect Oro's ex fireball, as such, it can be less risky to put a ex fireball instead of a SA2 ball in setups where he is able to put a Aegis out.
Can be crossed over in corner.


Tengu is probably the pick due to Yang's low health and normal stun bar.
Yang cannot normally be hit with chicken loops.
Because he can't be hit with chicken loops, meter management is a challenge.
You won't get too many opportunities to hit unblockables.
You can hit him with something like cl.MP(2) xx LP yagyou, forward jump j.HK, land, forward dash, back dash, jump over, crossup j.MK, cl.MP(2), etc., but again, meter management will be more challenging than against other characters.
You can chicken loop Yang if you parry him at the right height, usually from a dive kick, jump ins, or from a late air stomp. Otherwise you have to settle for lesser damage from a close MP.
2MK is an effective tool to discourage yang from pressing his 2MK too much.
5MK xx hitgrab is fast enough to punish EX slash if you parry the first hit.


Disadvantage matchup.
Tengu is probably the pick due to Yun's low health and normal stun bar.
Yun cannot normally be hit with chicken loops.
Because he can't be hit with chicken loops, meter management is a challenge.
You won't get too many opportunities to hit unblockables.
You can hit him with something like cl.MP(2) xx LP yagyou, forward jump j.HK, land, forward dash, back dash, jump over, crossup j.MK, cl.MP(2), etc., but again, meter management will be more challenging than against other characters.
You can chicken loop Yun if you parry him at the right height, usually from a dive kick, jump ins, or from a late air stomp. Otherwise you have to settle for lesser damage from a close MP.
You can also chicken loop Yun if you parry his dash punch at the right time.