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Discussion page of User:AkashicAYS
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| Youtube    =  
| Youtube    =  
| Recipe    = 236LK!/236HK!
| Recipe    = 236LK!/236HK!
| content    = Enhanced Saihasho remains a strong tool in neutral as a wall that Juri can approach behind and Go Ohsatsu still leads to solid oki on its own. What makes them truly remarkable is how they synergize in FSE. Any route that leads to 236HK! juggling opponents in the air and then setting down the fireball, such as the ...5HK > 5HP BnB, gives Juri particularly powerful midscreen okizeme. The fireball does not hit meaty which is actually a benefit in this case because it prevents the opponent from mashing out while Juri can safely wait and respond to her opponent's choices.
| content    = Enhanced Saihasho remains a strong tool in neutral as a wall that Juri can approach behind and Go Ohsatsu still leads to solid oki on its own. What makes them truly remarkable is how they synergize in FSE. Any route that leads to 236HK! juggling opponents in the air and then canceling into the fireball, such as the ...5HK > 5HP BnB, gives Juri particularly powerful midscreen okizeme. The fireball does not hit meaty which is actually a benefit in this case because it prevents the opponent from mashing out while Juri can safely wait and respond to her opponent's choices.

Revision as of 12:50, 4 August 2023

Feng Shui Engine

Here it is, Juri's signature install super, the Feng Shui Engine. In exchange for giving Juri amazing conversion ability and access to setups she normally would not, the skill floor goes way up to effectively use it. While this definitely is daunting at first, it becomes second nature once you get past the initial learning curve. The basics to learning FSE are: learning how to enter it, basic combo theory when activated, and where to spend stocks/drive.

The Gatling route goes as follows: LP/LK > MP/MK > HP/HK
She can not cancel buttons of the same type and strength into each other. For example: 5MP > 5HP works, 5MP > 2MK works, but 5MP > 6MP does not. Furthermore, once she has canceled a button into another of the same strength, she must go to a higher strength to continue the string. Therefore, 5MP > 2MK > 6MP does NOT work.



2HP > 214HK, 214214[P]...
j214KK~K, 214214[P]...
236MKHK > 214214[P]...
PC 5HK, 214214[P]...

Heavy Fuhajin, OD Go Ohsatsu, and OD Shikusen allow Juri to juggle into the dash version of FSE, notated as 214214[P]. Sometimes, this link must be done so that it hits as low as possible, but in the corner, she can buffer the input as quickly as possible. From there, she has a few different options depending on her screen position and what she wants.


... 5HK > 2HP > jc dl.jMK > j214K~K - Midscreen
... 6MP > 4HK > 2HP > jc jMP > jMK > j214K - Midscreen
... 5HK > 2HP > jc jMK > jHP > jHK > j214K~K - Corner

Outside of the corner, j214K is the main way to end aerial combos from FSE because it allows Juri to dash up and get pressure whereas ending with the followup will often leave her too far. The first route requires a slight delay when activating FSE so that the 5HK hits low enough to connect to 2HP, the others do not.

Sample Routes

2HP > 214HK, 214214[P] > 5HK > 2HP > jc dl.jMK > j214K~K
236MKHK(2) > 214214P > 236HK
236MKHK(2) > 214214[P] > 4HK(1) > 2HP > jc jMP > jMK > j214K
jMP > j214KK~K, 214214[P] > 4HK > 2HP > jc jMP > jMK > jHP > jHK

These are sample combos to showcase how one may put these pieces together. Lastly, to clarify what "dl." is referring to: If a normal is pressed while Juri is rising, the routes will be different from pressing that same button when Juri is close to or at the apex of her jump.


5HP > 214214P...
6HP > 214214P...
5MP, 2MP > 214214P...
2MK > 214214P...

Activating FSE directly from a normal is powerful thanks to Juri's already strong neutral game and the frame advantage allowing strong follow-ups afterward as long as she cancels off anything stronger than a light attack. Naturally, activating in neutral can cause spacing issues so a microwalk may be required if activating from further distances. Though, if range is still a concern, the dash version is a serviceable alternative that sacrifices damage.


