Soulcalibur VI/Haohmaru/Strategy: Difference between revisions

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236A 4A+B+K (90)
236A 4A+B+K (90)
LH WF BA 4A+B+K (117)
LH WF BA 4A+B+K (117)
==Combat Lessons==
===Fighting Style===
A dynamic sword style using the blade Fugudoku that involves searching for an
opening and, when the time is right, unleashing a single mighty strike that can
cleave foes clean in half.
Mixing several original techniques with Nicotine Caffeine's teachings, this style
involves keeping your distance and waiting for the perfect moment. Then, when
the opponent makes their move, unleashing a fearsome slash that can change the
tide of battle in an instant.
When the wielder toes the brink of death, they will achieve Max Rage, imbuing
their sword with savage energy.
If this energy explodes with a roar of fury, the ensuing force is like the wrath of
an infernal demon.
This power can annihilate all enemies before it—even gods.
===Style Lesson: Beginner===
==== Pressure and Punish with Power Slash Techniques ====
This style specializes in destructive single-strike attacks, the most devastating of
those being the Power Slash attacks. Examples include Iron Splitter (B+K) and
Rising Heavy Slash (2B+K), which each deal critical damage in just one blow.
=== Iron Splitter ===
|name=Iron Splitter
|input={{Icon-SC|B}}{{Icon-SC|+}}{{Icon-SC|K}} B+K
|notes=Power Slash. {{Icon-SC|LH}} post-GI. {{Icon-SC|GC}} 82 dmg in rage, 98 in RXP
=== ~ Tip Hit ===
|name=Iron Splitter Tip Hit
|input={{Icon-SC|B}}{{Icon-SC|+}}{{Icon-SC|K}} B+K
|notes=Power Slash. {{Icon-SC|LH}} post-GI. {{Icon-SC|GC}} 64 dmg in rage, 76 in RXP
=== Rising Heavy Slash ===
|name=Rising Heavy Slash
|input={{Icon-SC|2}}{{Icon-SC|B}}{{Icon-SC|+}}{{Icon-SC|K}} 2B+K
|notes=Power Slash. Can be done as FC. {{Icon-SC|B}}{{Icon-SC|+}}{{Icon-SC|K}}. Tech Crouch[6-12]. {{Icon-SC|LH}} vs whiffed throw. {{Icon-SC|GC}}
Power Slash moves can have the following properties:
* The path they carve in the air is colored.
* They have slow startup, but inflict a great deal of damage.
* Under certain conditions. they can trigger lethal hits and deal enough damage to win the match.
* If guarded. the moves will put you in a staggered state. making you vulnerable.
Not all Power Slash moves have these properties, but trying to land them in battle
is the key to this style.
The easiest way to land a Power Slash move is to perform one after your
opponent misses their attack. From mid-range, you can feint with Cyclone Slash
(6A+B) to bait your opponent's attack. then dodge with an B-way run and
immediately punish with iron Splitter (B+K).
=== Cyclone Slash ===
|name=Cyclone Slash
|input={{Icon-SC|6}}{{Icon-SC|A}}{{Icon-SC|+}}{{Icon-SC|B}} 6A+B
|notes=input as {{Icon-SC|2}}. {{Icon-SC|3}}. {{Icon-SC|6}}. {{Icon-SC|A}} for increased damage
==== Guard Break with Ronin Technique Cancels ====
This style also has special moves called Ronin Techniques. They deal chip damage
when guarded. and can be performed after canceling certain attacks upon hit or
guard. After pressuring your opponent with moves like Cyclone Slash (6A+B) or Iron
Splitter (B+K), you can dash forward and use the middle attack Diagonal Slash
(33_66_99B) or Balance Breaker (Front) ([A+G]), as well as
throws to break your opponent's guard. Diagonal Slash can be canceled into a
Ronin Technique, so once it hits, you can combo into moves like the Crescent
Moon Slash (2A+B). If you use Balance Breaker (Front) to stagger your opponent, you
can immediately follow up by inputting 66BB to perform Diagonal Slash
(Cancel) ~ Crescent Moon Slash.
=== Diagonal Slash ===
|name=Diagonal Slash
|input={{Icon-SC|33}}{{Icon-SC|5}}{{Icon-SC|66}}{{Icon-SC|5}}{{Icon-SC|99}}{{Icon-SC|B}} (3)_(6)_(9)B
|notes={{Icon-SC|SS}} into Ronin Technique upon hit or guard possible. {{Icon-SC|GC}}
=== ~ Ronin Technique ===
|name=Diagonal Slash
|input={{Icon-SC|33}}{{Icon-SC|5}}{{Icon-SC|66}}{{Icon-SC|5}}{{Icon-SC|99}}{{Icon-SC|B}} (3)_(6)_(9)B
|notes=Upon hit or guard. {{Icon-SC|GC}}
====Diagonal Slash (cancel) ~ Crescent Moon Slash ====
|name=Diagonal Slash (cancel) ~ Crescent Moon Slash
|input={{Icon-SC|33}}{{Icon-SC|5}}{{Icon-SC|66}}{{Icon-SC|5}}{{Icon-SC|99}}{{Icon-SC|B}}{{Icon-SC|B}} (3)_(6)_(9)BB
|notes=2nd attack input {{Icon-SC|6}}. {{Icon-SC|2}}. {{Icon-SC|3}}. {{Icon-SC|B}} for increased damage
=== Balance Breaker (Front) ===
|name=Balance Breaker (Front)
|input={{Icon-SC|AA}}+{{Icon-SC|GG}} (A)+(G)
|notes=6 {{Icon-SC|TH}}
=== Crescent Moon Slash ===
|name=Crescent Moon Slash
|input={{Icon-SC|6}}{{Icon-SC|2}}{{Icon-SC|3}}{{Icon-SC|B}} 623B
==== Landing Power Slash Techniques ====
This style does not excel at long distances. However, moves like Rushing Forward
Fist (33_66_99K) have fast startup and can hit distant opponents.
If your opponent dodges the attack by crouching or using an 8-way run, punish
hem with the middle horizontal attack Rushing Vagrant Sweep (33_66_99A). If the
opponent uses feints, you can perform Iron Splitter (B+K) from an 8-way run to dominate.
=== Rushing Forward Fist ===
|name=Rushing Forward Fist
|input={{Icon-SC|33}}{{Icon-SC|5}}{{Icon-SC|66}}{{Icon-SC|5}}{{Icon-SC|99}}{{Icon-SC|K}} (3)_(6)_(9)K
=== Rushing Vagrant Sweep ===
|name=Rushing Vagrant Sweep
|input={{Icon-SC|33}}{{Icon-SC|5}}{{Icon-SC|66}}{{Icon-SC|5}}{{Icon-SC|99}}{{Icon-SC|A}} (3)_(6)_(9)A
===Style Lesson: Adept===
==== Using Warrior's Focus to Break the Opponent's Guard ====
This style's unique movement action Warrior's Focus (6B+K) is a great way
to stagger your opponent. Moves like the middle attack Haze (During Warrior's
Focus BA) and the low attack Windstorm Splitter (During Warrior's Focus
KA) can easily break your opponent's guard. If you've activated Rage
Explosion, you'll have access to Judgment Sky Divider (With Rage Explosion &
during Warrior's Focus A+G), which your opponent cannot grapple break out
=== Warrior's Focus ===
|name=Warrior's Focus
|input={{Icon-SC|6}}{{Icon-SC|B}}{{Icon-SC|+}}{{Icon-SC|K}} 6B+K
