UMVC3/Dante/Combos: Difference between revisions

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Extremely basic combo, with solid corner carry and damage without getting to complicated with bold cancels.  
Extremely basic combo, with solid corner carry and damage without getting to complicated with bold cancels.  
=== Solo Combos ===
<code><nowiki>5M > 5H > 6H xx X+S~623M jc. j.5M > j.5H xx j.236M, j.5H, land, 5S > H > S sjc. j.236L~L, land, 3HHH > 6H xx 2X+S~2S (Bold Cancel Teleport), j.236L~L, land, short dash, 623M > M, 623M > M xx 236XX (703,000 for 1 bar, build ~1.3 bars of meter)</nowiki></code> <br>
[ Video Timestamp] Standard BnB off a grounded confirm. <br>
<code><nowiki>5M > 5H > 6H xx X+S~623M jc. (backjump) j.5H xx j.236M, j.5H, land, 5S > H > S sjc. 2369L~L (Tiger Knee Acid Rain), sjc. j.5S, land, 3HHH > 6H xx X+S, j.5S, land, 623M > M, 6H xx X+S~623M > M xx 236XX (702,000 for 1 bar, builds ~1.5 bars of meter)</nowiki></code> <br>
Modifying the basic midscreen BnB for use in the corner. When close to the corner, keep the following things in mind:
* During the Jump Cancel Volcano near the beginning, either neutral jump or jump backwards. Jumping forwards in the corner will cause Dante to be too close to the opponent, and he will not be able to link after Air Play.
** If you do jump forwards by accident, cancel j.5H into Killer Bee (j.236L) instead. This wastes Ground Bounce, but is better than dropping the combo.
*Instead of superjumping immediately after Prop Shredder, you can Tiger Knee cancel into Acid Rain, which will hit on the way up and on the way down, for extra damage. It is actually possible to Acid Rain twice in a row here, linking into itself before jumping up to continue the combo, but harder to do.
*Midscreen, Dante basically always wants to knock opponents down with Hammer, to avoid knocking the opponent too far away. In the corner, it doesn't matter, so you can use j.5S instead. They do identical damage.
*Instead of simply doing Volcano > Beehive and linking into itself at the end of the combo, you can use Stinger Bold Canceled into Volcano as long as you are in the corner, for a bit of extra damage.
<code><nowiki>j.236L~L, land, 623M jc. j.5M > j.5H xx j.236L, land, short backdash, 5S > H > 6H xx 2X+S~2S (Bold Cancel Teleport), j.236L~L, land, 623M > M xx 236XX (703,000 for 1 bar, builds ~0.75 bars of meter)</nowiki></code>
[ Video Timestamp] Basic confirm off the Hard Knockdown caused by raw Hammer or raw j.5S. As with the standard combo, keep in mind you do not need to Bold Cancel Teleport if close to the corner, just Bold Jumping is good enough. <br>
<code><nowiki>j.236L~L, land, 3HH > S sjc. j.236L~L, land, short dash, 623M > M, short backdash, 5S > H > 6H xx 2X+S~2S (Bold Cancel Teleport), j.236L~L, land, short dash, 623M > M, xx 236XX (549,000 for 1 bar, builds ~0.95 bars of meter)</nowiki></code> <br>
[ Video Timestamp]. Alternate Hard Knockdown confirm. Less damage but more meter build. <br>
<code><nowiki>5M > 5H > 6H xx X+S~623M jc. j.5M > j.5H xx j.236M, j.5H xx j.236L, land, 5S sjc. j.5M > j.5H xx j.236H, land, 623M~M, short backdash, 5S > H > 6H xx X+S, j.236H, land, 623M~M, 6H xx X+S~214H > H xx 236XX (~730,000 for 1 bar, builds ~1.75 bars of meter)</nowiki></code> <br>
[ Video Timestamp]. Corner only. Sky Dance combo using its unique ability to reset Ground Bounce multiple times per combo.
[ Airthrow Conversions] <br>
==== Clay Pidgeon Loops ====
If Dante presses H after using his 5S launcher, he will cancel into Clay Pigeon, an attack where he fires bullets at the launched opponent, juggling them. Normally, if he presses S again during Clay Pidgeon, he will then cancel into Prop Shredder. However, if Dante delays his second S input until Clay Pidgeon is completed, he can use his normal 5S instead. There is a tight timing window where Dante can catch the opponent with a delayed 5S before they fall to the ground, then cancel into Clay Pidgeon again, creating a loop. This is a more advanced Dante combo route, but offers better damage and very good meter build. There are two types of Clay Pidgeon reps - "Max Shot" reps, where you mash H on Clay Pidgeon to get the full eight shots and juggle the opponent higher, and "Min Shot" reps, where you only press H a single time, firing only two shots to minimize scaling and Hitstun Deterioration.
When performing Clay Pidgeon Loops, hold forward on the stick. Dante will use the slight gap between Clay Pidgeon and 5S to step forward, preventing him from being pushed out of range.
<code><nowiki>5M > 5H > 6H xx X+S~623M jc. j.5M > j.5H xx j.236M, j.5H, land, 5S > H(Mash H), 5S > H (Mash H), 5S > H (Mash H) > 6H xx 2X+S~2S (Bold Cancel Teleport), j.236L~L, land, short dash, 623M > M, 623M > M xx 236XX (~750,000 for 1 bar, builds ~1.8 bars of meter)</nowiki></code> <br>
[ Video Timestamp] <br>
<code><nowiki>j.236L~L, land, 623M jc. j.5M > j.5H xx j.236M, j.5H, land, 5H > 5S > H (hold forward), 5S > H, 5S > H, 5S > H (Mash H), 5S > H (Mash H), > 6H xx 2X+S~2S (Bold Cancel Teleport), j.5S, land, short dash, 623M > M, 623M > M xx 236XX (780,000 for 1 bar, builds ~1.8 bars of meter)</nowiki></code> <br>
[ Video Timestamp] <br>
<code><nowiki>j.236L~L, land, 623M jc. j.5M > j.5H xx j.236M, j.5H, land, 5H > 5S > H (hold forward), 5S > H, 5S > H, 5S > H (Mash H), 5S > H (Mash H), > 6H xx X+S~236H~H (Bold Cancel Grapple), 5S > H (Mash H), 214L xx 236XX (742,000 for 1 bar, builds ~1.8 bars of meter)</nowiki></code> <br>
[ Video Timestamp] Basically identical to the above combo, but with an alternate ender. <br>