... 6MP > 5HK > 5HP > 236HK > 623HP - Anywhere
... 6MP > 4HK(1) > 2HP > jc jMP > jMK > j214K - Midscreen
... 5MK > 5HK > 2HP > jc jMP > jHP > jHK > j214K~K - Corner

6MP and 5MK are usually interchangeable as 6MP has more range in exchange for about 100 or so damage. Once activating from footsies range, 6MP sees a lot more usage because only the weaker 2nd hit of 5MK will connect.

Sample Routes

5HP > 214214P > 6MP > 5HK > 5HP > 236HK > 623HP
5MP, 2MP > 214214P > 6MP > 4HK(1) > 2HP > jc jMP > jMK > j214K
5HP > 214214P > 5MK > 5HK > 2HP > jc dl.jMP > jHP > jHK

These are sample combos to showcase how one may put these pieces together. It should be noted that very few routes require specific delays and spacings aside from the juggle routes. Treat them like a target combo, one after another.

From Normals


Even on block, Juri is plus enough to start pressure again by canceling into normals that move her forwards. To get the best pressure, she must consider the distance before committing to a button. 5MP and 6MP often leave her close enough to simply link into 5MP again. However, 2MP, 2MK, 5HP, and 6HP are a bit more troublesome. From closer, they can link into 2MK > 5MP, but from further they must do 2MK > 6MP, somewhat weaker pressure. If connecting from the very tip range of 5HP, Juri can only do 5HP to keep a gapless string.

OD Go Ohsatsu


By spending 2 drive bars, Juri can cancel into FSE by using OD Go Ohsatsu as a surprise tool in neutral a la V Trigger activation in SFV. Canceling the 2nd hit is recommended because she can frametrap walk up 5MP.



5LP/5LK/2LP/2LK > 6MP...
PC 5LP, 2HP...

Light confirming in FSE is rather easy because of Juri's low pushback on lights allowing her to do multiple in a row. The simplest route for light confirms is X number of Lights > 5HP > 214MK (> 623HP in corner). In order to go into slower heavies, such as 5HK, we have to first cancel into 6MP. Although other mediums will work, 6MP simplifies spacing as it moves Juri forward.


5MP, 2MP > 2MK...
5MK/2MK > 6MP...
PC 5MP, 5HP...

Juri's already strong mediums in neutral become much safer as they become essentially DI-safe by buffering into other mediums. This is a theme in Feng Shui Engine. Furthermore, links are incredibly powerful in FSE because they let us briefly ignore the cancel rules and lead to overall stronger routes.


5HK > 623HP/214MK
5HK > 6HP...
5HP/2HP/6HP > 5HK ...
5HP/2HP/6HP > 236MK!, 6MP...
PC 6HP/2HP, 5MP...

In FSE, heavies have unique properties when canceled into, such as 2HP's jump cancel. However, if a heavy is linked into or starts the string, it retains normal properties. For example, 2MP > 2HP allows you to jump cancel but PC 2MP, 2HP does not. Another example is with 214LK: 5MP > 5HP > 214LK combos and 5MP > 5HK > 214LK also works. But 5MP > 5HK > 5HP > 214LK does not work because 5HP launches off the ground and decreases the juggle limit.


... 5HP/5HK > 214MK
... 5HP/HK > 214LK > 623HP
... 5HK > 5HP > 236HK > 623HP
... 2HP/4HK(1) > 214HK > 623HP
... 2HP > DI

Given that Juri only has a limited amount of time she can spend in the engine, combo length is another factor to consider. For example, spending less time on light combos makes sense because they are scaled harshly anyways. The strengths of the slightly longer 236HK route include strong corner carry and good oki if she chooses to forego the 623P ender. This is a reasonable choice because it can fall out easily if timed incorrectly or if she is too far in the first place.


... 6MP > 4HK(1) > 2HP...
... 5HK > 2HP...

Should Juri need to take to the skies, the freedom of FSE allows her to easily route into 2HP and go for an aerial combo. By doing so, she exchanges damage for somewhat further corner carry. However, when she is already in the corner, she can access her most powerful okizeme setups by launching her opponents into the air.