|notes=14f to enter stance. Tech Crouch[8-RC]. {{Icon-SC|SS}} into WF
=== ~ Haze ===
|input={{Icon-SC|B}}{{Icon-SC|A}} BA
|notes={{Icon-SC|LH}} when stacked 3 Power Slashes. Normal Hit Combo
=== ~ Windstorm Splitter ===
|name=Windstorm Splitter
|input={{Icon-SC|K}}{{Icon-SC|A}} KA
|notes=Normal Hit Combo
===RXP ~ Warrior's Focus ~ Judgment Sky Divider ===
|name=Judgment Sky Divider
|input={{Icon-SC|A}}{{Icon-SC|+}}{{Icon-SC|G}} A+G
|stance=RXP WF
|notes={{Icon-SC|TH}} (unbreakable)
==== Triggering Max Rage When Health is Low ====
When your health is low. you'll give in to your anger and enter your Max Rage
state, increasing your strength. While in this state, you'll be enveloped in a red
aura and have access to special, more powerful moves you normally can't
perform. There is no time limit to Max Rage and it will continue until the next
battle, but using Flame of the Conqueror (With Max Rage 6A+B+K) will end
the state.
=== Flame of the Conqueror ===
|name=Flame of the Conqueror
|input={{Icon-SC|6}}{{Icon-SC|A}}{{Icon-SC|+}}{{Icon-SC|B}}{{Icon-SC|+}}{{Icon-SC|K}} 6A+B+K
|stance=RG RXP
|notes=input as {{Icon-SC|2}}. {{Icon-SC|3}}. {{Icon-SC|6}}. {{Icon-SC|B}}{{Icon-SC|+}}{{Icon-SC|K}} for increased damage. {{Icon-SC|CE}}.
==== The Once-per-match Rage Explosion ====
Rage Explosion (With Max Rage 4[A+B+K]) is a special soul charge that can
only be triggered with Max Rage. When triggered, you'll be surrounded in a blue
aura, release a shockwave that hits your opponent, and have access to special
attacks. Rage Explosion is more powerful than a normal soul charge, and
Lightning Blade (With Rage Explosion 4A+B+K) packs enough power to
defeat your opponent in an instant. However, Rage Explosion, like a normal soul
charge, has a time limit. and using moves like Flame of the Conqueror (With Rage
Explosion 6A+B+K) or Lightning Blade (With Rage Explosion 4A+B+K) will instantly end the state.
Additionally, triggering Rage Explosion will remove the Rage icon near your health
bar, meaning you can't trigger it again in the same match.
=== Rage Explosion ===
|name=Rage Explosion
|input={{Icon-SC|4}}{{Icon-SC|AA}}+{{Icon-SC|BB}}+{{Icon-SC|KK}} 4(A)+(B)+(K)
|notes={{Icon-SC|SC}} and RXP. {{Icon-SC|BA}}. {{Icon-SC|SC}}. Invul since i4.
===~ Lightning Blade ===
|name=Lightning Blade
|input={{Icon-SC|4}}{{Icon-SC|A}}{{Icon-SC|+}}{{Icon-SC|B}}{{Icon-SC|+}}{{Icon-SC|K}} 4A+B+K
|notes=Ronin Technique. Damage increase based on how much gauge remains. Ends RXP but not SC.
===Style Lesson: Master===
==== Making Use of Deflect ====
Deflect (236A+B) is a special guard impact unique to this style. With it.
you can only deflect high and middle weapon-based attacks, but you'll be immune
to reverse impacts, making it a worthwhile option. Unlike normal guard impacts,
you'll be able to leave your opponent open even if they use a strong attack, so
pay attention to their attack animation and punish accordingly!
=== Deflect ===
|input={{Icon-SC|2}}{{Icon-SC|3}}{{Icon-SC|6}}{{Icon-SC|A}}{{Icon-SC|+}}{{Icon-SC|B}} 236A+B
|notes={{Icon-SC|GI}}[4-10] vs {{Icon-SC|H}}&{{Icon-SC|M}} non-kick attacks
==== Dealing with the Staggered State ====
If your opponent guards your Power Slash technique, you'll enter a staggered
state and be vulnerable. However. while in this state, you'll be able to cancel into
a Ronin Technique or Deflect (236A+B), so you're not completely defenseless. For example,
you can evade high and middle attacks with Calm Blade (4A+B) and prevent
a counterattack. You can also use Earthquake Slice (8A+B) to dodge low
attacks. If your opponent is too cautious to perform any attacks, you can force
them to guard Titanium Splitter (A+B), giving you a chance to keep the
pressure up.
=== Calm Blade ===
|name=Calm Blade
|input={{Icon-SC|4}}{{Icon-SC|2}}{{Icon-SC|1}}{{Icon-SC|K}} 421K
|notes=Parry [8-18] vs {{Icon-SC|H}}&{{Icon-SC|M}} attacks. {{Icon-SC|BA}} if successful parry
=== Earthquake Slice ===
|name=Earthquake Slice
|input={{Icon-SC|8}}{{Icon-SC|A}}{{Icon-SC|+}}{{Icon-SC|B}} 8A+B
|notes=input as {{Icon-SC|4}}. {{Icon-SC|2}}. {{Icon-SC|1}}. {{Icon-SC|B}} for increased damage. Tech Jump[6-27]. {{Icon-SC|GC}}
=== Titanium Splitter ===
|name=Titanium Splitter
|input={{Icon-SC|A}}{{Icon-SC|+}}{{Icon-SC|B}} A+B
|notes=input as {{Icon-SC|2}}. {{Icon-SC|1}}. {{Icon-SC|4}}. {{Icon-SC|B}} for increased damage. {{Icon-SC|LH}} vs GI. {{Icon-SC|GC}}
==== Control Your Rage to Emerge Victorious ====
This style has three options by which you can increase your power: Max Rage,
which can be triggered at low health; soul charge. which can be triggered at the
cost of one soul gauge; and Rage Explosion, which can only be triggered once per
match. Mastering your Rage and these options is key to coming out on top.
During Max Rage, you're at low health, but you can use Flame of the Conqueror
(With Max Rage 6A+B+K), which has fast startup, and Crescent Moon
Slash (2A+B) gains a lethal hit condition causing it to trigger when you strike an
opponent who missed an attack. Utilize these options to punish opponents
rushing to end the battle quickly.
While soul charged, you not only gain access to special commands, but having
your Power Slash attack guarded will not put you into a staggered state. You'll
also be able overwhelm your opponent with combos like Force Fang ~ Warrior's
Focus (While soul charged AABB6) and Curving Strike ~ Surging Tide
(While soul charged 623KBB). Rage Explosion gives you the benefits
of both a soul charge and Max Rage, but if you use it too early in the match, you
won't have it later when you might need it most.
====Force Fang ~ Warrior's Focus ====
|name=Force Fang ~ Warrior's Focus
|input={{Icon-SC|A}}{{Icon-SC|A}}{{Icon-SC|B}}{{Icon-SC|B}}{{Icon-SC|6}} AABB6
|notes={{Icon-SC|GC}}. {{Icon-SC|SS}} into WF
====Curving Strike ~ Surging Tide ====
|name=Curving Strike ~ Surging Tide
|input={{Icon-SC|6}}{{Icon-SC|2}}{{Icon-SC|3}}{{Icon-SC|K}}{{Icon-SC|B}}{{Icon-SC|B}} 623KBB
===Critical Edges===
==== Judgment Blast Slash ====