Revision as of 04:52, 6 July 2023

Motion Input Chart
7 Ub.png 8 U.png 9 Uf.png
4 B.png 5 N.png 6 F.png
1 Db.png 2 D.png 3 Df.png
Notation Meaning
(Leave a space) cancel from the previous normal to the following.
, Link from the previous move to the following.
> Cancel the previous move into the following special / super move.
~ Cancel special into set followup or plink previous attack into the following.
dl. / delay Delay the following move.
whiff Must whiff the following move.
land Must land on the ground before the next move.
rejump Must land then jump again before the next move.
j. / sj. Move is done in a jump / superjump.
jc / sjc Cancel previous move into a jump / superjump.
ia./tk. Instant Air or Tiger Knee Special or Super Move.
XX Any two attack buttons excluding S.
NXX Dash / Airdash in N direction.
X+S Any other attack button and S pressed at the same time.
AA Anti-Air
[X] Hold input
-X- Release input
(N) Connect with only the Nth hit of this attack.
(Move) Move is optional.
[sequence] x N Repeat sequence N times.

Beginner Combos

Combos One Star.png
Basic, simple combos with few requirements or restrictions.
  • Work on all or nearly all characters.
  • Require little to no resources (Meter, Assists, Character Specific Stocks).
  • Need minimal adjustments for positioning or starter.
Dante Basic Solo Combo
Provided ID could not be validated.
Damage: ~580,300 (with 1 bar)
Meter Gain: 1 bar (costs 1)
5L 5M 5H 5S sjc. j.M j.M j.H > j.236L, land, 5S sjc. j.M j.M j.H > j.236H, land, 236XX (mash)

Extremely basic combo, with solid corner carry and damage without getting to complicated with bold cancels.