The 50/50 Setup

Corner 50/50

... 5HK > 2HP > jc dl.jMP > jHP > jHK

Bless Capcom for giving Juri 50/50s in the corner. The general idea is as follows: Chain into 2HP > Air Combo and have the last jHK hit as low to the ground as possible. This is so that an instant jump is plus enough for 2LK/Throw to be true and a slightly delayed jump leads to safejump jHK. There are a variety of ways to do this but the route listed seems to be the simplest to access.

Midscreen Safejump

214HK Safejump

... 6MP > 4HK(1)/2HP > 214HK
... 2HP > 5HK > 214HK

Similar to how Juri can normally attempt a safejump off 214HK, she can do so in FSE only this one is autotimed in exchange for leaving her slightly further from the opponent. Though this problem is mitigated by FSE's forward-advancing normal cancels and spacing traps. This safe jump can work with either jMK or jHK though jHK is harder to properly time.

Spending Resources

Saihasho/Go Ohsatsu


Enhanced Saihasho remains a strong tool in neutral as a wall that Juri can approach behind and Go Ohsatsu still leads to solid oki on its own. What makes them truly remarkable is how they synergize in FSE. Any route that leads to 236HK! juggling opponents in the air and then canceling into the fireball, such as the ...5HK > 5HP BnB, gives Juri particularly powerful midscreen okizeme. The fireball does not hit meaty which is actually a benefit in this case because it prevents the opponent from mashing out while Juri can safely wait and respond to her opponent's choices.



Enhanced Ankensatsu is different from the other 236K specials in that it's purely a combo tool. While it may be lacking in utility, it makes up for this simply because it allows Juri to link back into her mediums, giving her the most options in terms of routing. It sees use in longer FSE combos because it can combo from mediums using 236LK! > MK but this is not recommended for shorter combos because it scales harshly.

OD Shikusen


OD Shikusen is a uniquely great corner carry tool in Feng Shui Engine simply because she can access it more often than she normally does. For a basic conversion, 236HK will always juggle. However, for 1 drive bar, she can Drive Rush into a string that pushes her into the corner. To have enough juggle potential for this string to work, she must not cancel into 2HP from a heavy and she must only do 1 jump attack before cancelling into j214KK.

Drive Rush Cancels


Despite being a defining feature of SF6, Drive Rush does not have an obvious niche in FSE, given that it already has ungodly conversion ability. Furthermore, heavies launching when canceled into makes it even harder to understand what works. 6HP is the exception to this in that it is fairly easy to DR into 4HK/4HK(1) > 2HP. Lastly, DR sees use in long, looping combos where it is activating before Juri cancels into a heavy so that she can use her exceptional links bolstered by the added frame advantage.

OD Tensenrin


OD Tensenrin has a fairly boring but ultimately beneficial role as a strong ender if Juri needs more damage or if she is unsure about the juggle potential. For example, if she is unable to Drive Rush after j214KK, 623PP is likely to combo provided she is close enough. That last part is important because, unlike 623HP, the OD version has range comparable to 623MP, making it fall out of the 236HK route outside of the corner.

OD Ankensatsu


OD Ankensatsu acts as a substitute for the regular version in case she doesn't have the stocks to use it or if she wants to spend them later in the sequence. As a combo ender, it leads to an autotimed safejump by first whiffing 5LK. This is important because, in certain routes, she would not be able to juggle anything meterless. Juri's other OD 236K specials do not have a unique niche in FSE to our knowledge.

Sakkai Fuhazan


Juri's Level 1 Super is the only one she can access for the duration of FSE and, thankfully, is rather easy to combo into while also doing a decent amount of damage especially if she chooses to spend a stock. It also serves as a high-damage anti-air provided you can react.