===== Properties =====
A powerful Ronin Technique that requires one soul gauge to use. It can be
performed with A+B+K, but if you perform it with
341236421B+K instead, you'll deal more damage.
=== Judgment Blast Slash ===
|name=Judgment Blast Slash
|input={{Icon-SC|A}}{{Icon-SC|+}}{{Icon-SC|B}}{{Icon-SC|+}}{{Icon-SC|K}} A+B+K
|notes=input as {{Icon-SC|3}}. {{Icon-SC|4}}. {{Icon-SC|1}}. {{Icon-SC|2}}. {{Icon-SC|3}}. {{Icon-SC|6}}. {{Icon-SC|4}}. {{Icon-SC|2}}. {{Icon-SC|1}}. {{Icon-SC|A}}{{Icon-SC|+}}{{Icon-SC|B}}{{Icon-SC|+}}{{Icon-SC|K}} for +5 damage. SG. {{Icon-SC|GC}}
===== Tips =====
Since it's a Ronin Technique, you can cancel into it from certain moves. Landing
the attack after Diagonal Slash (33_66_99B) in particular makes
for a hard-hitting combo.
==== Flame of the Conqueror ====
===== Properties =====
A critical edge that can only be triggered with Max Rage or Rage Explosion. It can
be performed with 6A+B+K, but if you perform it with 236B+K
instead, you'll deal more damage. In addition to requiring one soul gauge, it
consumes your active Max Rage/Rage Explosion. but its startup is fast and it
greatly lowers your opponent's guard stamina upon hit.
===Flame of the Conqueror===
|name=Flame of the Conqueror
|input={{Icon-SC|2}}{{Icon-SC|3}}{{Icon-SC|6}}{{Icon-SC|A}}{{Icon-SC|+}}{{Icon-SC|B}}{{Icon-SC|+}}{{Icon-SC|K}} 236A+B+K
|stance=RG RXP
|notes=30% Guard damage upon hit. Ends RG/RXP state. {{Icon-SC|CE}}
===== Tips =====
Though it ends your Max Rage/Rage Explosion state, it's still worthwhile to try
and land the attack. Try using it after guarding low attacks or other vulnerable
moves. or by canceling into it after landing Knee Strike (2B).
=== Soul Charge ===
==== Powered-up Ronin Techniques ====
While soul charged. you'll have access to more powerful Ronin Techniques, such
as Hurricane Slash(236A), Eruption Slice (421B), and Crescent
Moon Cleave (623A+B).
===Hurricane Slash===
|name=Hurricane Slash
|input={{Icon-SC|2}}{{Icon-SC|3}}{{Icon-SC|6}}{{Icon-SC|A}} 236A
=== Eruption Slice ===
|name=Eruption Slice
|input={{Icon-SC|4}}{{Icon-SC|2}}{{Icon-SC|1}}{{Icon-SC|B}} 421B
|notes=on whiff, quake (+10). Tech Jump[6-27]. GC. {{Icon-SC|BA}}
=== Renting Tremor Slash ===
|name=Renting Tremor Slash
|input={{Icon-SC|6}}{{Icon-SC|2}}{{Icon-SC|3}}{{Icon-SC|A}}{{Icon-SC|+}}{{Icon-SC|B}} 623A+B
|notes=Tech Crouch[2-14]
==== Powered-up Power Slash Techniques ====
While soul charged, moves like Iron Splitter (B+K) and Rising Heavy Slash
(2B+K) will no longer leave you in a staggered state when guarded. Iron
Splitter will also have revenge attack properties, allowing you to weather your
opponent's attacks and deal massive damage in return. Follow-up attacks like
Soaring Swallow (2B+KB) and Force Fang (AABB) can be used as
well while soul charged.
=== Iron Splitter ===
|name=Iron Splitter
|input={{Icon-SC|B}}{{Icon-SC|+}}{{Icon-SC|K}} B+K
|notes=Parry[6-18] vs one {{Icon-SC|H}}&{{Icon-SC|M}} attack with 20 or less damage. {{Icon-SC|LH}} post-GI. {{Icon-SC|GC}}
=== Falcon ===
|input={{Icon-SC|2}}{{Icon-SC|B}}{{Icon-SC|+}}{{Icon-SC|K}} 2B+K
|notes=can be done also as FC. {{Icon-SC|B}}{{Icon-SC|+}}{{Icon-SC|K}}. Tech Crouch[6-12]. {{Icon-SC|LH}} on whiffed throw. {{Icon-SC|GC}}
|input={{Icon-SC|2}}{{Icon-SC|B}}{{Icon-SC|+}}{{Icon-SC|K}}{{Icon-SC|B}} 2B+KB
|notes=can be done also as FC. {{Icon-SC|B}}{{Icon-SC|+}}{{Icon-SC|K}}. {{Icon-SC|B}}. {{Icon-SC|GC}}
===Force Fang===
|name=Force Fang
|input={{Icon-SC|A}}{{Icon-SC|A}}{{Icon-SC|B}}{{Icon-SC|B}} AABB
==== 14-Slash Combo ====
A soul attack that showers your opponent with attacks and shifts you to a soul
charged state. If your opponent doesn't attack you once you perform the 14th
slash. you'll trigger Max Rage even if your health isn't low. Inputting
236A+B+K AABBKK ABK KK B+K with precise timing will net you more damage, but the move can still be performed by mashing the attack button. However. if you miss the next slash won't be performed, meaning there are limited opportunities to land all the slashes.
=== 14-Slash Combo ===
|name=14-Slash Combo
|input={{Icon-SC|2}}{{Icon-SC|3}}{{Icon-SC|6}}{{Icon-SC|A}}{{Icon-SC|+}}{{Icon-SC|B}}{{Icon-SC|+}}{{Icon-SC|K}} 236A+B+K
|notes=SG. {{Icon-SC|SC}}
|name=14-Slash Combo
|input={{Icon-SC|2}}{{Icon-SC|3}}{{Icon-SC|6}}{{Icon-SC|A}}{{Icon-SC|+}}{{Icon-SC|B}}{{Icon-SC|+}}{{Icon-SC|K}}{{Icon-SC|A}}{{Icon-SC|A}}{{Icon-SC|B}}{{Icon-SC|B}}{{Icon-SC|K}}{{Icon-SC|K}}{{Icon-SC|A}}{{Icon-SC|B}}{{Icon-SC|K}}{{Icon-SC|K}}{{Icon-SC|K}}{{Icon-SC|K}}{{Icon-SC|B}}{{Icon-SC|+}}{{Icon-SC|K}} 236A+B+KAABBKKABKKKKB+K
|notes=perfect input adds +6 damage. SG. SC. {{Icon-SC|GC}}
==== Rage Explosion ====
When at Max Rage. you can not only perform a soul charge. but
also a special soul charge unique to this style known as Rage Explosion. With
Rage Explosion active. you can use soul charge attacks and the powerful Blinding
Flash (With Rage Explosion 4A+B+K), which has fast startup. Landing the
Blinding Flash quickly is crucial, as the more Rage Explosion time you have left,
the more damage you deal. Additionally, as Rage Explosion is a type of soul
charge, you can't use a normal soul charge or soul attack while it's active.
===RXP ~ Lightning Blade ===
|name=Lightning Blade
|input={{Icon-SC|4}}{{Icon-SC|A}}{{Icon-SC|+}}{{Icon-SC|B}}{{Icon-SC|+}}{{Icon-SC|K}} 4A+B+K
|notes=Ronin Technique. Damage increase based on how much gauge remains. Ends RXP but not SC.
=== Reversal Edge ===
==== Following Up with A: ====
A powerful horizontal attack with Power Slash properties. As with commands like
B+K, you will enter a Staggered State if your opponent guards the attack.
While soul charged, it becomes an unblockable attack.
==== Following Up with B: ====
The 2nd hit will automatically connect and deal damage if you hit your opponent
or trigger a Guard Crush. The 2nd hit can also be canceled into a Ronin
==== Following Up with K: ====
An attack in which you punch diagonally downward. It can be followed up with
2B, etc. upon hit.

Revision as of 08:19, 14 July 2021

Video Guides

Meter Usage

Critical Edge

At i20 with the range it has, Haohmaru's critical edge seems to be one of the weakest in the game, but the key is the way he can combo into it.

He can do various strengths of CE punish with different starters of different speeds.

i14: aB CE -- 65 damage i16: WR B CE, or just SA combo which does 75+SC i18: 66B CE -- 80 i20: regular CE -- 74

He can also combo into from command throws:

(A+G) 66B CE -- 80 4(A+G) aB CE -- 68

Complimenting throws, 3B CE does 71.

It's also possible to do the pretzel CE input after confirming a 3B or 4(A+G) to add three damage. For 3B, you can use the 3 part of 3B as part of the pretzel. For 4(A+G), wait until the opponent fully switches sides, then do 3 41236 aB 421B+K.

Being able to do 70+ from both a throw and a mid when you have meter makes ending rounds easy, as they are forced to guess right or lose the round.

If you are really good at hit confirming, you can safely fish for 66B CE. A safe opener to 80 damage is not even close to the worst meter option in the game, and Haoh can do even better.

Soul Charge

Haoh's regular SC at first seems to only excel at whiff punishing and doing gimmicky tracking tornados, but dig a little deeper and you'll find that he has threatening mixup tools for every defensive option the opponent does, through combo routes to 623A+B BT B+K 2B+KB.

-Throws lead to either aB or 66B into 623A+B -4B is an i16 mid CH tool that combos to 2B, which combos to 623A+B -623A/623:A is a tracking high that is a regular move, but on CH it combos to the 623A+B combo -44A is a tracking mid that combos on CH to 623A+B, somewhat CH confirmable -22AB is a fast tracking high that combos to 2B+KB -6A is a middle speed high that combos to 623A+B on CH, though it is a difficult CH confirm -66B+KB is a strong mid that does 14 in chip damage, 20% guard damage, the second hit cannot be GI'd, and can lead to WF on hit confirm -2B+KB similarly is a strong mid with 14 chip, it does 24% guard damage, the string jails, and it knocks down. It also gives 2 slashes -B+K is the least useful as a mid, but its damaging range is longer than the other two, so it can let you place a big damage mid at yet another range.

Additionally, his ronin cancel mixup gets a big boost. -421B/8A+B does 18/14 chip and 14% guard damage, while being 0 on block and beating RE -If you think they'll step, cancelling to 623:A will CH that and combo to 623A+B -Cancelling into 623KBB can also be decent pressure, as there are two places to stop the string, three if you count whether to ronin cancel at all. If 66BK for example hits, you can confirm for the BB. If just 623K CHs, 2B+KB combos for 65

So, the idea is that if you run at them, at any point you are threatening to do 66B into ronin stuff, or you may hit them stepping with 623:A, 22AB, or 44A. If they let you in close, you can do his devastating throw mixup, where if they break the throw they still have to deal with a 623:A/66B/runup throw/66B+KB mixup. AABB can also useful here in catching step quickly, and if AA hits, the BB string ender is a force block, and it can be done after hit confirming AA.