Sample Routes

6MP > 5HK > 5HP > 236HK, 236236K - Anywhere
5HP > 4HK(1) > 214HK, 236236K - Anywhere
2LP > 2LP > 5HP > 214MK, 236236K - Anywhere
6HP > 5HK > 236236K - Anywhere
5HP > 5HK > 236LKMK, 236236K - Corner
5MP > 5HK > 2HP > jc jMP > jHP > jHK, 236236K - Corner
5MP > 2HP > jc jMP > jMK > j214KK~dl.K, 236HK, 236236K - Midscreen

It just works.

Combo Tables

Combo Position Drive Super Fuha Stocks Notes
5HP > 214HK, 214214[P] > 5HK > 2HP > jc dl.jMK > j214K~K Midscreen 0 0 +1 Midscreen route for damage off juggle activation.
... 6MP > 4HK > 2HP > jc jMP > jMK > j214K Midscreen 0 0 +1 Midscreen route for okizeme. 5HK > 2HP also works but does slightly less damage.
... 5HK > 2HP > jc jMK > jHP > jHK > j214K~K Corner 0 0 +1 Corner combo optimized for damage.
... 4HK > 2HP > jc jMP > jMK > jHP > jHK Corner 0 0 +1 Corner route to immediately enter into a 50/50.
5HP > 214214P > 6MP > 5HK > 5HP > 236HK, 623HP Anywhere 0 0 0/-1 Route that works anywhere on the screen off grounded activation. 5MK and 6MP are mostly interchangeable
... 6MP > 4HK(1) > 2HP > jc jMP > jMK > j214K Midscreen 0 0 0 Midscreen route for corner carry. 6MP is much more consistent here than 5MK.
... 5MK > 5HK > 2HP > jc jMP > jHP > jHK > j214K~K Corner 0 0 0 Corner combo optimized for damage.
... 5MK > 5HK > 2HP > jc dl.jMP > jHP > jHK Corner 0 0 0 Corner route to immediately enter into a 50/50. It's really that simple.

Combo Position Drive Super Fuha Stocks Notes
2LK > 2LP > 2LP > 5HP > 214MK Anywhere 0 0 +1 Easy and quick stock gain combo, works from pretty much any light starter.
... 5HP > 214MK, 623HP Corner 0 0 +1 Corner version of the above combo. The additional height from 5HP's launch lets this combo work.
... 6MP > 2HP > 214HK Anywhere 0 0 +1 Safejump combo off lights. 4HK(1) also works as a substitute for 2HP.
... 6MP > 5HK > 5HP > 236HK, 623HP Anywhere 0 0 0/-1 Must first use a medium to route into the BnB. 623HP ender adds ~300 damage.
5MP, 2MP > 2MK > 5HK > 5HP > 236HK, 623HP Anywhere 0 0 0/-1 Essentially the FSE BnB because of the 236HK launch which gives the choice of oki, damage, and a super.
... 2MK > 5HP > 214MK Anywhere 0 0 +1 A shorter version of the above combo. Can add 623HP ender in the corner.
5MP, 2MP > 4HK(1) > 214HK Anywhere 0 0 +1 An altered version of the safejump route to fit the BnB. May fall out from further ranges.
2MK > 6MP > 5HP > 214MK Anywhere 0 0 +1 Neutral buffer that is safe to Drive Impact and also pulls Juri closer to the opponent on block.
5HP > 5HK > 214MK Anywhere 0 0 +1 Buffer in neutral from heavies. Can substitute 214MK for 214LK to allow 623HP ender in the corner.
5HK > 6HP > 236HK, 623HP Anywhere 0 0 +1 Does not work as easily from further distances. As always, can choose to forego 623HP ender for stability.
6HP > 4HK(1) > 214HK, 623HP Anywhere 0 0 +1 Heavy punish starter. Can choose between damage or safejump with 623HP ender.
6HP > 236MK!, 6MP > 5HP > 214MK Anywhere 0 0 0 Typical heavy punish starter with stocks.
... > 5HK > 2HP > jc dl.jMP > j.HP > j.HK Corner 0 0 0 Looping corner 50/50 setup. Works from any hit in the corner, even lights.
DI 6MP > 5MK > 4HK > 2HP > jc jMP > jMK > jHP > jHK Corner 0 0 0 Way to access 50/50 if DI wallsplats, works on hit and on block.