Scary run-in mixups tend to encourage pokeouts and RE from the opponent, so shuffling in and out and baiting this can easily induce a whiff, which you can punish with 623A+B or 66B into 623A+B. Throwing a 236A tornado from a distance can hit people trying to poke out early, as well. 44K on non-LH can combo to aB into 623A+B.

His oki becomes much more devastating and safer since 2B+KB does not result in a recoil, so if you get a knockdown, you can force these mixups constantly. Just remember to run forward after his knockdowns to chase down techers.

His punishment i14 and above also becomes incredible. -aB and 2B combo to 623A+B for 66 and 59, respectively -at i16 and above you can go right into 623A+B for 86

Not so useful SC moves are B+K and 8B+K. B+K -has armor to it, but this does little to help it land. -It only absorbs one hit and usually gives the opponent time to block after an absorb. -It's rare that the absorb will result in a hit, at best it will prevent a CH from some moves. 8B+K -the evasion frames are (TC 12-13) (TJ 16-?), not very useful. Must call out a low or throw far in advance, and if wrong you will be stepped and punished or interrupted.

Soul Attack

SA is a powerful i16 punish, either doing far more damage than any other SA, or granting Rage without being low health.

The input is 236A+B+K AABBKKABKKKKB+K, but mashing buttons that aren't A+B near the end will do the entire sequence. Completing the sequence does 45 damage, doing it with all the correct buttons adds 3 damage, and hitting all the JFs adds another 3 damage. Either way, hit it and they are sent across the stage, with you in rage and SC (but not RXP).

The sequence is ronin cancellable after the 3rd to last hit (special cancellable). If blocked, this is an opportunity to use A+B/214B or SC 8A+B/421B to do some chip damage and be at +0. On hit, this is an opportunity to ronin cancel into 623A+B BT B+K 2B+KB for 75 damage and better oki than completing the sequence. 623A+B into BT B+K 421B tech traps all on some, and is at least a force block which results in the best oki on hit. The drawback to this combo is that you don't get Rage, so it's up to you to judge whether 30 damage and better oki is worth the Rage.


Rage is entered by having your health bar drop below the tick mark or by completing Soul Attack on hit without ronin cancelling after the 3rd to last hit.

The bonuses favor whiff punishment and mixups with throws, as well as providing bonuses to normal attacks. However, you are usually low health when in rage, so if you are wrong on the mixups or fail a whiff punish, you could lose the round.

623B/2A+B with Lethal Hit on whiff punishment. Combo followup is 623KK 623B or just 623B for ease of use. At i18 it's able to whiff punish 2As with good reactions. The frame 4 TC on this move also makes it a tempting risk to take. In either case, the easy input makes it easier to do reactive whiff punishes or step-TC.

623K gets a safe K extension which adds damage and creates hesitation from punishing the first K. This makes 66BKK another great whiff punisher, though doing a bit less than a LH 2A+B. The second hit can be made unsteppable by spacing the 623K or 66BK so that the K connects late, giving less time between the blockstun and the second K. The first hit remains steppable and both hits are GIable, so mixing up the ronin cancel to 214K, 623:A, or 214B is needed.

To compliment 66BKK as the mid part of the mixup, command throws will combo to 66BKK. (A+G) 66BKK and 4(A+G) aB 623KK are the combos.

Rage makes 66B do 67, (A+G) do 67, and 4(A+G) do 58, allowing for easy meterless round ending mixups.

Punishment improves with opportunity to aB 623KK for i14, or with meter at i14, 236B+K for 65 damage.

Lastly, in Rage, holding SC causes a Rage Explode.

Rage Explode

Rage Explode gives a damage boost to all attacks and the addition of some very strong tools, at the expense of not being able to enter Rage for the rest of the game.

Rage Explode grants access to both Rage and SC moves, as well as unique moves Issen (4A+B+K), 6B+K A+G, and a further extended 623KBBB string.

Issen is i14, reaches a very long distance, and combos out of throws and any ronin cancel on hit. After usage, you lose Rage and Rage Explode but retain SC. Its damage depends on how much SC time you have left. When SC time gets below 27%, comboing to Issen is less favorable than comboing to 623A+B, which will do extra damage from the Rage Explode bonus.

So, it's a race against time to make use of the Issen, putting pressure on the opponent to stall you. However, all methods of stalling are vulnerable.

If the opponent is hit by the Rage 4(A+B+K) RXP SC blast, they are at -8 from a distance, an immediate Issen will CH their movement for maximum Issen damage. Knowledgable opponents will then want to stand still and block and punish this if it comes, as Issen is very unsafe.

Standing still leaves them open to command throws, which combo right into Issen. Any pokeout or RE to avoid a mixup leaves them open to being baited into an Issen whiff punish. SC too can be baited with movement and exploited by running in for a mixup.

Another option for RXP offense is to use WF. WF A+G is a 70 damage unbreakable throw.

Notice we lack safe options that lead to Issen on ducking. We could instead use the standard SC mids, or go for a 3B, but by the end of the game, where you should be using RXP, you also are likely to have one or two of the slash LHs available. With three heavy slashes landed, you have access to a LH mid, WF BA, and with five slashes, 66B 236B which jails and is safe and LHs.

66BKBBB is similar in usage to 66KBB in regular SC, and can be used as the mid part of the mixup as well, as you can hit confirm the 66B after the K hits.

If you're really good at hit confirming, Issen is possible off any ronin cancellable move except 44A NH.

Issen damage by SC time left (roughly): 100%-72%: 98 72%-50%: 86 50%-27%: 74 27%-17%: 62 17%-0%: 50

Example Issen combos (damage is for 100%-72% time): (A+G) 66B 4A+B+K (102) 4(A+G) 4A+B+K (101) 66B/WR B/2B 4A+B+K (102/95/75) 3B/22B 4A+B+K (91/88) 44K 4A+B+K (102) CH 4B 4A+B+K (97) CH 22AB/623:A 4A+B+K (93/89) CH 44A 4A+B+K (117) 236A 4A+B+K (90) LH WF BA 4A+B+K (117)

Combat Lessons

Fighting Style

A dynamic sword style using the blade Fugudoku that involves searching for an opening and, when the time is right, unleashing a single mighty strike that can cleave foes clean in half.

Mixing several original techniques with Nicotine Caffeine's teachings, this style involves keeping your distance and waiting for the perfect moment. Then, when the opponent makes their move, unleashing a fearsome slash that can change the tide of battle in an instant.

When the wielder toes the brink of death, they will achieve Max Rage, imbuing their sword with savage energy.

If this energy explodes with a roar of fury, the ensuing force is like the wrath of an infernal demon.

This power can annihilate all enemies before it—even gods.

Style Lesson: Beginner

Pressure and Punish with Power Slash Techniques

This style specializes in destructive single-strike attacks, the most devastating of those being the Power Slash attacks. Examples include Iron Splitter (B+K) and Rising Heavy Slash (2B+K), which each deal critical damage in just one blow.

Iron Splitter

Sc B.pngSc +.pngSc K.png B+K - Attack Level: Sc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
28 70 -14 -4 -4 15%
Power Slash. Sc LH.png post-GI. Sc GC.png 82 dmg in rage, 98 in RXP

~ Tip Hit

Sc B.pngSc +.pngSc K.png B+K - Attack Level:
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
- 54 -14 -4 -4 -
Power Slash. Sc LH.png post-GI. Sc GC.png 64 dmg in rage, 76 in RXP

Rising Heavy Slash

Sc 2.pngSc B.pngSc +.pngSc K.png 2B+K - Attack Level: Sc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
22 45 -14 -4 -4 15%
Power Slash. Can be done as FC. Sc B.pngSc +.pngSc K.png. Tech Crouch[6-12]. Sc LH.png vs whiffed throw. Sc GC.png

Power Slash moves can have the following properties:

  • The path they carve in the air is colored.
  • They have slow startup, but inflict a great deal of damage.
  • Under certain conditions. they can trigger lethal hits and deal enough damage to win the match.
  • If guarded. the moves will put you in a staggered state. making you vulnerable.

Not all Power Slash moves have these properties, but trying to land them in battle is the key to this style.

The easiest way to land a Power Slash move is to perform one after your

opponent misses their attack. From mid-range, you can feint with Cyclone Slash (6A+B) to bait your opponent's attack. then dodge with an B-way run and immediately punish with iron Splitter (B+K).

Cyclone Slash

Sc 6.pngSc A.pngSc +.pngSc B.png 6A+B - Attack Level: Sc SM.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
36 22 -10 LNC LNC 6%
input as Sc 2.png. Sc 3.png. Sc 6.png. Sc A.png for increased damage

Guard Break with Ronin Technique Cancels

This style also has special moves called Ronin Techniques. They deal chip damage when guarded. and can be performed after canceling certain attacks upon hit or guard. After pressuring your opponent with moves like Cyclone Slash (6A+B) or Iron Splitter (B+K), you can dash forward and use the middle attack Diagonal Slash (33_66_99B) or Balance Breaker (Front) ([A+G]), as well as throws to break your opponent's guard. Diagonal Slash can be canceled into a Ronin Technique, so once it hits, you can combo into moves like the Crescent Moon Slash (2A+B). If you use Balance Breaker (Front) to stagger your opponent, you can immediately follow up by inputting 66BB to perform Diagonal Slash (Cancel) ~ Crescent Moon Slash.

Diagonal Slash

Sc 33.pngSc 5.pngSc 66.pngSc 5.pngSc 99.pngSc B.png (3)_(6)_(9)B - Attack Level: Sc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
18 20 -10 0 0 6%
Sc SS.png into Ronin Technique upon hit or guard possible. Sc GC.png

~ Ronin Technique

RT Sc 33.pngSc 5.pngSc 66.pngSc 5.pngSc 99.pngSc B.png (3)_(6)_(9)B - Attack Level: Sc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
18 20 16 26 26 7%
Upon hit or guard. Sc GC.png

Diagonal Slash (cancel) ~ Crescent Moon Slash

Sc 33.pngSc 5.pngSc 66.pngSc 5.pngSc 99.pngSc B.pngSc B.png (3)_(6)_(9)BB - Attack Level: Sc M.pngSc M.pngSc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
18 45 -18 KND KND 17%
2nd attack input Sc 6.png. Sc 2.png. Sc 3.png. Sc B.png for increased damage

Balance Breaker (Front)

Sc AA.png+Sc GG.png (A)+(G) - Attack Level: Sc H.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
18 0 - 18 - -
6 Sc TH.png

Crescent Moon Slash

Sc 6.pngSc 2.pngSc 3.pngSc B.png 623B - Attack Level: Sc M.pngSc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
18 32 -18 LNC LNC 14%
Sc GC.png

Landing Power Slash Techniques

This style does not excel at long distances. However, moves like Rushing Forward Fist (33_66_99K) have fast startup and can hit distant opponents. If your opponent dodges the attack by crouching or using an 8-way run, punish hem with the middle horizontal attack Rushing Vagrant Sweep (33_66_99A). If the opponent uses feints, you can perform Iron Splitter (B+K) from an 8-way run to dominate.

Rushing Forward Fist

Sc 33.pngSc 5.pngSc 66.pngSc 5.pngSc 99.pngSc K.png (3)_(6)_(9)K - Attack Level: Sc H.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
12 14 -2 6 10 2%

Rushing Vagrant Sweep

Sc 33.pngSc 5.pngSc 66.pngSc 5.pngSc 99.pngSc A.png (3)_(6)_(9)A - Attack Level: Sc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
22 20 -12 6 6 4%

Style Lesson: Adept

Using Warrior's Focus to Break the Opponent's Guard

This style's unique movement action Warrior's Focus (6B+K) is a great way to stagger your opponent. Moves like the middle attack Haze (During Warrior's Focus BA) and the low attack Windstorm Splitter (During Warrior's Focus KA) can easily break your opponent's guard. If you've activated Rage Explosion, you'll have access to Judgment Sky Divider (With Rage Explosion & during Warrior's Focus A+G), which your opponent cannot grapple break out of.

Warrior's Focus

Sc 6.pngSc B.pngSc +.pngSc K.png 6B+K - Attack Level:
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
14 - - - - -
14f to enter stance. Tech Crouch[8-RC]. Sc SS.png into WF

~ Haze

WF Sc B.pngSc A.png BA - Attack Level: Sc M.pngSc H.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
18 22 -8 4 4 10%
Sc LH.png when stacked 3 Power Slashes. Normal Hit Combo

~ Windstorm Splitter

WF Sc K.pngSc A.png KA - Attack Level: Sc L.pngSc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
18 16 -16 -2 -2 5%
Normal Hit Combo

RXP ~ Warrior's Focus ~ Judgment Sky Divider

RXP WF Sc A.pngSc +.pngSc G.png A+G - Attack Level: Sc H.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
18 70 - KND KND -
Sc TH.png (unbreakable)

Triggering Max Rage When Health is Low

When your health is low. you'll give in to your anger and enter your Max Rage state, increasing your strength. While in this state, you'll be enveloped in a red aura and have access to special, more powerful moves you normally can't perform. There is no time limit to Max Rage and it will continue until the next battle, but using Flame of the Conqueror (With Max Rage 6A+B+K) will end the state.

Flame of the Conqueror

RG RXP Sc 6.pngSc A.pngSc +.pngSc B.pngSc +.pngSc K.png 6A+B+K - Attack Level: Sc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
14 66 -28 KND KND 10%
input as Sc 2.png. Sc 3.png. Sc 6.png. Sc B.pngSc +.pngSc K.png for increased damage. Sc CE.png.

The Once-per-match Rage Explosion

Rage Explosion (With Max Rage 4[A+B+K]) is a special soul charge that can only be triggered with Max Rage. When triggered, you'll be surrounded in a blue aura, release a shockwave that hits your opponent, and have access to special attacks. Rage Explosion is more powerful than a normal soul charge, and Lightning Blade (With Rage Explosion 4A+B+K) packs enough power to defeat your opponent in an instant. However, Rage Explosion, like a normal soul charge, has a time limit. and using moves like Flame of the Conqueror (With Rage Explosion 6A+B+K) or Lightning Blade (With Rage Explosion 4A+B+K) will instantly end the state. Additionally, triggering Rage Explosion will remove the Rage icon near your health bar, meaning you can't trigger it again in the same match.

Rage Explosion

RG Sc 4.pngSc AA.png+Sc BB.png+Sc KK.png 4(A)+(B)+(K) - Attack Level: Sc SM.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
6 0 0 8 8 0%
Sc SC.png and RXP. Sc BA.png. Sc SC.png. Invul since i4.

~ Lightning Blade

RXP Sc 4.pngSc A.pngSc +.pngSc B.pngSc +.pngSc K.png 4A+B+K - Attack Level: Sc SM.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
14 86 -26 KND KND 9%
Ronin Technique. Damage increase based on how much gauge remains. Ends RXP but not SC.

Style Lesson: Master

Making Use of Deflect

Deflect (236A+B) is a special guard impact unique to this style. With it. you can only deflect high and middle weapon-based attacks, but you'll be immune to reverse impacts, making it a worthwhile option. Unlike normal guard impacts, you'll be able to leave your opponent open even if they use a strong attack, so pay attention to their attack animation and punish accordingly!


Sc 2.pngSc 3.pngSc 6.pngSc A.pngSc +.pngSc B.png 236A+B - Attack Level:
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
- - - - - -
Sc GI.png[4-10] vs Sc H.png&Sc M.png non-kick attacks

Dealing with the Staggered State

If your opponent guards your Power Slash technique, you'll enter a staggered state and be vulnerable. However. while in this state, you'll be able to cancel into a Ronin Technique or Deflect (236A+B), so you're not completely defenseless. For example, you can evade high and middle attacks with Calm Blade (4A+B) and prevent a counterattack. You can also use Earthquake Slice (8A+B) to dodge low attacks. If your opponent is too cautious to perform any attacks, you can force them to guard Titanium Splitter (A+B), giving you a chance to keep the pressure up.

Calm Blade

Sc 4.pngSc 2.pngSc 1.pngSc K.png 421K - Attack Level: Sc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
- 28 6 KND KND 15%
Parry [8-18] vs Sc H.png&Sc M.png attacks. Sc BA.png if successful parry

Earthquake Slice

Sc 8.pngSc A.pngSc +.pngSc B.png 8A+B - Attack Level: Sc M.pngSc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
28 30 -14 KND KND 14%
input as Sc 4.png. Sc 2.png. Sc 1.png. Sc B.png for increased damage. Tech Jump[6-27]. Sc GC.png

Titanium Splitter

Sc A.pngSc +.pngSc B.png A+B - Attack Level: Sc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
36 40 0 STN STN 15%
input as Sc 2.png. Sc 1.png. Sc 4.png. Sc B.png for increased damage. Sc LH.png vs GI. Sc GC.png

Control Your Rage to Emerge Victorious

This style has three options by which you can increase your power: Max Rage, which can be triggered at low health; soul charge. which can be triggered at the cost of one soul gauge; and Rage Explosion, which can only be triggered once per match. Mastering your Rage and these options is key to coming out on top. During Max Rage, you're at low health, but you can use Flame of the Conqueror (With Max Rage 6A+B+K), which has fast startup, and Crescent Moon Slash (2A+B) gains a lethal hit condition causing it to trigger when you strike an opponent who missed an attack. Utilize these options to punish opponents rushing to end the battle quickly.

While soul charged, you not only gain access to special commands, but having your Power Slash attack guarded will not put you into a staggered state. You'll also be able overwhelm your opponent with combos like Force Fang ~ Warrior's Focus (While soul charged AABB6) and Curving Strike ~ Surging Tide (While soul charged 623KBB). Rage Explosion gives you the benefits of both a soul charge and Max Rage, but if you use it too early in the match, you won't have it later when you might need it most.

Force Fang ~ Warrior's Focus

SC Sc A.pngSc A.pngSc B.pngSc B.pngSc 6.png AABB6 - Attack Level: Sc H.pngSc H.pngSc M.pngSc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
14 28,63 0 8 16 17%
Sc GC.png. Sc SS.png into WF

Curving Strike ~ Surging Tide

SC Sc 6.pngSc 2.pngSc 3.pngSc K.pngSc B.pngSc B.png 623KBB - Attack Level: Sc M.pngSc M.pngSc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
20 35 -4 6 6 14%

Critical Edges

Judgment Blast Slash


A powerful Ronin Technique that requires one soul gauge to use. It can be performed with A+B+K, but if you perform it with 341236421B+K instead, you'll deal more damage.

Judgment Blast Slash

Sc A.pngSc +.pngSc B.pngSc +.pngSc K.png A+B+K - Attack Level: Sc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
20 79 -22 KND KND 21%
input as Sc 3.png. Sc 4.png. Sc 1.png. Sc 2.png. Sc 3.png. Sc 6.png. Sc 4.png. Sc 2.png. Sc 1.png. Sc A.pngSc +.pngSc B.pngSc +.pngSc K.png for +5 damage. SG. Sc GC.png

Since it's a Ronin Technique, you can cancel into it from certain moves. Landing the attack after Diagonal Slash (33_66_99B) in particular makes for a hard-hitting combo.

Flame of the Conqueror


A critical edge that can only be triggered with Max Rage or Rage Explosion. It can be performed with 6A+B+K, but if you perform it with 236B+K instead, you'll deal more damage. In addition to requiring one soul gauge, it consumes your active Max Rage/Rage Explosion. but its startup is fast and it greatly lowers your opponent's guard stamina upon hit.

Flame of the Conqueror

RG RXP Sc 2.pngSc 3.pngSc 6.pngSc A.pngSc +.pngSc B.pngSc +.pngSc K.png 236A+B+K - Attack Level: Sc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
14 71 -28 KND KND 10%
30% Guard damage upon hit. Ends RG/RXP state. Sc CE.png

Though it ends your Max Rage/Rage Explosion state, it's still worthwhile to try and land the attack. Try using it after guarding low attacks or other vulnerable moves. or by canceling into it after landing Knee Strike (2B).

Soul Charge

Powered-up Ronin Techniques

While soul charged. you'll have access to more powerful Ronin Techniques, such as Hurricane Slash(236A), Eruption Slice (421B), and Crescent Moon Cleave (623A+B).

Hurricane Slash

SC Sc 2.pngSc 3.pngSc 6.pngSc A.png 236A - Attack Level: Sc SM.pngSc SM.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
36 28,14 -16 LNC LNC 16%

Eruption Slice

SC Sc 4.pngSc 2.pngSc 1.pngSc B.png 421B - Attack Level: Sc M.pngSc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
28 50 0 KND KND 14%
on whiff, quake (+10). Tech Jump[6-27]. GC. Sc BA.png

Renting Tremor Slash

SC Sc 6.pngSc 2.pngSc 3.pngSc A.pngSc +.pngSc B.png 623A+B - Attack Level: Sc M.pngSc M.pngSc M.pngSc M.pngSc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
16 53 -26 LNC LNC 14%
Tech Crouch[2-14]

Powered-up Power Slash Techniques

While soul charged, moves like Iron Splitter (B+K) and Rising Heavy Slash (2B+K) will no longer leave you in a staggered state when guarded. Iron Splitter will also have revenge attack properties, allowing you to weather your opponent's attacks and deal massive damage in return. Follow-up attacks like Soaring Swallow (2B+KB) and Force Fang (AABB) can be used as well while soul charged.

Iron Splitter

SC Sc B.pngSc +.pngSc K.png B+K - Attack Level: Sc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
28 77(50) -8 -4 -4 15%
Parry[6-18] vs one Sc H.png&Sc M.png attack with 20 or less damage. Sc LH.png post-GI. Sc GC.png


SC Sc 2.pngSc B.pngSc +.pngSc K.png 2B+K - Attack Level: Sc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
22 49 -8 -4 -4 15%
can be done also as FC. Sc B.pngSc +.pngSc K.png. Tech Crouch[6-12]. Sc LH.png on whiffed throw. Sc GC.png
SC Sc 2.pngSc B.pngSc +.pngSc K.pngSc B.png 2B+KB - Attack Level: Sc M.pngSc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
22 49,22 -12 KND KND 24%
can be done also as FC. Sc B.pngSc +.pngSc K.png. Sc B.png. Sc GC.png

Force Fang

SC Sc A.pngSc A.pngSc B.pngSc B.png AABB - Attack Level: Sc H.pngSc H.pngSc M.pngSc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
14 28,63 -8 0 8 17%
Sc GC.png

14-Slash Combo

A soul attack that showers your opponent with attacks and shifts you to a soul charged state. If your opponent doesn't attack you once you perform the 14th slash. you'll trigger Max Rage even if your health isn't low. Inputting 236A+B+K AABBKK ABK KK B+K with precise timing will net you more damage, but the move can still be performed by mashing the attack button. However. if you miss the next slash won't be performed, meaning there are limited opportunities to land all the slashes.

14-Slash Combo

Sc 2.pngSc 3.pngSc 6.pngSc A.pngSc +.pngSc B.pngSc +.pngSc K.png 236A+B+K - Attack Level: Sc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
16 26 -2 8 8 2%
SG. Sc SC.png
Sc 2.pngSc 3.pngSc 6.pngSc A.pngSc +.pngSc B.pngSc +.pngSc K.pngSc A.pngSc A.pngSc B.pngSc B.pngSc K.pngSc K.pngSc A.pngSc B.pngSc K.pngSc K.pngSc K.pngSc K.pngSc B.pngSc +.pngSc K.png 236A+B+KAABBKKABKKKKB+K - Attack Level: Sc M.pngSc H.pngSc H.pngSc H.pngSc M.pngSc M.pngSc M.pngSc M.pngSc M.pngSc M.pngSc M.pngSc M.pngSc M.pngSc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
16 45 -14 KND KND 13%
perfect input adds +6 damage. SG. SC. Sc GC.png

Rage Explosion

When at Max Rage. you can not only perform a soul charge. but also a special soul charge unique to this style known as Rage Explosion. With Rage Explosion active. you can use soul charge attacks and the powerful Blinding Flash (With Rage Explosion 4A+B+K), which has fast startup. Landing the Blinding Flash quickly is crucial, as the more Rage Explosion time you have left, the more damage you deal. Additionally, as Rage Explosion is a type of soul charge, you can't use a normal soul charge or soul attack while it's active.

RXP ~ Lightning Blade

RXP Sc 4.pngSc A.pngSc +.pngSc B.pngSc +.pngSc K.png 4A+B+K - Attack Level: Sc SM.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
14 86 -26 KND KND 9%
Ronin Technique. Damage increase based on how much gauge remains. Ends RXP but not SC.

Reversal Edge

Following Up with A:

A powerful horizontal attack with Power Slash properties. As with commands like B+K, you will enter a Staggered State if your opponent guards the attack. While soul charged, it becomes an unblockable attack.

Following Up with B:

The 2nd hit will automatically connect and deal damage if you hit your opponent or trigger a Guard Crush. The 2nd hit can also be canceled into a Ronin Technique.

Following Up with K:

An attack in which you punch diagonally downward. It can be followed up with 2B, etc. upon hit.